Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pay Phones and Mail Boxes


I have noticed in my travels around the county that the old blue mailboxes that there is a scarcity of them.  When did that happen?  Where did they all go?  And don't people still need mailboxes?  We do have a mailbox in our neighborhood and I do use it and I may be in the minority.  I grew up, and maybe you did too, with the mailboxes and nobody ever thought, at least back then, that they, for the most part, would cease to exist.   Does nobody send real mail anymore?  You know and I know that eventually those boxes that stand on street corners will probably be removed.  Do you use the mailbox in your neighborhood?  Or is it more of a hassle to get out of your car, walk around to the box to deposit your mail?

Payphones.  Do they exist?  And if so where are they?  When I was a teenager my Dad would give me a quarter before every date so that if things weren't working out, I could always call home.  Of course, if you could find a payphone now, it would cost much more than twenty-five cents.  It seems like everybody has a cellphone and can't bear to be separated from it for even a few minutes.  

I have a cellphone but it's not activated.  It was once but I always forgot how to use it, never turned it on and couldn't figure out how to answer it.  Technology has certainly left me in the dust and on some level I'm okay with that.  We have already established that I really don't enjoy chatting on the phone, would never answer the phone if I was driving and see no good reason to make a call when I'm away from home.

Of course the less I grab on to modern technology the farther I get behind.  It's the nature of things.  I'm still clinging to some outdated things because they are comfortable and don't require me to have a masters degree to operate!  I know this sounds like the grumbling of an old woman - and I guess it is.

So if I'm going to make an appointment I do it the old-fashioned way - paper and pen!  This system, by the way, still works.  My biggest problem with doing this is I have to remember where I put the paper so that I can put it on my calendar once I get home.  But even having to do this is a minor inconvenience for me and one I gladly deal with.

Call someone today.  Everybody will answer you except me - not that I don't want to hear from you, I'm just not connected!

Happy Tuesday.


1 comment:

  1. I can't remember the last time I used a blue mail box, perhaps 2 years ago. A book suggestion for you, "Someone" by Alice McDermott.



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