Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tomorrow's Blog


If you are reading this Thursday evening my intent is for this to be my Friday morning post. I am leaving to go for an ECT treatment early tomorrow morning and will not be in the mood for blogging or even talking.  I decided it would be better to write an evening post rather than leave any of my faithful followers wondering where I am tomorrow morning. I tend to get a bit worked up prior to these treatments even though I know exactly what to expect, but it never seems to make a difference in my irrational mind.

Today was my first day at the partial hospital program at the local hospital.  When we checked in I said that my anxiety was a 10 (not good).  In the afternoon at check out time I had my anxiety more under control and had a good day.  The hospital gives us a prepaid card of $6.00 to use in the cafeteria for lunch.  My lunch came to $5.68 and that included a cookie!  I will have to skip tomorrow's groups but will be back on track for Saturday.

The big news for Friday is that Sam (terrier) will turn 13.  Even though he has cataracts, he still manages to  chase furry things out of the yard.  He sleeps a lot but still knows when the UPS or Fed Ex trucks are on the street and barks to make sure we know their on the street.  Interestingly, he allows the lawn people to come into the backyard with nary a bark.  He's not a very good watch dog, but we'll keep him anyway.

Tomorrow Scott will be closing on his new house and I know that he and Jackie are very excited.  Who doesn't love a new house?  The game plan for tomorrow is that after my treatment and I get fed some sort of breakfast - McDonald's comes to mind, Jeff and I will head down to their house and see what kind of assistance we can offer.  I suspect that my contribution will be reading a book and staying out of the way.  I know better than to be a pushy mother-in-law and that every woman already knows how they want things done in their house.  I remember when we moved into our house all of the "assistance" that we received while well intentioned didn't speed up the process of moving in at all.  If anything it slowed things down because you can't be in two places at the same time and tell people how or where you want things.

So pretend this is Friday, have a nice weekend.  It's possible that my blogs may be a bit scarce over the weekend but I'll try to at least get something written in the evening.


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