Friday, June 26, 2015

Playing with Benjamin


Yesterday, I had Benjamin all to myself during the day.  Since he was worn out from his three days of camping and amusement rides with Auntie Kim, he slept nearly 12 hours Thursday night.

After breakfast, waffles with warm syrup (a personal favorite of mine too), Benjamin settled down on the sofa to watch one of the movies I had taken out from the library.  Because he's 7, he likes to keep moving.  We got out the chess set and played checkers, more or less, because I couldn't remember the rules!  Didn't matter, Benjamin won every time, which didn't surprise me because I've never been very good at games.

I brought the foam blocks down and the case of little cars, and Benjamin began to build towers and roads.  After causing mass destruction to the towers, which is always fun, Benjamin went back to the sofa and watched another movie - mostly - when his eyes were open.

Later in the afternoon, Benjamin and I went to see the Pixar movie, In and Out.  I love Pixar movies, everything looks so real.  We shared a coke and halfway through the movie, Benjamin told me he was tired.  Once we got home, he grabbed a blanket and headed for the sofa.  He was almost asleep and then Stacey and Andrew arrived.  I had, during the day, grabbed up all of Benjamin's things - treasures, new toy, clothes, shoes, etc. and had them all in one place.  Smart thinking on my part.

Benjamin and I had a quick good-bye, no tears for either of us.  For those of you who know us well, also know that it has been very difficult for Benjamin and me to leave one another.  

All I have to do today is put the lid on the box of blocks and drag them back upstairs.  The box is very big, and takes up a lot of room, so I like to keep it upstairs.  Note to parents and grandparents: foam blocks are definitely the way to go.  When they fall down, no person or object ever gets hurt!

Here's to a quiet Friday for me.


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