Tuesday, October 30, 2012




Maybe while you're reading this you're enjoying a cup of Joe.  I know as I sit here writing I'm sipping on my favorite morning beverage - black coffee.

Before I met Jeff I had never even tasted coffee, I was more of a hot tea drinker.  Sometime during the dating process Jeff told me that most people asked if you wanted a cup of coffee rather than tea and that I should give coffee a try.  Oh and I should drink it black so I didn't have to fuss with cream and sugar.  I tried the coffee and eventually developed a taste for coffee - black.  Thirty-eight years later I am proud to say that I can literally drink Jeff under the table when it comes to coffee.  I have, unfortunately, developed a bad habit of leaving half drunk cups of coffee throughout the house.  They don't go to waste though because I am more than willing to drink them at room temperature.  I know this habit of leaving cups wherever I was last probably drives Jeff crazy but it seems so natural to me.  When I return to my desk there's a cup of coffee waiting or one by the sofa.  Very convenient.

I have over the years developed a quirk about drinking coffee from clear cups, which is all I use at home.  I like seeing where the coffee is.  Stainless commuter cups drive me crazy - you look inside and you can't tell if the coffee is close to the top or way down at the bottom.  I don't like surprises.  

I also don't like super duper hot coffee such as you will get at a fast food place.  I am more of a large gulp temperature drinker - I don't want to have to blow and sip on coffee - it just shouldn't be that hot.  If it can scald your taste buds then it's too hot.  It's pretty hard to explain in a drive through that you want a half cup of coffee with several spoonfuls of ice dropped in.  To solve this problem I just don't order "to go" coffee.  Jeff will order coffee and after an hour or so he will assure me that the coffee is now drinkable (by my standards).

I don't get coffee from fancy coffee bars and stores either.  A couple of problems with getting coffee there.  First, it's too darn expensive and second it's too strong.  Coffee in these places is made strong on purpose and the majority of customers add cream (lots) and sugar to make it palatable.  I doubt that many people who order coffee in such places ever order it black - what would be the fun in that?  

At work we have gourmet coffee for sale downstairs in the cafeteria or at several places on each floor are free coffee stations.  You can literally drink coffee 8 hours a day if you choose - for free.  Is it good coffee?  Not really.  It doesn't have much of a taste but the price is right.  I see no reason to pay for something that I can get for free.  

At work I veered away from a clear coffee cup and chose instead an English bone china dainty cup decorated with flowers and super feminine.  I veer away from cups advertising some product or company, they're ugly and generally very heavy.  Heavy cups is another quirk of mine - I prefer lightweight ones and I can't really say why.  Just me being me I guess.

After 38 years of drinking coffee, I don't drink it for the caffeine, I just like the taste. 

Enjoy your coffee today.


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