Thursday, November 30, 2017

It's Hallmark's Movie Month!


With some help from Stacey and Benjamin, I actually do have some Christmas decorations up in the house.  For years, since the boys went elsewhere on Christmas day, it seemed like it was too much trouble to get the decorations down and then put them away again.  I will admit that the few decorations that have been put up, make the house feel a bit more "Christmasy" (I know that's not a word, but you know what I mean.

And, since it's December, the Hallmark channel on television, has one after another feel good movie.  The plots would be considered, by some, as too sugary, but there just right for me.  I watch these movies when Jeff isn't around.  These movies, would be just too much for him to tolerate, and I understand that.

As far as I know right now, I don't think Bella has taken anything inappropriate this morning.  The Q-tips that she scattered all over our bathroom yesterday, are still in the jar, where I put them yesterday.  My feet are in my slippers, so she can't run off with them.  All things considered, I would say, that at the moment, I'm having a good day.

The house was cleaned yesterday, so pretty much folding laundry is my chore/job for today.  One of the chairs in the living room, has been my "Santa's Workshop" - where I'm storing presents.  I take my time picking out gifts, and I really don't want to wait until Christmas to give them out.  I would say that I love giving presents to our family, but having said that, enjoy unwrapping presents too!  I've been told that it's a lot of trouble buying for me, but I disagree.  I pretty much like everything.  Problem is that the things that I have put on my lists, and yes I said lists.  I gave Stacey, Wendy and Jeff a list of wants.  Truthfully, with the exception of a self threading needle, because I can no longer see the hole in a regular needle, I don't need anything.  And. the things that I do want are simple: potholders, kitchen towels, and stuff like that. Actually, it's really difficult to buy gifts for Jeff, even for me!

I've asked Stacey to come to the house to wrap presents with me.  Um, I think I'll just be watching!  My presents will look prettier if Stacey does the wrapping!  Unfortunately, because of the girls, the presents have to remain in the living room, behind a gate.  Every time I take a gate down, and I have several gates, Bella proves to me that she really can't be trusted to not take things outside to destroy.  I'm hoping that this "phase", and I hope it's just that, will eventually ease up or stop entirely.  I'm hoping for entirely!

Can't stay and chat, the laundry doth call me.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bella - The Stealth Thief!


It's a good thing that Bella looks so cute when she's sleeping, because this morning all I could see was a dog that took one of my slippers, which was next to me on the floor.  I don't like to go downstairs and definitely don't want to go into the yard, because the ground makes me unsteady.  But, today I made an exception.  If I was a cartoon figure, smoke would have been coming out of my ears!

Down the stairs and into the yard.  I found the slipper, unchewed (but not for long I know), a bit muddy, but otherwise intact.  Maybe I have to glue my socks and shoes onto my foot, in order to keep them from going outside. The taking of inappropriate things has nothing to do with Bella not having enough dog toys and bones to chew on.  There is a laundry basket with many bones, antlers, etc.  I think Bella just does this stealing thing, because she can.  I have closed doors and there are gates practically everywhere to help keep her contained.

The thing about Bella is that there will be items in, let's say the den, for over a year, untouched.  And, then one day she gets a hair up her rear, and that item is about to become history.  Do I have to run an electric fence around all the rooms?  Not practical or feasible, but you get the general idea.

I have to keep this short, because I need to get ready to go and get my head shrunk!


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Getting Help


Yesterday, I received a surprise visit from Stacey and Benjamin.  Not only did they stop and buy me lunch at McDonald's, they came prepared to help decorate.  Stacey was brave enough to climb up a ladder and bring down a wreath, ornaments, etc.  After we got everything inside the house, Stacey and Benjamin started putting the nutcrackers on the mantel and a wreath on the front door.  I haven't had that wreath out of it's bag, in so many years.  Just lazy I guess.

After decorating, I asked Stacey if she would mind going into the backyard and raking up all the "treasures", which included a box I had just bought of mini-sized ornaments!  I gave Benjamin some garden clippers and he enjoyed, very much, the cutting off the branches of a plant that is now dormant.  Because most yard work is now not feasible for me, big chance of tripping and falling, I was really grateful for the help.  And, while the yard won't win a best yard of the year award, it looks ever so much better.  I can't begin to thank Stacey and Benjamin for coming to the house to help me.  Pretty sure that Stacey has better things to do, than come to my house and help me, but I really appreciate it.

 I'm now just waiting for a few more packages to arrive from Amazon, and then my shopping will be done.  Jeff has printed off labels for the 4A Christmas cards, so once the labels are on, I can take the box to the post office and put the right amount of postage on 150 envelopes!

It's a beautiful day outside, and I hope that I can get outside to soak up some vitamin D.

Hope all is well in your world.


Monday, November 27, 2017

Home Alone


After four days at home, today Jeff returned to the "salt mine"!  Here's what I know about the weekend: Jeff was able to catch up on much needed sleep.  There were naps in his chair, with one or both dogs on his lap.  They all enjoyed that.

Yesterday afternoon, we went to Scott's house for a chili and cornbread dinner.  The food was excellent as well as the company.  In fact, we were having such a good time that we stayed until 10:00, which is about one hour past Jeff's normal bedtime.  It's hard to leave when you're having fun.

My kitchen is suffering from neglect - boring, but Stacey and Benjamin are coming to the house this morning, so I'd better spruce things up a bit.  

I have no idea what trouble we're going to get into, but perhaps I could have Benjamin rake the backyard, so it doesn't resemble the county dump - at the moment!

I'm keeping this short, because I've got work to do.  And, one of the things I need to do, is take Benjamin's gifts and either put them away, or conceal them on the chair I have duped the "presents chair".  There is no way that I could put packages unmanned and hope that Bella wouldn't get into them!

See you tomorrow.


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Little of This and a Little of That


Yesterday, Andrew came to the house to pick up a server, I think.  He was, however, very helpful in picking up basically three bags of leaves.  Jeff blows everything into a pile and to me the pile looks a bit like Mt. Everest!  Seems like it will take forever to get to the top of the pile.  I really appreciated his help.

After the yard work was done, Andrew sat down in the den with us and the three of us spent an enjoyable amount of time talking to each other.  I normally don't get much of an opportunity to visit with him when we go to his house.  So, thanks Andrew for the yard work and the visit.  

This afternoon, we're going to Scott's house for tree trimming and chili.  We haven't had a real tree in the house for many years.  Once the boys left home, it seemed like a lot of work for just the two of us to enjoy.  I know you're rolling your eyes, while yelling "bah humbug".  While Andrew was here yesterday, I did get him to bring into the house a "larger" pre-lit Christmas tree.  I think it's about 3 feet tall, and I can put it in the eating area's bay window.  Who knows, I may like it so much that I may just keep it up all year long!  

Jeff and I have had a conversation about taking a rake (yes really a rake) and raking the backyard of the torn up paper cups, plates, fuzz and anything else that Bella has dragged outside.  I also have a large plant that has gone dormant, and I want to prune it for the winter.

Have to clean the kitchen and get Jeff's plastic/glass dishes ready for his lunch tomorrow.  While the dogs won't let anyone sleep in - well, actually they will - but you'll have something destroyed!  But, he has been able to get some naps in and that's good for him.  He needs the extra rest.

Still working on my Christmas list, but have it now honed down to where I know what I'm going to buy and who I'm going to buy it for.  I've noticed already that some of things that I have ordered from Amazon, could likely not arrive by Christmas!  And, this is still November.  

Pretty quiet here on the "estate"!!  Even the girls are quiet - yay!  The last four days have been wonderful.  Next rest: Christmas.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Day After Black Friday


Well, Black Friday has come and gone.  I know some people actually wait in line for stores to open, so that they can get dibs on large ticket items, like televisions.  Me?  I'm not standing outside for ANY store to open, to me that borders on ridiculousness.  Ah, but my little fingers did some online shopping yesterday with Amazon.  No shoes required and no dress requirements (I don't mean that you can sit around naked and shop, but you don't have to get all gussied up to shop.

Jeff and I were pretty much in sloth mode yesterday.  We had the fireplace going, snacked on leftovers and watched television and occasionally napped.  Today, however, I want to go into the backyard and cut down the dead branches on one plant, as well as take a rake to the yard.  Jeff has removed the chewed up umbrella, but there is still a lot of shredded paper plates and cups, etc., that need to go.

Most of my Christmas shopping is done.  Thank you Amazon!  I did a bit of shopping on Ebay, when I was looking for a particular item, that I couldn't find on Amazon.  I know, I thought Amazon had EVERYTHING, but they don't.  We have a wonderful ONeida sauce pan, and I wanted to get another one.  On Amazon, and every other place I looked, you had to buy an entire set of pans.  I don't want a set of pans, I want one pan.  Thank you Ebay.

Stacey is coming to the house on the 9th to help wrap presents.  Actually, I'm going to watch, while she makes my gifts look festive with paper and ribbons.  The boys have come to dread shirt boxes, but they are men now, and a bit hard to shop for.  I try to think outside the "box", but generally come up short on ideas.  Men say we women are hard to buy for, but I disagree big time.  Women, or at least, this woman loves pretty much everything.  I love little things as much as I love big things.  The last two Christmases, Jeff has bought the big television and power recliners.  I can't think of anything that I need as far as comfort in the den goes.

The paper today says that mall stores are rather empty, as well as the parking lots.  Why? Because it's easier to just click a button for a purchase.  They're offering sales, as well as face painting and things like that at some malls.  You can't get me excited about face painting, with the exception of lipstick, I don't even wear make-up.  I basically look the same in the evening as I did in the morning.  I guess I'm just blessed with good looks!!! (Ha)

Jeff bought a little turkey, so we'll probably have a second Thanksgiving dinner today, which will give us some leftovers. 

Happy Saturday.


Friday, November 24, 2017

Black Friday!


Ah, Black Friday, who doesn't love the "deals" on items today.  Large ticket items, such as televisions, furniture, cars, clothes, etc.  I don't participate in Black Friday, except for checking out deals that Amazon might have.  I have a chair in the living room with items I have already bought.  I have asked Stacey and Wendy to come to the house and do the wrapping for me.  The dreaded shirt boxes the boys always get, I just use tape to keep the lid on, and use a magic marker to write the names.  I know that sounds horrible, but men don't get all excited over fancy paper and bows.

We went to Andrew's house yesterday for dinner.  We took the girls with us so that they could play in the backyard, which is huge.  The dinner was excellent and the food delicious.  I had a very good time.  I didn't overeat, I took a spoon of this and a spoon of that - until we got to desserts!  A good way to end the meal is with homemade apple pie that Stacey makes and pumpkin pie.  I had both.😋 Rationale? Thanksgiving only comes once a year.

On Sunday, we are going to Scott's house and Wendy is going to make chili and we're going to help decorate their tree, which I'm sure is really BIG.  We can't take the girls with us, because Scott is concerned that his dogs, Mastiffs, might not get along with our smaller dogs.  

Today, has been, so far, a let's watch television and see if we fall asleep!  Jeff is really relaxed in his recliner, with Daisy on his lap.  He's watching NCIS, but likely get so relaxed, that he'll take a nap.  During the week, Jeff gets up so early and then fights traffic all the way home.  I do have a few things that I would like to see happen perhaps this weekend.  Of course, picking up leaves is on the list, as well as going into the backyard (ugh) and literally raking all the items that have been carried out of the house (thanks Bella) and throw them in a trash can.  I know for sure that there is a disassembled umbrella back there.  I don't even know where Bella found an umbrella!  If we're missing something, we know exactly what dog was the leader, because Daisy is too small to reach up on the counter and snag something.

It's a beautiful day here.  No wind and though a bit chilly, it's not cold.

Happy day after eating all your favorite foods.


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving


Today, is the day where people all across the country are traveling to either a friend's house or a relative.  Some of these trips are filled with dread, rather than excitement.  You know the drill, Aunt "x", doesn't like cousin "y" and they tend to not be able to put aside their long-standing quarrel through Thanksgiving dinner.  Ah, how we love drama, and believe me every family has or will have some kind of drama today.

How you get to your loved one's home, can be tricky.  You can and should have already booked a seat on a plane, and hope you don't get the dreaded middle seat.  Even if's a short flight, nobody and I mean nobody wants the middle seat.  The arm rests between seats tends to be taken over by the folks on the left and right of you.  This leaves you "fighting" for your right to be able to use the arm rest too.  Ad to the mix, noisy and loud children and the inevitable soda and peanuts.  Oh how we love plan travel these days.  Do you remember when flying was enjoyable?  Seems like a long time ago and wish we could return to the good old days now.

But, most of you, have packed up the car, loaded the kids and/or pets into the car for a road trip that perhaps nobody wants to make.  If you're staying at a relative's house, sleeping arrangements can be iffy - twin beds anyone?  Pull out sofa perhaps?  Blah.  And, if you make a reservation at a local hotel, your host might be offended.  You might care about this, but likely not.

When we took road trips when the boys were young, there wasn't any DVD player that entertained youn'ens while you drove.  Nope, there were coloring books, regular books, etc.  On most trips, to keep the peace, I rode in the backseat to avoid the near constant bickering.  As comfortable for me?  Not too much, but it was a much quieter ride.

So, if you waited until today to "get out of Dodge", best be doing it now.  The highways will be crammed with folks, like yourselves, itching to put miles behind you, as you head somewhere for dinner.  The Thanksgiving meal tends to be a time for gluttony, and the regular groaning around the table.  Women crowd into the kitchen to put food away and wash dishes.  The men retire to the den, where hours of football await them.  I hate football, but can certainly tolerate it for part of the afternoon.

We are taking Daisy and Bella out to Andrew's house.  He has a lot of land, and Bella in particular, will run herself ragged, Daisy not so much.  Stacey's parents have just recently adopted a puppy, so there will be cuteness all around.  Benjamin will have more dogs to play with than he'll know  what to do.  There will be big dogs (Andrew's), medium and small size dogs (ours) and the puppy that Stacey's parents recently adopted.  

Our corn casserole was made last night by Jeff, and I really appreciated him doing that.  Today, we and I mean Jeff, will make pretzel salad.  That's all we have to bring is these two dishes, which Andrew, as well as the rest of the family like very much.  Months ago, I bought a small carrying case that was/is filled with plastic containers.  I'll take this case along for leftovers.  The good thing about these containers, is that they're expendable.  I'm not expecting or wanting for them to come back.  Jeff has bought a small turkey, so sometime over the next few days, we'll have a second Thanksgiving meal.

Jeff will have an opportunity to take naps during his four days off.  He gets up so early each day, that a few days of rest will be very good for him.  I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got things to do.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Just Things


Day before Thanksgiving.  We're going to Andrew's house for dinner, so all I (actually probably Jeff) has to do is make two dishes for us to bring.  When it comes to cooking and/or baking, I seem to have lost my "mo jo".  We're bringing pretzel salad, which is very, very yummy - you'll just have to take my word for it, and corn casserole.  Both are pretty easy to make, but I think I'll turn the kitchen over to Jeff.  

If you know me, and most of you do, then you know that I take my Christmas shopping very seriously.  And, I try to be fair in what I buy for everybody.  For instance, if one gift is more expensive than other gifts, I try very hard to even up the gifts, as well as the number of presents.   No favorites here.  I had a blast buying for Elly, which is Wendy's daughter - my very first "pink" little person!

Since Jeff and I have been dubbed the dubious honor of being hard to buy for.  Keeping this in mind, I gave Stacey and Wendy some gift ideas for the both of us.  Small things for me, like pot holders and kitchen towels that hang on the oven door, stuff like that.  People say I'm hard to buy for, but I disagree.  I pretty much like everything!  Jeff was/is a bit harder to buy for.  He likes practical things, which at times is pretty boring, but I try to keep his preferences in mind.

For Scott and Andrew, they get the oft dreaded shirt boxes (clothes - ugh) from us.  I leave it to Jeff to take care of buying more manly presents - tools and such.

The fireplace man was out yesterday to fix our gas log.  He dusted and cleaned everything and $300 dollars later said we needed a new gas valve, which will cost somewhere between $150 and $200.  He struggled to get the unit in and out from the actual fireplace.  When the new part comes in, he's bringing someone to help him, since in his words, our fireplace is a "beast". So, until the new part is installed, we have a 50/50 chance that the log will turn on.  Luckily, it's pretty nice at the moment weather wise.  During the winter, we rely on the fireplace to heat the den, where we spend the most time.  The heat from the fireplace keeps us nice and toasty, and there isn't much need to run the furnace.  I did notice yesterday, when the fireplace was working, that the girls snuggled up on their bed which is close to the heat.

I've found a station on my channel list, that plays Christmas music.  That channel is playing as I type!  They play a nice mix of oldies, like Bing Crosby and newer songs from artists that I'm not familiar with.  As you know, my music genre is oldies - 50's and 60's.  Every night when we sit down to watch some of the late night shows, we never recognize any of the bands that are going to play.  I guess we're just old. 

It's time for me to do some clean-up in the kitchen.  When I cook/bake, I manage to make a mess on all of the counter tops.  I'm just a sloppy cook, and always have been.

Enjoy tomorrow while visiting friends and family and eating great food!



Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Pumpkin Bread and Bella!


Yesterday, I labored to make two loaves of pumpkin bread.  I was leery of the bread because the top of the loaves looked like tiny hills, and the taste wasn't great, but edible - at least with butter on top!

We have for the last year, had baby gates all over the house to confine Bella.  Yesterday, for some reason I didn't put up one of the gates in the kitchen, and the two loaves were on the counter cooling.  When I did get back to the kitchen, I noticed that one loaf was completely gone and the remaining one had a large chunk missing from the side.  Curse you Bella.  I sincerely don't appreciate having the dogs eat the bread, that took so long to make.  I know there is a reason that you can buy a pumpkin bread mix, that is easy to fix - and it tastes better!

This morning, I looked out the kitchen window and see that they have single pawed up an umbrella.  Heaven know where the umbrella is and I guess it doesn't matter, because it's not useful now.  I need to go into the backyard and literally rake up all the crap that Bella has taken outside. And, yes crap is the right word. The problem is that the ground in the backyard has some uneven areas, and I have a fear of falling down.  Daisy is too small to take anything off the counter, so this nonsense is all Bella's doing.  Here saving grace is that she looks adorable when she's sleeping.  You can't correct a dog after the fact, so punishing her for the chewed up umbrella wouldn't make any sense to her.

Today, the fireplace people are coming to work on the gas log.  It's warm enough right now that we don't need it, but it would be fool hardy to wait until a cold snap comes through the area, and the fireplace doesn't work.

Tomorrow, is preparing the two dishes we're bringing to Andrew's house on Thursday.  Pretzel salad, which is super yummy and corn casserole, also yummy.  The corn dish takes a very long time to bake, so I'm going to fix it here and then can pieces of the dish can be "nuked".  Not idea, but it'll work.  Since we're going to Andrew's house, we'll be taking the girls with us and they'll have a very good time.

Have a great day, and I'll see you back here tomorrow.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Short Work Week!


Since I'm retired, I don't get all excited about people having a short work week.  But, I know, because I remember, what a big deal it is/was to have four days off.  I know Jeff is looking forward to having those extra days, so that he can get a few "zzzz's" while resting in his recliner.  The girls, and particularly Daisy, love to sit in someone's lap, she will definitely be in heaven.

The fireplace people are coming to the house tomorrow to find the problem with the gas log, and then fix it.  It's pretty warm right now, but it won't be long before Jeff and I will want to turn the fireplace on during the evenings.

Yesterday, was a Winnie The Poo kind of day - breezy.  When the wind blows, it makes picking up leaves really difficult.  I suppose sometime this weekend, we'll have another "go" at leave control!  Our oak tree is 30 years old, and she's got a lot of leaves still hanging on limbs, so our pickup work will occur probably 3 of 4 more times.

After Jeff and I did our grocery shopping, Stacey sent me an email with two food requests from Andrew.  So, it's back to the store before Wednesday to pick up the ingredients.  I'll make the food here, and for the corn casserole, which takes a long time to bake, I'll cook it here.  Because we're going to Andrew's house, we can bring the girls along for a perpetual romp in the backyard.

I made a suggestion to Stacey and Wendy, that we have a Christmas wrapping party at the house.  I'll have the presents, but I'll watch while the wrapping is done.  Obviously, they can't wrap their own presents, so I guess somebody will be in the dining room and the other one in the kitchen dining area.  I abhor wrapping presents of any kind.  I tend to forget, perhaps on purpose, to tuck in the corners so that the package looks nicer.

What I want to do, is find the right presents for the right people.  The "hunt" for gifts is very exciting for me, but after that, I'd just as soon the packages could wrap themselves!

More packages from Amazon have been ordered.  Gotta love Amazon.  You can search for, and find, pretty much anything you want to buy and/or give.  Walking is definitely not my thing at the moment, so going around in a mall is out of the question, unless somebody is pushing me in a wheelchair.  I haven't been in a mall in a very long time, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not missing much, but there is something to be said for looking at pretty clothes.

Many things to do this week.  Laundry today (ugh), make pumpkin bread from scratch (that's okay) and on Wednesday make and bake food for Thursday.  I have already sealed up all of the 4A Christmas cards. All that's left to do, is to put labels on, take them to the post office, before the Christmas rush and put stamps on.

Because my handwriting has gotten so bad, I'm going to give Jeff names and addresses for our Christmas cards.  We don't send out nearly as much as we used to, which I think is the case for a lot of our friends.

Gotta run, duty calls.


Saturday, November 18, 2017



Yesterday afternoon, Stacey and Benjamin came to the house to visit.  We had our lunch, and then headed for Target.  I absolutely love that store.  The store, unfortunately, for my credit card, has so many wonderful things to consider buying.  While WalMart has probably an equal amount of products, somehow their stores don't give off the same aura as Target does.

While in the store, I bought our Christmas cards to send.  We don't send out as many as we used to, but we still send out a few.  A special card for my sister, friends and generic cards for Dr. H and 
Dr. S, who individually keep me physically and mentally in good shape (more or less)!

Benjamin was wonderful in the store.  I had told him that if we could get my shopping done, then I would definitely go and up every aisle in the toy section.  He was as good as his word.  In the book section, he did point out several Minecraft books, and while he wanted me to buy all three books, I only bought him one.

Benjamin, was also very helpful to me in finding a gift for Elly.  I started buy pot holders, because I really need them, but Stacey told me I couldn't do that since pot holders was one of the things on my list!  And, I helped Stacey and Benjamin find presents for Jeff, who is super hard to buy for.  I rounded out my shopping with tissue paper, gift tags, a tiny bag for a gift I've already bought.

I used my rollator while we shopped.  Benjamin was good about pushing me around, but I did push the rollator by myself for awhile.  Using the rollator allows me to sit down when I need to.  And since the rollator's seat opens up so that you can tuck things under the seat, I didn't have to carry my 
purse - I just sat on it!

Jeff left early this morning to go car shopping with Scott.  It's not a pretty day outside, and a bit on the chilly side to boot, so I'll just stay inside.  Next week the fireplace people are coming to see why the gas log isn't work as it should.  

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week.  Mercy, where has the year gone?  I have a number of items on Amazon and on my list, so all I have to do is hit one click and the packages will start arriving - yeah.



Friday, November 17, 2017

Play Day!!!


Not only is it Friday, but it's super special because Stacey and Benjamin are coming to visit with me.  I have no idea what kind of nonsense we might get into, and it really doesn't matter to me.  I'm more excited to have company, actually really good company.  Maybe we'll go to Michael's and/or Target.  Or, we might just stay here at the house and talk and perhaps also watch really crappy television!

Just because I'm a recluse (more or less), doesn't mean I don't enjoy people.  I just prefer a smaller amount of people.  Large groups send me running straight for a corner.  It's much easier if I know everybody, but a room full of strangers?  Not so much.

Maybe, I'll have Stacey get down our artificial tree.  The tree has lights already on, and I don't care very much about hanging ornaments.  I actually do like ornaments, but ours are in the garage, on a shelf, that is not readily accessible.  We didn't do any decorating last year, but I'm trying to be less of a "bah humbug" this year.  If Scott was still at home, we'd have lights on the house, bushes and trees.  Pretty much anywhere you could think of, he would decorate.  Scott loves lights and when he's finished decorating his house, the rest of the world, okay the neighborhood, can enjoy his display too!

The girls will be very happy when Benjamin come today.  He'll get on the floor and wrestle with them, and it'll be a lot of fun for all of them.

Oh, the first of my Christmas presents came yesterday.  It's a small start, but it's a start.  I have made a list (and you say of course you do), and all I have to do is push the one click button on Amazon and voila I'll get all of the gifts I need.  I have to finish stuffing the 4A computer Christmas cards, seal them (ugh), put labels on them, count them and get to the post office.  I weigh one card for the correct amount of postage and then buy stamps for all the cards.  The key is to get to the post office long before people begin to panic about getting their boxes to arrive before Christmas.  And, the other key is to do this on a week day - less people!

Lovely chat, but it's time for coffee and a bagel.

Enjoy your Friday.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Just Another Day


Here we are a week away from Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a day of eating more than you need.  But the argument for doing this is because, Thanksgiving is only once a year, so why shouldn't we indulge?  After the meal is over, the men "retire" to the den to watch football.  Women, on the other hand, are busy putting leftovers in plastic containers, which makes the job much harder.  Like socks, I have plastic lids that don't fit any plastic boxes I have in the kitchen.  Once the food has been sorted out, then it's time to clean the kitchen and do the dishes.  Depending on how formal your meal is, this too could take a lot of time.  One year, we had Thanksgiving at my parents' house, and Mom pulled out her Wedgwood dishes.  Now, if you're not familiar with Wedgwood, here's a picture.  Food, of course, managed to find their way into the white pattern, and Mom only wanted hand washing of these dishes.  Curses to raised pattern dishes.

When I was cooking for Thanksgiving, I did use glass plates, and occasionally even used my china. I have since given away my china to Stacey, because I believe my formal dinners are probably over.  Unfortunately, cooking has become sort of a chore for me now.  I have no particular reason not to cook, but cooking the same things over and over again is frankly boring.

Jeff and I have been invited to spend Thanksgiving with friends of Scott.  There will be 18 or so people there for dinner.  I have told Jeff that I am opting out of going.  I don't "do" people. That is to say, that I don't like large groups of people.  I don't know if 18 people is considered a large group, but it's too large for me.  I'm uncomfortable in this kind of setting, and will be much happier at home.  And, please don't tell me that going would be good for me.  I actually disagree with that statement.  Recluse?  Probably, but I'm very happy here at home surrounded by the things that I love, which includes Daisy and Bella.  Jeff will have a good time and that's what I want for him.  

At a recent dinner at Scott's house, where the food was excellent, before dinner everyone stood around in the kitchen and had snacks and drinks.  I'm not able to stand more than a few minutes, so I went to the den and watched television with the children.  I don't want people to have to cater to my physical limits. It's bad enough that I have to deal with them.

If Metro Access is running that day, I may ask for a ride so that I can go to the movies, and eat buttered popcorn and sip on diet coke.  An absolutely perfect way to enjoy the day.

Time to run (ha) and get some stuff done.  Enjoy your day.


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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Christmas Time?


I can almost hear the groans from just reading the title.  But, as much as you might not like it, Christmas is coming.  You can be working on getting your cards and some shopping done now, or brace yourself for expedited shipping costs and sold out "must have" new products.  Happily, I don't fall into the wait too long category.  My family knows that I prepare my buying list early (actually it's already done), and then set about finding and buying said items.

Yesterday, I bought my first Christmas presents.  A gift for Wendy and one for Elly.  I'm obviously not done with my shopping, but you have to start somewhere.  I have always enjoyed the hunt for the perfect gift for everybody, but detest mightily wrapping.  My idea of wrapping is a plain box sealed with tape and the recipients name scrawled on top with a magic marker.  The boys know that they will always receive at least one dreaded shirt box, which means clothes.  And yes, there is a shirt box coming again this year.  Sorry boys.

I'm wondering if I can enlist the help of Wendy and/or Stacey to wrap for me.  I know that the sound of ripping wrapping paper is all part of the fun of Christmas.  My mother-in-law would save the wrapping paper and bows/ribbons to "iron" out for reuse.  Um, I don't do that.  Never have, never will.  Just too lazy to do all of that.

Jeff and I haven't put up our artificial tree, hung garland, etc., in several years.  We haven't quite gotten to the bah humbug stage, but we're close.  Christmas day hasn't actually been at our house for several years also.  A correlation perhaps?

I'm thinking of asking Stacey, Benjamin and/or Wendy and Elly to come and help me decorate.  Or, truthfully, decorate while I watch the magic happen.  I love the Hallmark Christmas movies and watch them when Jeff isn't home.  The commercials for these movies can be at times a "tad" bit sugary. But, on the plus side, they are warm movies where everything all comes to a perfect ending.  For most people, the holidays are fraught with emotions, opinions, etc.  When it comes to a discussion about pretty much anything, I always have no opinion.  I'd rather be thought of as not up-to-the current news, then engage in a discussion, which can sometimes be quite heated.  Nope, not for me.

Jeff and I own some CD's of classic Christmas songs.  Those CD's are in the "thingy" that stores CD's and you can pick out CD's by number.  I know, for instance, that the Christmas music, starts at number 50.  I normally play them early, so it's about time to turn the stereo on and let singers like Bing Crosby, Elvis and others ring in the season.  I happen to think the Christmas songs are some of the best.  That's just my opinion.

The house was cleaned yesterday, so all that's left to do, is put the laundry away and perhaps tidy up a spare bedroom.  Or not.  Depends on my mood I guess.

I've been stuffing the envelopes for 4A while I watch television.  It's a chore that doesn't need concentration.  I put on return labels, lick (ugh) the envelopes shut and once Jeff has printed out the labels for the cards, affix them and I'm off to the post office.  I get them to weigh one envelope and then I ask for that amount of postage for how ever many cards I'm sending.  This is all done long before the post office becomes frantic with people shipping out boxes and cards at the last minute.

I have no more doctor appointments until next week.  Yippee.  It might be a bit chilly outside, but the sky is blue and the oak and maple tree leaves are yellow and orange - beautiful - until they fall to the ground and you have to pick them up!

My wrapped gifts don't look quite that bad, but they're close!

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Doctors, Doctors


Yesterday, Jeff took me to Hopkins for my six month "how ya doing" check-up.  Physically, I'm okay, except for the parts of my body that hurt, and that's pretty much everything!  Sucks getting old and sucks even more when multiple aches and pains show up, and also show that they have no intent on leaving!

When we got home, Jeff made a wonderful dinner, by using a bag of this, a can of that, and jalapenos that gave the dish a little heat. Jeff has been making most of the dinners, with a little instruction from me.  

Since I took care of the physical side of me yesterday, today I'll go and see how my head is doing.  I have started back using my "SAD" light because sometimes when I am sitting down to do my blog, it's very dark outside.  Winter has always been my nemesis.  Unfortunately, as we head into winter, my depression normally starts to ramp up, and this is for sure not a good thing.  It doesn't matter that I know what winter does to me mentally.  My depression deepens as if it were a locomotive racing down the track - hard to stop it.   Being empowered with the history of past years, I'm not expecting this year to be any different.  And yes, I know that definitely sounds like Debbie Downer. 

Jeff and I are using some of the "Dog Whisperer" techniques on the dogs.  And, the behaviors we are starting to fix, seem to be working.  On the television show, Caesar constantly reminds people that we as humans are the pack leader, and the dogs need to know that.  Since I'm home with the dogs all day, I'm working a lot harder to get the dogs' attention when they are being less than well behaved.  You know from past blogs, that between the two dogs, one of them is generally acting up and/or destroying things.  Cell phones (mine) don't do well when the dogs take it outside and play with it in the mud!  They actually killed it, and just when I was, after years of not using the phone, relying on it, the phone no longer works.  The phone is not new, but it did everything I wanted it to do.  Let me call people and add things to my calendar.  Taking pictures?  Nope, not needed.  Having the phone last month when Metro Access forgot to pick me up, allowed me to call Jeff to have him come and get me.  An important and useful tool.  If I was staying home 24/7, I could probably live without the phone, but since I'm out, and at the mercy of Metro Access to pick me up, the phone has become vital to me.  Curse those dogs.

There is a television show called "Unexpected" and it's about teenage girls who become pregnant at a very young age.  If memory serves me correct, one of these girls is only 14.  Now, why didn't the parents give the birth control pill to their daughters amazes me.  These young people, are in no position to be a parent, go to school, hold down a job, etc.  I got married at 18, and luckily for me, the marriage was fairly short - 5 years. After starting to date Jeff, I went to my gyn and asked for pills.  His reply was why did I need them, I wasn't married.  Luckily, that old-fashioned thinking is long gone.

But, the amount of maturing I did between 18 and 25 was huge.  You might be, according to the law, an adult, but believe me, when I tell you from personal experience, that getting married at 18 and having a baby when I was 21, didn't work out for me.  Actually, let me restate that: initially after my husband dumped me for another woman, I thought I would be alone forever, but then with the help of my Dad and Jeff's sister, fate came through the door. My prince charming even had a white car!  Apparently, no white horses were available!  😊 Jeff and I have been married for 43 years now, and according to statistics, marriages that go the distance are becoming rarer and rarer.  All sunshine and rainbows, not always.  But, Jeff and I are in our imagined rowboat, with both oars going in the same direction.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Skipping a Few Days


My faithful followers have probably noticed a lack of blogs the last couple of days.  As always, I have no excuse, just didn't get the job done.

I think summer is over for another year.  We've actually had to turn on the heat for several days.  Of course, when we need it most, the gas fireplace needs an adjustment from the fireplace people.  They'll be out in a week.  If we planned for cold(er) weather, then we would have the fireplace checked out in oh I don't know, September!  

Yesterday, Jeff went out and blew all the leaves in our yard into a big pile at the curb.  Once his job is done, then mine begins.  I take my rollator out into the street, since I can only do so much bending and scooping of leaves before I need to sit down.  Our very nice neighbor next door, saw Jeff blowing leaves into the street.  She came over and with not the latest hesitation, started picking up the leaves for me.  When somebody is doing something nice for me, I don't feel as much uncomfortable as I feel guilty.  I may have trouble getting around, that's for sure, but I still want to believe, in my heart, that I can do things by myself.  Now, the facts are stacked against me.  There's the small issue of my two recent falls, I'm unsteady on my feet and physical work is hard on the various ailments, bursitis being one.  I tell younger people, not to grow old, because it's not for the faint of heart!

Jeff and I have been watching "The Dog Whisperer" and after watching several episodes, have found new ways to train and correct the girls.  Mind you, he makes it look super easy, but I've been successful in backing Bella out of the kitchen, when I'm in there.  Baby steps to be sure, but Jeff and I are the pack leaders, and have to take our power back.  It's true, that when the dogs are young puppies, discipline is hard to do, because they're just so darn cute when they're ripping into a sofa!  And, how many pairs of slippers are too many slippers to be chewed up?  Oh, and there's my cellphone, which Bella took outside, rolled it around in the mud and what do you know, it no longer works.  Just when I was beginning to feel comfortable using the phone and having it near me, so being without a phone is harder than I thought it would be.

Tomorrow, Jeff is taking me for my semi-annual physical at Hopkins.  I don't think there's anything really wrong with me, if you discount my ability to get around!  Scott's car is at the mechanics for repairs of one kind or another, so he has my car.  Since I'm unable to drive, this isn't much of a hardship.  I only asked that he not "fuss" with my pre-set radio channels.  Nothing makes me crazier, actual that's not really true, then pushing, for instance the number 6 button plays music from the '60's.  Easy peasey.

By a quick glance at the clock, I can see that I'm a "tad" late in getting myself up and about for the day.  Enjoy your day.


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Making a List and Checking it Twice


While it's early days by most people's standards, Christmas is just around the corner for me.  Friends and family will tell you that I don't mess around when it comes to finding and buying what I consider to be the right gift(s) for each person.  I pay attention when people start talking about some of their favorite things.  Because my memory is poor, I jot these things down and those lists are very helpful to me.

Each Christmas, 4A Computing, (Scott and Andrew's computer company) sends out a Christmas card along with a magnetic calendar for the new year.  The cards and magnets have already arrived.  Next mission will be to stuff and close up the envelopes and better yet, and after Jeff prints out mailing labels, head off to the post office.  Because of the magnets, extra postage is required.  So, after the clerk tells me how much postage I need for one card, I then multiple it by the number of cards I'm sending.  Cards in the mail shortly after Thanksgiving and during the week because post offices can become zoo-like on the weekends.  This year's card has a picture of a locomotive on the front, because Scott loves trains.  

Oh, where was I?  Oh, now I remember.  List making.  I have a pretty good idea of what to buy for the "boys" and the "girls".  Benjamin is working on his Christmas list, and he knows he won't be getting everything on the list, it gives me a starting point.  Apparently, Pokemon is out and Minecraft is in, whatever the heck Minecraft is.

I generally don't give gift suggestions out for myself.  But, this year, I've made an exception.  There are a number of small and inexpensive items I would like to have.  Clear thread for one thing, so that when I'm hemming something and the hem goes bobbly-bobbly, the stitches won't be so noticeable.  Oh, and a sewing needle that is easy to thread.  Helpful things.   And, because Jeff is super hard to buy for, I've been coming up with gift ideas for him as well.  I was a very good girl scout - always be prepared!

I was going to attempt to start picking up the leaves that the yard guys blew out in front of the mailbox, but since it's a bit rainy, and I have a fear of falling on wet leaves, will put this pain in the rear chore for another day.

The house was cleaned yesterday - oh how I love Wednesdays!  It's always so clean, that I actually feel guilty if I make a mess in the kitchen.  

Time for me to get out of the chair, get dressed and fold some laundry (blah).  Have a great Thursday and for most, if not all of you, enjoy the long weekend.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Personal Problem - Personal Rant


The person I am today, wasn't supposed to be here at all.  I'm not looking for any kind of sympathy, it is what it is.  It's called life and sometimes you're just dealt a shitty hand.  Or, so you believe.  And, for me personally, when I thought all the positives in my life were going, going, gone, I literally couldn't wait to take my last breath.  I am aware that suicide is largely frowned upon by society, and yet when a person becomes so severely depressed, and you're definitely down for the count, somehow you are given a life preserver.  You may not want that preserver, I know I didn't. Fade to black was all I cared about, and yet here I am.

You know how they tell you that when you come to cross roads, you can either go left or right.  Making the right decision for yourself, at that time, largely depends on which road you pick.  Let's call one road "optimistic trail" and the other "pessimistic avenue".  You're life can change on a dime after you make that initial decision.  I know mine did.

So here I am today, after having survived nearly 9 months of being away from home, and over 20 ECT treatments, I'm bodily here today.  What I am not and have lost faith that I ever will be again, is right in the brain.  I have done hours and hours of word search and crossword puzzles, and yet my short term memory continues to be well - short.  I get in so much trouble because I can't hold on to what I'm told, and yes I've written it down, but then I turn around twice and forgot where the paper is.  This is my life.  This will always be my life.  I run around day after day apologizing for forgetting to do this or that.  Trust me, I'm not trying to forget, I just forget.  And then when it's called to my attention regarding this or that, I have an "OMG" moment of ack I've forgotten something yet again.  

While not healthy, I can sit in my chair and read or watch television, and pretty much stay out of harm's way.  Healthy?  No, but safe, definitely safe.  So, for all the people in my life who have to put up with me at one time or another, I am truly sorry that I seem unable to be a better me.

Okay, rant over.  Climbing off my soap box now.  Pity party over now.  No need to worry on my behalf, I'm going to be fine, just needed to unburden myself.  A person has to do that every now and again.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017



When did wearing a hoodie become less of a "fashion" statement and deemed more of a threat?  Since there has been an upswing of crimes committed with people wearing hoodies.  I have nor have I ever had a hoodie.  The reason is simple - I just don't like clothing hanging around my neck.  Fancy jeweled necklaces is a different matter altogether!

It seems like every night on the news, there has been a crime committed with video showing a person fleeing the scene wearing a, you guessed it, a hoodie.  You can pull them down to hide your face, which is what the "bad" guys seem to do.  Of course, those "bad" guys only wear dark hoodies.  I have yet to see on television a crime being committed by someone who is wearing, for example, a red hoodie with a snow flake pattern.  Just saying.

We have a neighborhood electronic bulletin board and someone has posted that a man wearing a hoodie, was looking in the windows of her house.  Okay, I'll admit that freaked me out a bit.  I always keep my front door locked, my car locked and my garage door down.  Even having done all of that, if I saw somebody looking into the house, I admit I would be scared.  Of course, Bella and Daisy create a lot of noise when they "think" (i.e., hear) there's something going on outside.  While they're not big dogs, I admit to feeling protected just by having them in the house.

According to Google, over one million hoodies are sold each year here and abroad.  Oklahoma is trying to pass a bill that would make it illegal to wear a hoodie in public that hides your identity. Penalty - $500.  Hoodies are now receiving nearly as much negative publicity as owning a pit bull.  
Sounds like if you're visiting Oklahoma, better leave your hoodie at home.

See the difference in the hoodies below?

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Image result for picture of a hoodie

Monday, November 6, 2017

Vanity and Clothes


I gave up my vanity a long time ago.  When I was in my 20's, I was certainly vain and needed and wanted to look real good while I was out shopping, etc.  And, then there's now.  What vanity?  Where did it go?  Wherever it went, pretty sure it's not coming back, because all elastic pants and shorts do not make much of a fashion statement.  To be clear, they make a statement, just not a good one!

I watch a lot of television, and on those shows I always wonder why the actors always seem to have clothes that are just a bit tight.  I was always taught by my mother, that a blouse should not pull against my "assets"!  And yet, now I see actors (including women mostly), who have shirts that are pulled tight.  Tight enough that I keep wondering when the buttons are going to fly off!

And then there's the skirts and dresses.  In today's world, women like to accentuate the rear portion of their body.  And television stars do just that.  It looks uncomfortable to me to have a skirt/dress that is pulled so tight that I fear they won't be able to sit down.  For me personally, and at my age, designers don't spend a lot of effort (my opinion only people) to design for the older woman.  When I look in catalogs, the most common item for sale is: leggings (not a good look for me) and tunic tops that fall below the rear end.  I don't buy tunics because I don't want to own an item of clothing that I know will be pulled against my body, in a most unfashionable way.  For me, I like my pants at a certain length, a teeny bit above the top of my shoe.  I have enough trouble navigating through my world, and I don't want to have another trip hazard.  I assume my body, which is battered and bruised from my latest fall, can only take so much damage, before I end up breaking something, like my knee! I do admire the actresses whose pants are long and cover the entire shoe.  When they walk, it makes it look like their gliding.

And I have some issues with the clothes men wear on television.  Why do their suit coats (are they coats or jackets?) always seem to pull a tad when they button the coat up?  Are they vain enough that they don't want a suit coat in just one size larger?  I still don't understand the button/unbutton of the suit coat.  If the coat is left unbuttoned, does it project an undesired look?  So I watch as the men spend so much time (at least to me), buttoning and unbuttoning their coats.  I'll tell you this, Steve Harvey is very put together on his show.  The pants are the right length, and he's coordinated down to the pocket hanky.  Dr. Phil is another man who always looks "put together".

Well there you have it - my "rant" if you will, about people and clothes. So while I sit here, ready for my day, my elastic waist pants are comfy.  I also know that the only looks I get now are from people in cars, that are waiting for my sorry ass to move along.  And, I'm okay with that.  For the people who have to wait for me to walk across the street, etc., understand that I'm doing my very best to scoot along.  So, there you have it, my thought for the day.


Saturday, November 4, 2017

I'm a Bit Behind


Sorry for not posting yesterday.  I have no excuse, so forgive me.  The upstairs hall and our bedroom carpets were cleaned yesterday.  I have threatened (not really) the dogs with imminent death (also not really) if they do their "business" on my carpets upstairs.  My rationale is that they have a doggy door, so why don't they use it?  Beats me, but does boggle my mind.

Time change tonight and I've already set my watch and bedroom clock back.  Jeff has to go in to work tonight at 3:00 am (I think that's the right time) to set the computers' clocks.  Again, I probably have only got half of this right, so I apologize Jeff if I've mangled the facts.

It's a lovely day outside and the trees are really showing their fall colors now.  They are also dropping said fall collared leaves on the ground.  And, then the seemingly never ending chore of raking and scooping up of leaves begins.  As much as I love our oak tree, I'm not as enthused about her in the fall.  But, oh how beautiful she is in the spring when the little buds start to appear.

Today, is laundry day and may or may not (likely not) fold up the clothes as soon as they are dried.  I don't know why doing the laundry seems to be a chore, particularly since I only have about 2 loads a week, which is far less than when the boys were at home.

I have no plans for today - shocker.  Jeff will need to go to the stores this weekend, as my refrigerator is practically empty, and we have no milk.  We never run out of milk, mayo or toilet paper,  Think of it as the trifecta of the Bassett house.

I've been gathering up items on Amazon of things that I may want to buy as Christmas presents.  I don't fiddle around.  Christmas is on the 25th each and every year, and yet that holiday seems to catch people off guard.  I talked to Benjamin yesterday and he told me he was working on his list.  Just because you put "x" on your wish list, doesn't necessarily mean you're going to receive "x".  I know of at least one thing that I'm getting the boys as well as Stacey and Wendy.  And, to be fair, I've jotted a few things down.  Things I would like to have, and most of those things are functional and will help me like a self-threading sewing needle.  And, those of you who know me well, also know that I probably have no reason to use a needle and thread!  The outcome is generally a disaster.

All of my Halloween cooking shows are now over, but don't worry, now it's time for the Holiday cooking shows.  Yippee!  I watch these shows as well as some over the top reality shows, like "Don't be Tardy".  Why somebody would want to be under the microscope as they go about their daily living is beyond me.  Perhaps the money is good.

Well, I've rambled on long enough.  The clothes need to go into the dryer.   😊

Have a wonderful day and don't forget about the clocks!


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Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...