Friday, November 17, 2017

Play Day!!!


Not only is it Friday, but it's super special because Stacey and Benjamin are coming to visit with me.  I have no idea what kind of nonsense we might get into, and it really doesn't matter to me.  I'm more excited to have company, actually really good company.  Maybe we'll go to Michael's and/or Target.  Or, we might just stay here at the house and talk and perhaps also watch really crappy television!

Just because I'm a recluse (more or less), doesn't mean I don't enjoy people.  I just prefer a smaller amount of people.  Large groups send me running straight for a corner.  It's much easier if I know everybody, but a room full of strangers?  Not so much.

Maybe, I'll have Stacey get down our artificial tree.  The tree has lights already on, and I don't care very much about hanging ornaments.  I actually do like ornaments, but ours are in the garage, on a shelf, that is not readily accessible.  We didn't do any decorating last year, but I'm trying to be less of a "bah humbug" this year.  If Scott was still at home, we'd have lights on the house, bushes and trees.  Pretty much anywhere you could think of, he would decorate.  Scott loves lights and when he's finished decorating his house, the rest of the world, okay the neighborhood, can enjoy his display too!

The girls will be very happy when Benjamin come today.  He'll get on the floor and wrestle with them, and it'll be a lot of fun for all of them.

Oh, the first of my Christmas presents came yesterday.  It's a small start, but it's a start.  I have made a list (and you say of course you do), and all I have to do is push the one click button on Amazon and voila I'll get all of the gifts I need.  I have to finish stuffing the 4A computer Christmas cards, seal them (ugh), put labels on them, count them and get to the post office.  I weigh one card for the correct amount of postage and then buy stamps for all the cards.  The key is to get to the post office long before people begin to panic about getting their boxes to arrive before Christmas.  And, the other key is to do this on a week day - less people!

Lovely chat, but it's time for coffee and a bagel.

Enjoy your Friday.


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