Sunday, October 20, 2013

Quiet Sunday


It's a quiet Sunday at the Bassett house.  Jeff got up pretty early this morning, grabbed coffee and perhaps a piece of cold pizza and then hurried off to the airport for a day of flying.  I"m sure he told me where he was going but I, of course, have forgotten the details.  Oh well.

I am enjoying the quiet of the house.  The Christmas music is playing away, dishes are washed, laundry is sorted and ready to be washed, the newspaper has been read and the tv section of the paper has been colorfully highlighted so that I don't miss any shows this week that sound interesting.

I just finished updating my "Who's Who" phone list for the house.  I like to update the list every few months or so to make sure that everyone who is anyone is on the "list".  Some people are always on the list and others not so much.  

When I'm finished blogging, I need to get my heart started and actually start a chore or two - anything besides just writing about them.  If all I do is write about chores - then it stands to reason - that none of them will get done!  But we all know that housework is a supreme drag and by the time you finish "choring" it will only take a few misguided minutes to return the house to its original condition (pre-cleanup)!

I am having ECT again tomorrow.  They are now doing the treatments twice a week in hopes that if they "zap" my brain enough times something in the dark recesses of my mind will be jogged positively.  I now I have nothing to lose but hate the treatments just the same and wish I didn't have to do them.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if a magic wand could be waved in my general direction and the burden of being depressed was lifted.  Were that it was that easy.  It's a drag being me and probably, if folks were truthful, a drag just being around me.

"Auntie Kim" kept Benjamin this weekend and while my house isn't as much fun as hers is, Benjamin did come over last night long enough to watch a Dr. Seuss movie with me.  He didn't want to stay the night and I'm not about to force him to stay - perhaps he'll want to stay with me next time. 

I beat one of my challenges into submission this past week.  I had managed to lock myself out of our health care spending accounts and the passwords needed to be reset.  It was a lengthy wait on hold while the support person untangled the mess, which I hope never to duplicate in the future.  You could spend a lifetime waiting to be helped, which is why I always have a cup of coffee at my side!

I hope it's sunny where you are and that you get to go outside and play.  On the east coast it's leaf picking up time and thanks to the oak trees we have a lot of leaves - and squirrels!  Of course the squirrels are encouraged by the dried corn cobs we put out in the yard - so if they stick around it's our fault!

Happy Sunday.


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