Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween


Yes, it's trick or treat time tonight.  Since we live at the top of the hill that in the big scheme of things has a small number of houses, we don't get too many goblins showing up at our door.  Even so, you do have to be prepared and we stopped this week at WalMart to purchase several bags of candy (the kind we like just in case we have leftovers)!

Benjamin is Dracula this year and old Dracula was never this cute!  But then again I might be prejudiced but I don't think so.  He's cute, what else can I say!

If you want to think about something that is scarier than Halloween, this weekend is move your clocks back an hour!  So it'll be dark earlier and short, dark days is not exactly my friend.  Thank heavens I have a SAD lamp that I can turn on when I'm typing to try and boost my mood.  This time of the year it's dark by the time you get home and that makes me want to do nothing.  I hate walking around outside in the dark because I'm always afraid that I'm going to stumble over something and fall.  

It's off to the day program this morning for another day of talking.  Truthfully, I am exhausted by the time I get home in the afternoon and in no mood to continue chatting (which I know you are having trouble with that concept)!

Since I am going to the program on Friday also, I get to take Saturday off (can you say sleep in)?  The dogs will sleep on the bed until practically forever - or until the alarm clock is turned off!  Once the alarm clock gets turned off and I remove my CPAP mask, all bets are off.  The dogs turn into whirly devils until they are fed.  After their tummies are full, they are perfectly content to curl up and sleep the remainder of the day away!

A grandmother pretends she doesn't know who you are on Halloween (Erma Bombeck) 

Enjoy today and tonight eat candy!



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