Saturday, February 25, 2017

I'm back


Some, of hopefully all of you, may have noticed my absence.  Due to technical difficulties caused by me I wasn't able to log onto my blog.  I don't even know why I try to handle more technical than plugging in a cord.  Ultimately, my best efforts result in some form of tragedy.  And yes, I did manage to get into difficulty and thankfully Jeff was able to detangle me AGAIN!

I went to the doctor yesterday, and had to wait an hour, which I believe is really unfair.  They took xrays and nothing was broken in my knee.  The doctor actually spent oh saying 2 minutes might even be a stretch.  Told me I had arthritis in my knee and that I had severely bruised my knee - ya think?  Rest and time will heal me.  I have no idea how many hundreds of dollars they charged Medicare for my 2 minute visit, but I'm sure that they bill Medicare for as much as they can get away with.

After the doctor, Stacey, Benjamin and I went to Pizza Hut for pizza.  We decided against Mickey D's, because we always eat there.  Personal pizzas for everyone, and my favorite is of course pineapple with either ham or pepperoni.  We bought ourselves a box of fudge brownies to take home with us.

We made a stop at Whole Foods because I wanted to get a gluten free dessert for the man who services our cars.  When my car was in for it's "health and welfare" checkup, they washed my car and even polished the chrome.  Where else do you get that level of service?  I bought Bill some vanilla cupcakes and thanked him profusely for the extra effort he and his employees had put into my car.

Now for the last part of our adventure.  We went out to an art studio where they blow glass.  If you know me, then you know how much I love glass.  The three of us picked out what we wanted to make.  Benjamin and I wanted to just make flat discs, which in my case can be hung up, but Benjamin didn't want to be able to hang his piece.  Stacey opted for a heart.  I chose purples because deep down and mostly buried it's my favorite color!  Stacey bought each of us a tree of life necklace that changes colors depending on the light.  It was an absolute blast.  The only part we played in the actual glass making was to blow when the glass was hot.  After blowing the glass to the correct size, we took turns with our pieces using a watered board and gently pushing down each side.  The pieces will be sent to us, since it didn't seem to make sense for us to drive out there just to pick up our treasures.

Also, this week speaking of technical things, I had bought myself a new Kindle.  I love my old Kindle DX, which has a super big screen, but the technology is old and I'm not able to load electronic books from the library onto the DX.  So, decided it was time for me to move into the new century of electronics and bought a very thin Kindle that with the exception of powering it on, has no buttons.  You merely touch the screen with a stylus or your finger.  How cool is that?  Jeff, of course, had to help me this morning because I had once again gotten myself tied in a knot.  He got my Kindle registered to my account.  Now, all I have to do is move my "books" from my DX to the new Kindle.  
We had our first thunderstorm of the year today.  Bella and Daisy neither one seemed the least bit troubled by the noise.  Old Sam would absolutely go nuts when he heard thunder, so I'm very pleased that the girls actually don't seem to care.

Have a wonderful weekend.  I'll be watching the Oscars tomorrow, even though Jeff and I haven't seen any of the movies!



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