Thursday, October 4, 2012

Words with Friends


Words with Friends

One of the super neat things about my Smart phone is the ability to play games.  Well not games particularly - one game - Words with Friends.  And I'm here to admit that I'm not much competition.

I play with 6 people and have multiple games going on with one or two of them.  I am not a strategist so I seldom (no almost never) scour the board looking for the highest points.  This just doesn't occur to me.  I'm rather simplistic so if I add an "s" or an "ed" to a word, I'm pretty happy.

I'd love to be a big point word person - but I'm just not.  I did go out and buy a Scrabble dictionary in BIG print (so I can read it) to help me mostly with Q and Z words.  Just off the top of my head I can only come up with a few Q and Z words without help.  An example of those words: quiet, quiz or quick (and I never have all those letters).  For Z, I can think up zip, zap, zit and zoo and then I merely draw a blank.  I mean really how many times do you use a Z word in your daily life?  

In the dictionary there are only 8 pages devoted to Q words and here's some examples you can use in your future games: quadrumanous, quinalizarin or my personal favorite quinquagenarian (which I no longer am).  The definition of quinquagenarian is people between the age of 50 and 60 - who knew?  By the way none of the Q words made it through spell check!

Five pages are devoted to the letter Z.  For sure you could spell out stuff like zigzagger, zeugma or zibeline, but good luck getting all those letters in place.  Interesting fact about the letter Z - the words seem to be mostly related to chemicals and minerals, which may be why I don't know any of them.

Thanks to those who play the word game with me and who knows maybe someday I'll be able to come up with a super large point word - but don't hold your breath.  By engaging in word games I hoping to keep my brain from drying up - completely!  


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