Saturday, October 26, 2013

It's Saturday


Well folks we have made it through another week, which is reason enough to celebrate.  I am off to the day program at the hospital this morning.  The good part about the Saturday program is that there only a handful of people who attend, which makes the groups a bit cozy.

Yesterday I was scheduled for an ECT treatment but began having chest pains so instead of getting a treatment I was shuffled off to the emergency room and hooked up with monitoring equipment.  By dinner time I was getting antsy and wanting to go home.  After several discussions, I was released to go home against doctor's orders.  The chest pain sometimes just shows up for no particular reason but I understand that doctors have an obligation to take the pain seriously.  But every test they conducted came back within guidelines and it was clear I wasn't having a heart attack so I was determined to go home and sleep in my own bed - which I did.

After the day program ends this afternoon, I think Jeff and I are heading out to Andy's house for a visit with Benjamin et al and Jeff wants to work, probably on the generator or perhaps mowing the lawn.  Jeff likes going to Andy's house partly because he likes being out in the country and also because there is so much to do.

It's pretty chilly out this morning and I want to be sure and dress in layers.  The room where the day program is held is really cold all the time and everybody complains about the cold but the temperature doesn't ever change.  I guess it's our job to wear long underwear under our clothes in an attempt to stay warmer.

I don't know if you guys watch Shark Tank but there was a couple on the show last night that were selling a stuffed elephant in a box to help partners communicate.  The theory was that often times people refer to the "elephant in the room"  If you needed to talk to your partner you were supposed to give that person the elephant.  The kicker is that the elephant in the room would set you back $60.00.  Do you know how many elephants or even other stuffed animals you could buy for $60.00?  A lot.  Besides their elephant was really quite small   Cute idea but I doubt that they will be able to sell very many elephants.

I do enjoy seeing what creative ideas people come up with that they are willing to try and sell to the sharks in exchange for money.  For every one really great idea there are five more that are just a waste of the shark's time and likely will never be successful with or without the shark's money.

Time for me to get moving. I hope your schedule allows for you to sleep in this morning.  I know I would if I could.  Have a great Saturday and enjoy the fall nip in the air which definitely gets you moving, and that's a good thing!


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