Sunday, November 12, 2017

Skipping a Few Days


My faithful followers have probably noticed a lack of blogs the last couple of days.  As always, I have no excuse, just didn't get the job done.

I think summer is over for another year.  We've actually had to turn on the heat for several days.  Of course, when we need it most, the gas fireplace needs an adjustment from the fireplace people.  They'll be out in a week.  If we planned for cold(er) weather, then we would have the fireplace checked out in oh I don't know, September!  

Yesterday, Jeff went out and blew all the leaves in our yard into a big pile at the curb.  Once his job is done, then mine begins.  I take my rollator out into the street, since I can only do so much bending and scooping of leaves before I need to sit down.  Our very nice neighbor next door, saw Jeff blowing leaves into the street.  She came over and with not the latest hesitation, started picking up the leaves for me.  When somebody is doing something nice for me, I don't feel as much uncomfortable as I feel guilty.  I may have trouble getting around, that's for sure, but I still want to believe, in my heart, that I can do things by myself.  Now, the facts are stacked against me.  There's the small issue of my two recent falls, I'm unsteady on my feet and physical work is hard on the various ailments, bursitis being one.  I tell younger people, not to grow old, because it's not for the faint of heart!

Jeff and I have been watching "The Dog Whisperer" and after watching several episodes, have found new ways to train and correct the girls.  Mind you, he makes it look super easy, but I've been successful in backing Bella out of the kitchen, when I'm in there.  Baby steps to be sure, but Jeff and I are the pack leaders, and have to take our power back.  It's true, that when the dogs are young puppies, discipline is hard to do, because they're just so darn cute when they're ripping into a sofa!  And, how many pairs of slippers are too many slippers to be chewed up?  Oh, and there's my cellphone, which Bella took outside, rolled it around in the mud and what do you know, it no longer works.  Just when I was beginning to feel comfortable using the phone and having it near me, so being without a phone is harder than I thought it would be.

Tomorrow, Jeff is taking me for my semi-annual physical at Hopkins.  I don't think there's anything really wrong with me, if you discount my ability to get around!  Scott's car is at the mechanics for repairs of one kind or another, so he has my car.  Since I'm unable to drive, this isn't much of a hardship.  I only asked that he not "fuss" with my pre-set radio channels.  Nothing makes me crazier, actual that's not really true, then pushing, for instance the number 6 button plays music from the '60's.  Easy peasey.

By a quick glance at the clock, I can see that I'm a "tad" late in getting myself up and about for the day.  Enjoy your day.


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