Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy Sunday


This is the only day of the week where I can (a) sleep in; and (b) do anything that I want! On the agenda for today besides the usual laundry and vacuuming chores, I'm going to make chili this afternoon.  Jeff is going to spend the day with Andy et al and if I make chili then he can eat when he comes home and I can eat when I'm ready.

After the Saturday program at the hospital, Jeff and I drove out to Andy's house.  Jeff went out to work on the generator and/or mow the back 40.  I got to spend time with Benjamin and I brought all the ingredients to make pumpkin bread.  Andy cooked hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner and dessert was the pumpkin bread.  When we left for the night, I left a whole loaf behind for Andy et al to feast on.  (Warmed up pumpkin bread makes for great breakfast food - slathered, of course, with butter)!

It was good to see Benjamin (as it always is) and it does my heart good when he "walks" me out to the fire pit after dinner for s'mores.  Benjamin has a very kind heart and I hope that he continues to be kind as he gets older.

Before heading out to Andy's house we stopped by the library and I loaded up my week's supply of books to read.  I have already marked up the tv guide so I will sit down this morning and make sure that the tivo is adequately programmed.  The trickiest day to program is Sunday because of the football games, which run into the evening programs that we watch.  Solution, of course, is to change the recording time of the last Sunday night show by three hours.  Guaranteed to not miss any of our regular shows by doing that.

The temperature outside is a bit on the chilly side today, which is one of the things that I love about fall.  Sweaters and light jackets feel good when you're outside and the fire in the fireplace feels good when you're inside.  Mother Nature can hold off on snow/ice for a bit longer, since I'm not a fan of winter precipitation (unless of course it snows so much that nobody leaves their house to venture out).

I hope you all have a perfect Sunday filled with whatever floats your boat - even if that does mean football!

Be well.  P


  1. It's important for you to know that folks like me are out here reading your blog! Keep at it.

  2. I too so enjoy reading your blogs. Friday I also baked pumpkin bread....yum! We made a trip to a "take back your drugs" program at our Sheriff's office to get rid of expired prescription drugs yesterday. Not good to dump them down drains or put in trash. We had several prescription meds for our dearly departed dogs and took those also, then we stopped by my Mom's to deliver a box of lemons and a pretty fall wrapped loaf of the pumpkin bread. We had our first bite of our loaf this morning.....just love this time of the year. Trick or treaters (sp?) we're ready for you, we have our huge bag of candies from Costco. Patti, thanks for being part of my morning ritual....I always have my coffee mug filled and go to the computer ready to read your daily blog. Thanks, Ruthie


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