Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Doctors, Dentists and Stuff


When it's hot and humid outside, I prefer to remain inside!  I did venture out yesterday for my weekly "head shrinking" appointment, which I do once a week.  Once I was back home, I decided that my new fledgling plants needed watering.  All of the plants are doing well, except for the yellow Azalea.  Parts of the plant are dead, but there appears to be new growth in the other part.  I would really like this plant to grow.  We have a white Azalea plant that is now 29 years old and is huge.  It sits in a corner of the yard and we have allowed it "free range" to grow as wide and/or tall as it wants.

Once I'm outside in the back yard, it's fun to take the hose and play with the dogs who dart close in to get wet, but they only want to get a little wet.  I understand this, because I like nothing better than pointing the hose up into the sky and allowing a shower of water to come down on me.  

Because it was so hot yesterday, I opted for microwave dinners so that I didn't have to turn the oven on.  Tonight we are having pork chops that Jeff will cook on the barbecue and I think I'll go out and buy some fresh corn, which we haven't had so far this summer.

This morning, I'm off to the dentist to get a cavity filled.  The dentist is as nice as can be and knows that I, like a lot of adults my age, are somewhat afraid of being in the dentist chair, checks with me to make sure I'm okay.  Of course, after I leave the dentist's office, I have that lopsided mouth for a while until the Novocain wears off.  Men you should try and put lipstick on after you have received Novocain.  My mouth kind of resembles Betty Davis in one of her movies, something about Baby Jane if I remember correctly! 

Since we had a large storm blow through here last night, I don't need to water today, so once I'm home, I'm staying inside.  It's another hot and humid summer day.  The kind of day where a shower in the afternoon feels really good!

Gotta run.  I've got teeth to brush!

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