Thursday, October 18, 2012

Zippy Boxes


Zippy Boxes

What's that you ask?  You know those plastic boxes of all sizes and shapes that you cart around your leftovers in.  I just happen to think that zippy boxes is a better name and everyone seems to get it.  I hope you have a designated place for all your plastic containers.  Maybe you are highly organized and have a lid for every box?  If so, congrats - because I don't.

My "plastic" cupboard is a mess.  There is no other word that would adequately describe what's going on in there.  Martha Stewart would have a heart attack at the disarray.  There are two shelves completely devoted to all things plastic and I can never find a thing.  I have red square bottoms but no lids and round green lids but no bottoms.  I try and stick with one brand of zippy boxes but occasionally a different kind will sneak into the cabinet and then I'm really screwed.

The solution is simple.  I know this and so do you.  I should sit down and pull everything out of the cupboard (ugh) and fit tops and bottoms together.  And if I end up with orphans then they should get tossed out to be recycled.  But in my mind the minute that I throw out a perfectly good bottom/top the mate will show up.  My orphaned plastic will be like the lone sock that you keep around for years hoping that it's mate will pop out of the washer unexpectedly one day.  Like that's ever going to happen.

So my boxes teeter inside the cupboard and I push everything inside as fast as I can and close the door quickly before something falls out.  I have everything in there from the itty bitty jars that hold mere spoonfuls to the behemoth boxes that hold an entire meal.

The cleaning of the plastic cupboard is very low on my priority list.  Reading, napping or watching cheesy tv definitely takes precedence over rummaging around in a bunch of plastic bottoms and tops.  Maybe if popcorn or a  glass of wine was involved I might be persuaded to become more organized.  But I doubt it.


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