Monday, October 21, 2013

Checking In On Monday


It's early evening and I am late getting around to my blog.  There is something about having to go to the hospital in the early morning to get your brain zapped (for my well being I am assured) that makes it hard to blog first thing in the morning.

The treatment was flawless and I have no rational reason for getting myself in a tizzy just prior to going to the hospital.  There is no pain, so I have no idea what there is about the treatment that gets me so upset.  I am now scheduled for treatments twice a week (double the fun)!

When I get home I'm a little bit fuzzy and have zero energy.  Sitting on the sofa and watching mindless television shows seems like a perfect way to spend the day.  This afternoon Jeff drove me to the library and I was able to find 10 books that appear to be good books.  I know you can't judge a book by it's cover, so if I bring home a book from the library and it's a dud - no worries - just take it back to the library and find a replacement.

This afternoon Jeff blew all the leaves in a big pile and I'm the official "picker-upper".  We filled one of the very large lawn bags.  I really love oak trees but you also have to love the mess they make at this time of the year.

There was a television show last night on PBS all about Hampton Court and it was interesting and entertaining.  I think next weekend they are going to do a show about the Tower of London (I already have that in the tivo queue).

Tomorrow it's back to the day program at the hospital.  I must say that the days do really zip by and I do so much talking that I'm worn out by the end of the day.

Dinner is over, the dishwasher has run through its cycle and needs emptying now.  I hope you have a good evening.




  1. I saw that show on Hampton Court too! I loved it! I stumbled upon it, I rarely turn the tv on anymore. I have some book suggestions to forward to you soon.


    1. Look forward to book suggestions. Be sure and check out the PBS special about the Tower of London


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Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...