Tuesday, October 9, 2012



Possible - Word of the Day

There are many things we control in our life.  For instance, I believe it's possible to make your own happiness and peace.  I believe it's also possible to create your own downward spiral into dark places.  I know I've managed to do both during my life time and with regard to that downward part, more than once.

It's possible to completely change a person's day with an upbeat voice, positive attitude and a genuine smile on your face.  Don't think so?  Try it - I've seen it happen countless times.  On my crummiest days (and I've had more than a few) I still try and meet folks at work with a smile and enthusiasm.  

It's possible to love many people all at the same time.  Your love your children, grandchildren, spouse, friends, extended family and most importantly - yourself.  There's enough love to go around so that nobody should feel short changed.  I'm enough of a realist though to know that sometimes people are on the short end of the stick and generally through no fault of their own. 

Our journey through life is filled with potholes, some of which might be expected and others that appear out of nowhere and swallow us whole.  Now how you approach these potholes will have a profound effect on how fast you hop back on your feet. I believe it's possible through positive thinking to get back on your feet faster.  I know I'm a fine one to talk about this because on more than one occasion I've been handed lemons and instead of making lemonade I allowed them to just leave me sour.  But even if I'm not the best example, I still believe it.

Here's the challenge.  Try the possible today.  Do something for someone and expect nothing in return. The size of what you do doesn't matter - the challenge is to just do it.  Give some spare change to a homeless person, smile at a stranger, hold a door open for someone, buy coffee for the person behind you.  Well you get the idea.  The possibilities are endless.  Once you've helped out a fellow man, it's possible that your day will turn out better than expected!  It's possible.



  1. I totally agree and "Speaking of lemons"..... yesterday we took two boxes of lemons (from our backyard citrus tree) and a check donation (in my late Uncle Lee's memory)for Thanksgiving meals to our Coachella Valley Rescue Mission, which serves many of our valley's homeless. Whenever we go there, it makes my heart feel good and puts a smile on my face. We believe you should always "pay it forward"!

  2. Ruthie, I couldn't agree more. I try and pay it forward when ever I can.


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