Saturday, February 18, 2017

Spring Is Here?!


Today and tomorrow are both supposed to have temperatures in the 60's.  This morning I turned the furnace off and I'll open up windows to let the fresh air in.  Could we be having a winter that produces no snow?  Seems likely, which disappoints a lot of people.

Jeff is going out to Scott's house this morning, pick up the truck, drive to Andy's house, pick up the spreader and then go back to Scott's house.  I certainly hope that the boys appreciate all that he does for them.  I will stay home and babysit the girls, and hopefully they won't spend the whole day barking.  Actually, it's Daisy that won't stop barking when she starts!  (Sigh).  

Last night, because it was Friday, Jeff brought home tacos for dinner.  I look forward to my tacos all week.  Why? Not because they are super duper tasty, but it means I don't have to think about, cook or clean up after dinner.  Toss the empty containers in the trash and I'm out of the kitchen in mere minutes.

It's a three day weekend for Jeff, which means he can "sleep" in until 7-7:30 am, before the girls begin to get restless and start looking for things, anything, that they can chew up and likely as not, destroy.  Nobody likes waking up to the sound of tearing.  Yesterday, for fun, they managed to get into the living room, grabbed a pillow from the coach and tore it into thousands of pieces.  When I saw the mess, it looked very much like a bomb had gone off.  (Color me not happy).

I don't know which of the girls starts chewing on something and then the other one has to join in.  My bet is it's Daisy, but I can't be sure.  Possibly, I could check for DNA!!!

After I get dressed, I'm going to take my Kindle and go sit in the backyard and get some real, as opposed to fake, sun on my face.

Enjoy your day.


Image result for picture of sun

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