Wednesday, October 17, 2012




Everybody gets the same 24 hours every day.  How you choose to spend them is up to you.  Everybody is different as are their priorities.  The more disciplined among us may decide to work more (boring) while we sloths pick sleep or time on the sofa preparing to go to sleep.

The interesting thing about time is that it seems to be different through the week than the weekend.  Oh I know it's the same 24 hours, I'm not completely off my rocker.  It's just that time zooms by on Saturday and Sunday.  One minute you're reading the paper and enjoying a second cup of coffee and before you know it, it's time to fix dinner.  Where did the day go you wonder?  I ask this question each and every weekend.

Contrarily, those same daylight hours during the week drag by.  An eight hour day seems to be well an eight hour day.  The difference in these 8 hours is that they take forever to end.  Or does it just seem that way as we sit and watch all the various time devices on our desk tick the minutes off.  Both my computer and telephone will tell me, to the minute, what time it is - which generally is one minute later than the last time I looked!

I do know that when you are heads down on a project and hardly break to eat, those kind of days definitely zip by.  A slower day is harder to bear and all you want to do is pound your head against the desk and literally wish the time away.  Or, if you're not into head banging, pack up your bag and go home (which sounds like a great idea)!

Time is not created equally - 8 hours is not always 8 hours - it just depends on what you're doing.  Everybody knows that fun time always ends too quickly while the same can't be said for our work time.

Go to work - count the minutes!


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