Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Night Television


Sunday Night Television

What I'm about to write is somewhat (or maybe a lot) inflammatory.  But bear in mind it's my opinion and in the big scheme of things doesn't matter.  I just want to get it off my chest.

The subject: football.  I'm not a football fan, never have, never will.  I do, however, realize how important it is to millions of people.  And then there's me.  I have an impressive Sunday night television show schedule and one that is constantly being interrupted by football.  You want to watch football, great.  Couldn't football have it's own channel?  It would be heaven for the fans - one game after another.  And heaven for me as well.  I wouldn't have to start checking at 7:00 to see how long the game is going to go and how much time I'm going to have to add to my last show of the evening.  It's an impressive piece of juggling on my part.

I also fault the channels themselves.  There is GREAT tv watching on Sunday night which dwindles down as the week progresses.  I think the reasoning behind this is almost everyone is home on Sunday night, whereas Friday and Saturday nights would draw a lighter audience.  I had to upgrade to a 4 tuner Tivo to keep pace with the shows that run on Sunday.  Thank heaven for premium channels so I can move off a show (like Homeland) to another day.  Of course, if I didn't have some kind of recorder then I'd really have a dilemma.  Remember the days when you had to choose between this show or that one?  I do.  Of course there was some really good television being shown back then and reality shows weren't even a twinkle in anybody's eye.

So, there you have it folks.  I, would like to see football, or any sport for that matter, be sequestered on to a separate channel or channels.  Don't hate me for my opinion, just not a sports fan and have never pretended to be.  

I have already programmed my line up for tonight and managed to get in all the Sunday night shows that Jeff and I watch, including two new ones: Upstairs, Downstairs and Nashville. Lot of hype about Nashville so I'm anxious to see if it actually measures up.


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