Tuesday, February 28, 2017



Yesterday, while rummaging around in the pantry, I noticed that one of our traps had caught a mouse.  Then I really started moving things around and found all kinds of "evidence" on the pantry floor.  Our pantry is full and would be a mouse's idea of heaven.  I, on the other hand, think mice(s) should stay outside, or at the very least stay in the garage.  Once you come into the house, there is only one thing on my mind - get rid of you/them right now.

So, I pulled out everything that was on the pantry floor and now have it stacked on the table.  Of course, all this food is within the dogs' reach, so I have had to put up a dog gate to protect the food.  Jeff set new traps yesterday and I'm hoping that we'll soon see one or two less mice.  I still think mice should come with a sign saying something like "I'm one of "x") or "I'm the last mouse".  I think that would only be fair.

I've also given thought to getting a cat.  Cats are usually good mouse hunters.  I could try and let the dogs have a go in the pantry, but I think they'd be concentrating on food smells, and less on mouse smells!

Today, I'm off the ceramic store to pick up the projects that Stacey, Benjamin and I painted last week.  Then I'm going to the mail box store to drop off a few packages that need to be returned.  After that, your guess is as good as mine about what I'll do the rest of the day.

With my new Kindle, I am able to get electronic books from the library.  So far, I've received two books from the library.  It's just super cool the way I order a book, I get an email, I follow the link and voila I have a new book to read.  I couldn't download books on my old Kindle DX as it is not supported.  Also, my new Kindle is small enough to fit into my purse and a charge lasts weeks not days.

Have a great day.

Image result for picture of mouse in the pantry

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