Thursday, February 9, 2017



The weatherman, and why don't they ever call them a weather lady? said last night that we MIGHT see a snow flake or two.  Since our winter so far has produced very little in the way of winter weather, I think folks are looking to having a little snow.  Not foots of snow, obviously, but a few inches might be fun - at least for a moment or two.

Right now, it's cold and very windy outside.  Going to the mailbox, I noticed a few, very tiny little flakes in the air.  But if that's the best that Mother Nature can do, we're all going to be disappointed in today's non-weather event.  It's very gray outside and certainly cold enough for snow, we'll just have to wait and see.

There's another bonus to having snow.  The paw prints that mark my floors would merely be wet and not dirty and/or muddy.  Plus, with the exception of old Sam, we've never had a dog that didn't enjoy romping around in snow.  And because neither dog is all white, they'd be easy to spot in deeper snow!

Had to turn the furnace back on, and last night we closed the windows that I'd opened yesterday when it was really mild outside for this time of year.  Coats on? Coats off?  Who can tell.

Jeff took my car to work this morning, in case we happen to have a snow event.  My car is heavier and I think has all wheel drive, which would come in handy during driving.  Since I've been outside to the mailbox, I'll stay in the rest of today.

By the way, I am watching on Amazon an original series called "Z" which stands for Zelda, F. Scott's Fitzgerald's wife.  Very entertaining.  He and Zelda had one child.  In the 1930's, Zelda was treated at Johns Hopkins for schizophrenia and in 1935, he had Zelda placed in a hospital in North Carolina.  Upon his death, the only people who attended his funeral was his daughter and his editor.  He and Zelda are buried in Rockville, Maryland.


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