Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cigarette Butts


Cigarette Butts and Gum

Everybody has the right to smoke if they want to and I'm fine with it.  Here's what I'm not so happy about.  The disposal of the butts.  I have, and you have also, driven behind someone who when they are through with their cigarette just toss the butt out the window.  Why do they do that?  Just use the ashtray inside your car, that's what it's there for.  Besides everybody knows you can't sell a car until the ashtray is full!

Last night I had to stop at the drugstore and when I got out of my car I put my foot right in the middle of butts - not just one or two - nope somebody had mindlessly emptied their ashtray out onto the pavement.  This annoyed me greatly.  Cigarette butts may not rank up there as large road trash but it's trash just the same and should be disposed of properly.  Do you suppose that the "dumper" gave any thought to who was going to clean up after him?  Somehow I doubt it.  His ashtray was clean and I guess that's all that mattered.

When my oldest son smoked I would find his butts in my lawn and I fixed that.  We had what I called a "GI" party and he had to go around the yard and pick up each and every one.  This exercise only needed to be done ONCE.  Somebody invented the ashtray - use it.

Another pet peeve of mine and lots of folks is gum.  Please don't throw your gum on the ground.  Unlike stepping in cigarette butts which merely annoys me - gum sticks to the bottom of my shoe - and my annoyance level really cranks up.  Why?  Because now I have to take time to try and clean the bottom of my shoe preferably before I get into my car or walk into my house or store.  From time to time I chew gum and when I'm through with it, whether I'm home or at work, I always wrap it up in a tissue before I put it in the trash can.  I can assure you that nobody wants to touch your used gum. 

I guess the real message here is that trash is trash regardless of how big or small it is and we should think before we toss.

Happy Thursday.


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