Tuesday, November 7, 2017



When did wearing a hoodie become less of a "fashion" statement and deemed more of a threat?  Since there has been an upswing of crimes committed with people wearing hoodies.  I have nor have I ever had a hoodie.  The reason is simple - I just don't like clothing hanging around my neck.  Fancy jeweled necklaces is a different matter altogether!

It seems like every night on the news, there has been a crime committed with video showing a person fleeing the scene wearing a, you guessed it, a hoodie.  You can pull them down to hide your face, which is what the "bad" guys seem to do.  Of course, those "bad" guys only wear dark hoodies.  I have yet to see on television a crime being committed by someone who is wearing, for example, a red hoodie with a snow flake pattern.  Just saying.

We have a neighborhood electronic bulletin board and someone has posted that a man wearing a hoodie, was looking in the windows of her house.  Okay, I'll admit that freaked me out a bit.  I always keep my front door locked, my car locked and my garage door down.  Even having done all of that, if I saw somebody looking into the house, I admit I would be scared.  Of course, Bella and Daisy create a lot of noise when they "think" (i.e., hear) there's something going on outside.  While they're not big dogs, I admit to feeling protected just by having them in the house.

According to Google, over one million hoodies are sold each year here and abroad.  Oklahoma is trying to pass a bill that would make it illegal to wear a hoodie in public that hides your identity. Penalty - $500.  Hoodies are now receiving nearly as much negative publicity as owning a pit bull.  
Sounds like if you're visiting Oklahoma, better leave your hoodie at home.

See the difference in the hoodies below?

Image result for picture of a hoodie 
Image result for picture of a hoodie

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