Tuesday, October 23, 2012




I don't know about you but I have always had a hard time losing weight.  Heavens I know I have lost the same 10 pounds (give or take) a hundred times over.  I did the Atkins thing, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers and even resorted to the old fashioned calorie counting.  To be sure I'd have a  small weight loss which generally meant that I went out and celebrated my good news - um with food!

A year ago I went through the process to prepare to have weight loss surgery.  You must attend nutrition classes and support groups to hear all the things you should do - which by the way you already knew - just weren't doing them.  The support groups began to be a testament to my patience.  We "heard" from the same people over and over again and the universal cry about getting enough protein.  The best sob story was a woman who carries a tiny bottle of water with her into restaurants so she doesn't have to order a glass of water.  I don't know whether this had more to do with her concern over wasting water or was afraid she would over indulge.

I did the surgery and the weight does come off slowly but consistently and I was thrilled.  New clothes were added to the closet and it was all very exciting.  Just because you only have a tiny bit of stomach left and definitely have to eat less doesn't mean you can be lax about eating.

At the office there are regular group birthday celebrations that involve grocery store cake.  You know the kind, cake covered thickly in that cloyingly sweet frosting with the super large decorations of flowers that are guaranteed to give you an automatic overdose of sugar.  So when the cake is cut, I decline.  I bring a little snack to munch on - yesterday it was a graham cracker - not as exciting to be sure but not loaded with a zillion calories either.  To set the record straight I still eat desserts, love them in fact, but I want them to be worth every bite I take.  Grocery store cake isn't worth the calories to me, I just don't enjoy them and never did.

Invariably at a celebratory gathering someone(s) will ask if I want a piece of cake.  And I decline.  My weight loss surgery is not a secret - at the office or anywhere for that matter.  I'm okay with letting people know that I couldn't control my weight any other way and I waved the white flag - and gave into the solution of last resort - surgery.  Oh back to the piece of cake.  Even though I've declined (graciously I might add) there is generally a nudge about "just have a little piece" or "such willpower".  I continue my assurances that I'm good, as I nibble my cracker, and that I really don't want a little piece of cake.  Folks I don't have much will power or else I would never have resorted to surgery in the first place.  I love cake and I could certainly down a piece if I wanted to - but that much sugar would be hard on my body not to mention the scales.  

So when you're out and about and someone politely declines dessert, for whatever reason, just leave it at that.  It's a personal decision and shouldn't be challenged in any way and the dieter means no offense.  No means no and leave it at that.


1 comment:

  1. What is up with people still nudging you to have a piece of cake..."It's just a little piece", I am sure that it makes them feel better about the fact that they are having a piece and that you have stronger willpower to resist. We have all "been there" in that situation. And you are correct, grocery store cake is just "gross"


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