Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hoorah It's Dentist Day!


See how I put such a positive spin on something I dread.  I think dentists get a bad rap, but even at my age, I don't like them very much.  It's a childhood thing, back when going to the dentist really was pretty awful, particularly compared to today.  But old memories die hard.

While I know that there won't be any pain due to Novocain, which I appreciate it at the time.  Once I leave the dentist's office I feel like Betty Davis - droopy lips (in my eyes, but nobody else's), trouble drinking through a straw.  I like to treat myself to a milk shake after having been tortured - it's the least I can do for myself!

This is going to be a long appointment, which makes my heart go pitter patter and not in a good way.  Jeff has teeth like a horse, and I mean that in a good way - they are strong and he seldom has cavities.  Me, on the other hand, just walk past a candy shop and a cavity starts forming.  I know I could give up on sugar, but it's so good, I don't think I could/can.

During the drilling part of the visit, I visibly clench my hands which I'm sure the dentist notices.  I clench them out of some misguided fear that I have with dentists.  Even having my teeth cleaned is not something I enjoy and put off, which I shouldn't do, but I do it anyway.  

The dentist's staff are always happy to see me and I'm happy to see them as I head out the door when the torture is over!

I'm hoping that a dental appointment is not on your calendar today and wish it wasn't on mine.


Monday, June 29, 2015

A/C Troubles Again!


We have a love/hate relationship with the company that services our air conditioners.  We love that you don't have to wait days for an appointment.  We love that the technician is clean and courteous.  We hate that within one month we have had two service calls and will have another one tomorrow.  We hate that each time the answer is to add more freon, which by the way, isn't cheap.  We hate that even with those service calls, the downstairs air conditioner is not working properly.

Jeff tasked me to call the manager of the local office and speak to a manager.  I absolutely hate making calls where I must assert myself, it's just not in my nature.  But, I did call and spoke with the manager.  I told him that I didn't want the same technician to come out and that I wasn't going to pay the $119.00 fee for them walking through my door.  Surprisingly, the manager agreed about the fee (that was easier than I thought it would be) and that he would try and get a supervisor out to look at the unit tomorrow.

I think it's premature to celebrate, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that who ever comes out tomorrow will have another solution besides adding more freon.  Where does all this freon go?

We'll see what happens tomorrow.  Luckily, it's not hot or humid today, so that's a good thing.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Flying Today!


Jeff is flying to Ohio today for a "plane people" get together.  It takes about three hours each way, but once he's in the air, he doesn't care how long the trip is.  

This year there was a tangle with getting his medical and then the doctor putting the wrong expiration date - 2015 instead of 2016.  And because that wasn't enough of a hassle, the doctor's office had to get in touch with FAA to fix their mistake.  Basically, he's been grounded now for several weeks and is/was itching to get off the ground.

Jeff asked if I wanted to join him, but I declined.  He'll have a much better time without me, because these plane activities don't interest me very much.  Now if this was a destination fly-in like the Bahamas, then I'd definitely be in.

So today is a laundry, book reading, folding clothes and cleaning the kitchen day for me.  And as an added bonus, I generally don't cook on Sundays, I cook pizza.  Pizza is not Jeff's favorite thing to eat, but I figure I deserve one day a week off from cooking.

Have a great day.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Same Sex Marriages


The ruling by the Supreme Court making same sex marriages legal, as certainly caused an uproar.  I don't like to make a stand on much of anything and I generally keep my opinions to myself.  But for this, I'll make an exception.

I think the ruling was a good one.  I think people should be free to marry any individual they want.  They can marry somebody from Mars for all I care.  I have long believed that what you do in your house is your business.  

Over the years, I have my impact on the world as small as possible and I like it that way.  When we moved from California to Maryland, Jeff and I were shocked to find out how nosy our new neighbors were.  They wanted to know what kind of draperies (not curtains) we were going to have.  What could we see out of one of our bedroom windows that does look down into their house (we keep the blinds closed).

I know there are people who were disappointed with the ruling, but I wasn't one of them.   Women got the right to vote, we did away with segregation, allowed marijuana to be sold legally in some states and this latest ruling is a huge step for same sex marriages.

I know some of you might disagree with me, and that's okay, but this ruling was a long time coming and I believe the right one.



Friday, June 26, 2015

Playing with Benjamin


Yesterday, I had Benjamin all to myself during the day.  Since he was worn out from his three days of camping and amusement rides with Auntie Kim, he slept nearly 12 hours Thursday night.

After breakfast, waffles with warm syrup (a personal favorite of mine too), Benjamin settled down on the sofa to watch one of the movies I had taken out from the library.  Because he's 7, he likes to keep moving.  We got out the chess set and played checkers, more or less, because I couldn't remember the rules!  Didn't matter, Benjamin won every time, which didn't surprise me because I've never been very good at games.

I brought the foam blocks down and the case of little cars, and Benjamin began to build towers and roads.  After causing mass destruction to the towers, which is always fun, Benjamin went back to the sofa and watched another movie - mostly - when his eyes were open.

Later in the afternoon, Benjamin and I went to see the Pixar movie, In and Out.  I love Pixar movies, everything looks so real.  We shared a coke and halfway through the movie, Benjamin told me he was tired.  Once we got home, he grabbed a blanket and headed for the sofa.  He was almost asleep and then Stacey and Andrew arrived.  I had, during the day, grabbed up all of Benjamin's things - treasures, new toy, clothes, shoes, etc. and had them all in one place.  Smart thinking on my part.

Benjamin and I had a quick good-bye, no tears for either of us.  For those of you who know us well, also know that it has been very difficult for Benjamin and me to leave one another.  

All I have to do today is put the lid on the box of blocks and drag them back upstairs.  The box is very big, and takes up a lot of room, so I like to keep it upstairs.  Note to parents and grandparents: foam blocks are definitely the way to go.  When they fall down, no person or object ever gets hurt!

Here's to a quiet Friday for me.


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Doctors Talking Smack!


Yesterday I read in the papers a story about a man who left his cellphone on during his colonoscopy so that it would record what he should do after the test.

Well, the cellphone not only recorded those instructions, but oh so much more.  While he was under, the anesthesiologist and the doctor in the room started talking about the patient, and not in a good way.  During the procedure, the doctors mocked and insulted him, unaware that his cellphone was recording everything that was said in the room.

If insults weren't enough, the doctors instructed an assistant to lie to the patient and then placed a false diagnosis on his chart.  The patient had a rash and the doctor said not to touch it because "you might get syphilis on your arm or something."

Once back at home, the patient played what he recorded and then headed straight to his attorney's office.  During a short trial, the patient was awarded $500,000.  The anesthesiologist no longer works for the medical practice and apparently she has moved to Florida.

For a very long time, before any procedure I had, I used to joke with the doctors not to make negative comments about me while I was asleep.  Apparently, some doctors need to be reminded to do their job and leave the rude comments and jokes outside.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Interesting Facts?


According to the internet, the source of all knowledge (and it's always right!), today is 175th day of the year (176th in leap years in the Gregorian calendar. There are 190 days remaining until the end of the year.

In 1916, Mary Pickford was the first Hollywood star to sign a $1M contract.  That was a whole lot of money back then.

Hopalong Cassidy first appeared in 1949.

Today is Swim a Lap day - ah, if only I could swim!  It is also National Pralines Day (yum).

In 1957, the I Love Lucy television show came to an end.

John Gotti began serving a life sentence in 1992.

A whole bunch of other stuff happened on the 24th, but I don't want to drone on and on, so I'll leave you with these little cocktail conversation starters!  




Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Errand Day


Today is my errand day and I hurried to get them all done this morning, before the outside temperature got any higher.

After breakfast, I went in the backyard to water my new little plants, and so far all of them are looking pretty good.  It would probably help if Sam didn't think he needed to "water" them too!

Then I went to the bank and the post office to mail some bills.  Since Benjamin is coming back here tomorrow night, I also went to the library and picked up several movies that I think he will enjoy.  At his age, it's kind of hard to say for sure.

This afternoon, I'm going to get a haircut, and once that's done - I'm done.  I think we'll eat something cool tonight.  I sure don't want to turn the oven on, so I'll have to poke around and see what I come up with.

I have been going through my blogs from 2014 and 2015 and selected the ones that I thought were better than others.  Some days my blog is forced a bit because it's hard to sit down every day and write something.  If I was only writing about fashion, or something similar, I suspect that I would have lots to say.  

I have to go through the 2013 blogs, of which there are not many.  Once I have the blogs from all three years, I will put them in a Word document and send them to my editor.  She has edited about 39 pages of 2012 blogs, and I'm anxious to get these off to her.

Stay cool.


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Shopping for Dad


Hurry up people, Father's Day is tomorrow!  I don't know about your fathers and/or husbands, but Jeff has never much appreciated a Hallmark card, so if we're out and about today, I'll pick one up at the store and he can read it right there  I know cheap on my part, but you know and I know that cards are getting to be very expensive.

The dilemma of what type of a present is harder when the receiver is a guy.  Women pretty much love everything - jewelry, flowers, perfume, candy, jewelry (you can never have too much)!  Men, on the other hand, want stuff: like tools, tools and more tools.  Men like tools as much as women like jewelry.

We don't really celebrate Father's Day or Mother's Day anymore.  Benjamin generally makes a card or gives us a drawing, and that is more than enough for Jeff and me.  I keep pretty much everything Benjamin has ever made, in my hope chest, and always dated.  While my memories are forever, I can't commit to remembering when each memento was made. 

Jeff, a long time ago, back in the early days of working for IBM was required to wear a tie every day.  Consequently, he has a lot of ties hanging in the closet.  They're no longer needed now.  So buying Jeff a tie would not be a good gift.  On a good day, Jeff is really hard to buy for.  We both have reached the age of "if we want it, we buy it", which slows down what others can buy for us.

Going out for dinner tomorrow would absolutely result in a long wait at a restaurant, unless you go for lunch, which most people don't do.  

I married him many years ago
He was young and so was I
I looked up to him and
Knew in an instance, he was the right guy

The years have gone by
Too fast for me
We're now much older
And wiser too
But 40 years later, he's still the right guy 

Happy Father's Day in advance to all of you fathers, sons and husbands.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Good News - For a Change!


Yesterday, my doctor's office called and told me I was a "go" for St. Jude's stem cell therapy implant.  You have to pass the mental test, which I did.  Then, St. Jude's and the doctor's office reaches out to my insurance company and Medicare to get authorization.  Amazingly, the authorization came through quick.  Maybe the St. Jude's letterhead showing that I was cleared for a trial implant worked magic.

On July 7th, I will have a temporary implant inserted into my back.  The temporary implant is a trial of seven to ten days to see if it works.  If it does, and I'm sure hoping that it does, then I go in and get a permanent implant.

So long story short, the implant is a pulse generator with electrodes to deliver a low dose of electricity that pulses or masks pain signals.  Will the trial implant work?  Who knows.  What I do know is that if I don't try it - I'll never know.  It's as simple as that!

I'm remaining hopefully optimistic.


Thursday, June 18, 2015

New Author


I don't know if any of you have been watching the tv show Wayward Pines, but I have and the story is a thriller of sorts.  Since I have now have time to be curious, I typed in Wayward Pines with Amazon and up pops three books.  All three were available as Kindle Unlimited books and I read them quickly.  The books give you so much more of a story, obviously, than the tv show does.

The author of Wayward Pines is Blake Crouch and he has written a number of murder thrillers.  Luckily for me, some of his books are also available to read for free.  With Kindle Unlimited, you can have 10 books out at a time, and I always have 10 books out at a time!

Now that I've discovered this author and enjoy his books, creepy as they are at times, I'm hooked.   So if you're in the market for a well written thriller type book, and you aren't turned off by gory bits now and then, you should check out this author's books.  


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

No-See-Um Bugs


In our garage, I have done everything possible to keep those little pests from flying around.  It used to be that when you opened the kibble container every morning, tens or more of them would fly out.  Great.  We also kept the dog bones in the garage - same problem.  But, I found the solution.  I bought two Vital Vittle Vaults and those pesky bugs are no longer inside the containers.  Yeah for me.

They are, however, still flying around in the garage and for reasons I can't begin to explain, they annoy me.  Today, I went to Home Depot and bought fly strips where are super sticky and placed one strip near where the dog food is kept.  The other one is going closer to the garbage cans.

Last year I bought two of these sticky strips and they worked really well.  Of course, opening up the cardboard to expose the inside sticky cylinder required me to use nail polish remover to get the glue off my fingers.  Still a small price to pay for knowing that I'm doing my part in controlling gnats or whatever they're called.

Fingers crossed that there have been no ants in my kitchen.  I hate outdoor animals or pests coming into the house.  Makes me crazy, but we know that is a short trip!

Since I have now armed the garage, I'm taking my iced tea and Kindle to the chair!



The Last Ten Minutes of Work!


It's true I now longer work in an office, but I did for many, many years.  And, I have just run across some of the top things people do in the last ten minutes of their day.  When it's nearing time to go home, most people don't want to delve into some humongous project - better to wait for the start of a new day!

Here's the list and you can easily see which, if any, relate to you:

  1. Update their to-do list
  2. Organize their desk
  3. They vet urgent messages 
  4. Stay focused (that's hard during the last ten minutes)
  5. Set goals for the next day
  6. Review their schedule for the next day
  7. They say good-bye to colleagues 
  8. Leave on a positive note - and
  9. Then they actually leave
When I was working, I didn't actually do all of those things, but I was a maniac about my work space.  I had a place for everything and due to some OCD tendencies couldn't tolerate the stapler not being in it's reserved spot.  

As a secretary, I didn't have a to-do list per se.  When I came in the morning, I already knew what I was facing - whatever didn't get done the day before!  And, I didn't set goals for myself.  My goal during my career was to work and do a good job.  I believe I achieved that in every job I held.

Take a few minutes and see how many of these items apply to you.

Happy Tuesday.



Monday, June 15, 2015

Waiting on a Repairman!


Hope you haven't been wondering where I've gotten of to.  Just suffering from a few days of "blog block".  Some days my brain, at least the part that is still working properly :), is well and truly blank.

It is so much easier to blog when I know exactly what I'm going to write about.  So today I'll write about waiting on a repairman.  Once you have scheduled for service, after a designated hour, you are obligated to remain home.  The minute you sneak off to run a quick errand will be the exact moment the repairman will arrive.  It's Murphy's Law and can't be helped.

Last month, we had our two air conditioning units serviced.  We were low on Freon, so more was added, and we were good.  Due to the temperature and high humidity levels, our a/c's have been working around the clock.

Jeff told me yesterday that it was time to call the a/c man back for the downstairs unit.  The unit produced cool but not cold air.  The upstairs unit on the other hand works great.  We need our blankets as well as two dogs!  Perfect sleeping weather.

I had a doctor's appointment and while I had wanted to make a stop, hurried home so that I was here at 1:00.  It's a good thing that my social calendar is empty, because I have no idea when the repairman will show up.

Luckily for me, I have jigsaws to do and books to read.  There is a tv show called "Wayward Pines".  It's a little bit on the syi-fyi for entertainment.  The world is gone except for the people who have been brought to this small town, where you don't ever talk about your past life.

I was happy to find the books on Wayward Pines because there is so much more detail in the book that the show simply can't produce.  The book, like the show, is still a bit on the creepy side, but the author writes well and I'm enjoying the read.

Time for me to get out of my chair and move around some.  Actually my iced tea glass is empty and I need a refill!


Friday, June 12, 2015

If it's Green it must be Landscaping!


Well here we are on a hot, humid Friday.  All of you who are inside office buildings where the a/c is on - stay there.  

A few weeks ago, I planted (more or less) some new plants in the backyard.  I say more or less because some of those plants required rather deep holes, and I did my absolute best to dig the holes deep enough, but it was a rather pitiful attempt.

Since my plants are new, I go out every day and give them water, which is also an excuse to throw a little water on the dogs or myself.  I have a number of very large Hostas in the backyard and left alone these guys can get really wide - and I like that.  

Interspersed between the Hostas and my new baby plants, are weeds.  Lots of weeds.  The good thing about the weeds is that they are green, never yellow or die, unfortunately.  There was a time when I would try and pull out the weeds, which in turn makes room for the new weeds that will pop up immediately.  Okay the time for me weeding is long past.  If I manage to get on the ground, then without the help of a stool, can't get back up.  I'm not a quick learner, so after a few attempts to struggle back to an upright position, I just said the heck with it and now leave the weeds alone.

So when I'm in my backyard, there is a rather abundant amount of green in the yard along the back fence, I try and view them as a positive asset.  I'm never going to win the war on weeds all by myself, so I'm trying to learn to just let go.  It is what it is.  I do, however, draw the line at ever watering the weeds - they either thrive on their own - or they die.  Simple.

Though it's hot outside, I'm heading to the backyard to give my new plants some water, because I don't want these plants to wither!


Thursday, June 11, 2015



Shopping.  Just the mention of it and most women's hearts begin to beat faster.  I know mine does.  I love to shop!

In the 60's (you remember those days don't you), there were no super malls, discount stores, box stores or membership only stores.  When Mom would take us to "town", we dressed for the occasion.  We would go downtown and go in and out of the stores along the street.  In those days, there was a store in town that only sold hose (pantyhose had not yet been invented).  You went into the store and you would pick out a shade of hose you thought you liked. The clerk would insert her hand (gently) into the hose to show you what it would look like on your leg.  The coolest part was that once you had made your selection, the hose were packed in a small box with tissue paper!  When was the last time you had that kind of service?  

Shocking to know, but apparently K-Mart was founded in 1898, and the founder of the company sold his wares to Woolworth's Five and Dime.  Today, K-Mart is the third largest discount store, behind Walmart and Target.  I personally don't think that K-Mart or Walmart are in quite the same league as Target.

Eventually people stopped going to town and the super mall became the new norm.  Southdale Center in Minnesota opened in 1956 and is the oldest enclosed mall.  Soon malls of all sizes began popping up around the country and Mom and Pop shops would eventually become an endangered shopping reality.

I have always loved going to the mall.  I don't necessarily need to buy anything (Jeff might disagree), but love looking at all the luscious purses, jewelry and clothes of course.  What I hate about the mall is that with the exception of their cornerstone stores, malls are filled with a lot of little stores that are of no interest to me.

Shopping online now is definitely the way to go.  No driving, no hunting for a parking place, no crowds, nothing - just you and the internet.  And where do you go shopping?  For me, Amazon is my first stop.  I love Amazon.  You can find almost anything you want on their site.  Shopping is easy and returns are a breeze.  

I also love Ebay but am no longer the shopper there that I once was.  When I was working, I bought a lot of clothes and shoes (I am confident about my sizes) and ended up owning some lovely things to wear to work.  When Benjamin was a baby, most of his baby clothes came from Ebay.  Sellers would offer a "lot" of baby clothes, for a decent price.  Some of the clothes I bought for him were Ralph Lauren for example.  Since babies outgrow everything so fast, it didn't make sense for me to spend big bucks on clothes that Benjamin would wear only briefly.  But I did want him to look good!

For a long time now, I am not physically able to walk long distances or stand for a long period of time.  I could I suppose drive around in one of those stupid carts that makes that annoying beep beep noise when you are backing up, but I hate them.  When I'm driving one of these carts, I end up banging into clothes racks and shelves.  Disclaimer:  I have never hit a person, just inanimate objects!

So ladies do your bit for the economy - get shopping!


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Doctors, Dentists and Stuff


When it's hot and humid outside, I prefer to remain inside!  I did venture out yesterday for my weekly "head shrinking" appointment, which I do once a week.  Once I was back home, I decided that my new fledgling plants needed watering.  All of the plants are doing well, except for the yellow Azalea.  Parts of the plant are dead, but there appears to be new growth in the other part.  I would really like this plant to grow.  We have a white Azalea plant that is now 29 years old and is huge.  It sits in a corner of the yard and we have allowed it "free range" to grow as wide and/or tall as it wants.

Once I'm outside in the back yard, it's fun to take the hose and play with the dogs who dart close in to get wet, but they only want to get a little wet.  I understand this, because I like nothing better than pointing the hose up into the sky and allowing a shower of water to come down on me.  

Because it was so hot yesterday, I opted for microwave dinners so that I didn't have to turn the oven on.  Tonight we are having pork chops that Jeff will cook on the barbecue and I think I'll go out and buy some fresh corn, which we haven't had so far this summer.

This morning, I'm off to the dentist to get a cavity filled.  The dentist is as nice as can be and knows that I, like a lot of adults my age, are somewhat afraid of being in the dentist chair, checks with me to make sure I'm okay.  Of course, after I leave the dentist's office, I have that lopsided mouth for a while until the Novocain wears off.  Men you should try and put lipstick on after you have received Novocain.  My mouth kind of resembles Betty Davis in one of her movies, something about Baby Jane if I remember correctly! 

Since we had a large storm blow through here last night, I don't need to water today, so once I'm home, I'm staying inside.  It's another hot and humid summer day.  The kind of day where a shower in the afternoon feels really good!

Gotta run.  I've got teeth to brush!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Townhouse is Done!


After more than a year of working most weekends on Scott's townhouse - it's done.  Finished now and up for sale.  Yeah.  Scott and Jeff put a lot of work into the house and it's first open house is today.  Fingers crossed for a quick sale.  

I have seen the realtor's pictures on line and the house shows well.  It should because almost everything in there is new.  Cabinets, flooring, bathrooms, carpeting, paint, you name it and it's new.
The only downside to the house is a lack of parking, which is probably the same problem in townhouse communities.  You get one parking space outside of your home.  Two cars?  You have to find a space on the street, which isn't always very convenient.

It has been a very long time since Jeff didn't have marching orders from Scott about what needed to be done at the house.  Jeff will actually have a day of "leisure", although I do have two or three things I would like done at our house!

Since Jeff's weekends going forward will pretty much be free, perhaps he can go make a few turns in the plane.


Saturday, June 6, 2015

Jigsaw Puzzles


On Facebook, I have found Jigsaw World.  You select the jigsaw you want to make and then all the pieces appear.  If you put the pieces together correctly, you get a satisfying ding sound.  If you don't get a sound, then it's not the right piece!  Simple really.

I am always on the lookout for brain activities and am enjoying the jigsaws.  On a puzzle that might take me over an hour to complete, I see other people who accomplished it in less than ten minutes.  Disclaimer: these are not huge puzzles, 96 to 100+ pieces, and still it takes me some time.  

There is a preview window where you can see what the puzzle should look like when it's finished and I find that helpful.  I'm not looking to set any records, and it's pretty likely I won't, but I feel such accomplishment when I'm done.

As you successfully complete puzzles, you earn coins.  The coins help you buy more puzzles.  If you don't have enough coins, then you can buy a set of puzzles, which gets you about 25 more puzzles.  I bought a set, using my coins first, that includes a picture of a Westie.  I literally had to walk away from the puzzle, because there was so much white that I couldn't see my being able to finish without taking a break.

Anyway, it's a lot of fun, you should check it out.  When I'm on hold with a doctor's office, for example, I can be doing the jigsaw while I wait on hold.  Talk about multitasking!


Friday, June 5, 2015

Catylin Jenner


Oh I do feel sorry for all of the publicity, much of it negative, that Catylin/Bruce is receiving.  There's even a petition floating around to revoke Jenner's gold medals for violating the committee's gender rule.  Seriously?  In 1976, Jenner earned his medals as a man.  They belong to him and now her.  You shouldn't be able to take away something that someone has rightly earned.

Rush Limbauch urges Republicans to denounce Jenner and to resist liberal plot to "redefine normalcy".

I suppose at varying times during the process of becoming a woman, Jenner knew that public opinion could swing both ways for her.  There are individuals who applaud her and those who detest her.  When you think of it that way, the same is true for most people. You can't please all the people all of the time, and some people you can't please at all.

Was Jenner ready for this media circus?  I suppose she was, but it's possible that after her 15 minutes of fame, she'll stop being newsworthy and somebody or something will take her place.


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Bruce (I mean Caitlyn) Jenner


According to the newspaper I read, the television interviews and basically all the internet nonsense, you absolutely can not know that there is no Bruce Jenner any longer.

Caitlyn is gracing the cover of the Vanity Fair  magazine this month.  And Bruce, I mean Caitlyn looks good.  I have only ever read this magazine when I'm in a doctor's office, it's too upscale for the likes of me.  Admittedly, in looking at the cover of the magazine on line, he/she looks good.

But, I remember when Bruce was in the Olympics and graced the boxes of Wheaties (the breakfast of champions)!

I would imagine that it might be a little confusing for his/her children.  I applaud his decision to be true to his self and be brave enough to make this change knowing that he will be in the public eye, at least initially.

So there you are people.  Bruce and Caitlyn. 


Image result for bruce jenner vanity fair

Image result for bruce jenner vanity fair

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Disappointing Doctor Visit


Yesterday, I was scheduled to see a spine surgeon about my back (what else?).  Jeff and I had difficulty finding the office, which was not in a traditional office building, but in something that looked more like a store.

We called to let them know we were running behind because of traffic and they said we had a 15 minute grace period for the appointment.  We didn't make the grace period, we were probably five to eight minutes beyond that time.

I checked in and was shocked when the receptionist told me that I was late (I already knew that) but she would check with the doctor to see if she would still see me.  I was shocked for the second time in five minutes, when the receptionist told me that the doctor wouldn't see me.  Really?

I saw the doctor in the hall, and it's possible that she had appointments waiting on her, but I've never been told that the doctor won't see me because I'm late.  I've been told that the doctor can't, not won't, see me, if I was running late.

A week ago, I had an appointment with the same doctor.  When Jeff and I arrived at the doctor's office (again a store front kind of place), the receptionist told me that (a) I was at the wrong office; and (b) that my appointment wasn't with the doctor but with a pain specialist.  After hearing this information, it was all I could do not to go ballistic!  I told the receptionist, calmly, that I had wanted to see the doctor and I already had a pain management doctor.

This morning, I called their appointment line and canceled my appointment with the doctor for next week.  I don't think my attitude or their reception is going to be any better the third time around.

Jeff and I both felt like this was a practice that was practicing quantity not quality, and we simply don't have time for this much nonsense.

Okay, feeling better now that I have that off my chest!


Monday, June 1, 2015

Errand Day


Happy first of June everybody!  Still hot here and the a/c is working well and keeping the house cool, and I appreciate that.  If the a/c wasn't working, I could always get in my car and drive around in circles, because the a/c in the car works great!

I'm having my head "shrunk" this morning, which is a weekly occurrence.  This is a new lady and my hour goes by in the blink of an eye.  It seems like I always have so much to say.  I still see my psychiatrist but now only once a month.  I am making progress, slow progress to be sure, but progress all the same.

Once my head is back down to size, I'm off to the bank to deposit some checks.  A quick trip to the post office to buy stamps and perhaps to conclude my circle of errands, go to the library too.

Since it rained last night there isn't as much urgency about going out to water my new plants.  Everything that I planted looks like it will survive, with the exception of the azalea plant, which has too many brown leaves than I want to see.

I have found a crossword program on Facebook and I'm having reasonable success in completing them.  None of the puzzles is more than 200 pieces, but even with that low number, still takes me easily over an hour to finish.  

With my short term memory issues, I keep trying to find ways to engage my brain.  I don't know that I've made a lot of progress, but I'm still plodding along and haven't entirely given up on my being able to get my brain working better!

Stay cool where you are, I know I am.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...