Thursday, November 16, 2017

Just Another Day


Here we are a week away from Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a day of eating more than you need.  But the argument for doing this is because, Thanksgiving is only once a year, so why shouldn't we indulge?  After the meal is over, the men "retire" to the den to watch football.  Women, on the other hand, are busy putting leftovers in plastic containers, which makes the job much harder.  Like socks, I have plastic lids that don't fit any plastic boxes I have in the kitchen.  Once the food has been sorted out, then it's time to clean the kitchen and do the dishes.  Depending on how formal your meal is, this too could take a lot of time.  One year, we had Thanksgiving at my parents' house, and Mom pulled out her Wedgwood dishes.  Now, if you're not familiar with Wedgwood, here's a picture.  Food, of course, managed to find their way into the white pattern, and Mom only wanted hand washing of these dishes.  Curses to raised pattern dishes.

When I was cooking for Thanksgiving, I did use glass plates, and occasionally even used my china. I have since given away my china to Stacey, because I believe my formal dinners are probably over.  Unfortunately, cooking has become sort of a chore for me now.  I have no particular reason not to cook, but cooking the same things over and over again is frankly boring.

Jeff and I have been invited to spend Thanksgiving with friends of Scott.  There will be 18 or so people there for dinner.  I have told Jeff that I am opting out of going.  I don't "do" people. That is to say, that I don't like large groups of people.  I don't know if 18 people is considered a large group, but it's too large for me.  I'm uncomfortable in this kind of setting, and will be much happier at home.  And, please don't tell me that going would be good for me.  I actually disagree with that statement.  Recluse?  Probably, but I'm very happy here at home surrounded by the things that I love, which includes Daisy and Bella.  Jeff will have a good time and that's what I want for him.  

At a recent dinner at Scott's house, where the food was excellent, before dinner everyone stood around in the kitchen and had snacks and drinks.  I'm not able to stand more than a few minutes, so I went to the den and watched television with the children.  I don't want people to have to cater to my physical limits. It's bad enough that I have to deal with them.

If Metro Access is running that day, I may ask for a ride so that I can go to the movies, and eat buttered popcorn and sip on diet coke.  An absolutely perfect way to enjoy the day.

Time to run (ha) and get some stuff done.  Enjoy your day.


Image result for images of wedgwood china

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