Monday, November 20, 2017

Short Work Week!


Since I'm retired, I don't get all excited about people having a short work week.  But, I know, because I remember, what a big deal it is/was to have four days off.  I know Jeff is looking forward to having those extra days, so that he can get a few "zzzz's" while resting in his recliner.  The girls, and particularly Daisy, love to sit in someone's lap, she will definitely be in heaven.

The fireplace people are coming to the house tomorrow to find the problem with the gas log, and then fix it.  It's pretty warm right now, but it won't be long before Jeff and I will want to turn the fireplace on during the evenings.

Yesterday, was a Winnie The Poo kind of day - breezy.  When the wind blows, it makes picking up leaves really difficult.  I suppose sometime this weekend, we'll have another "go" at leave control!  Our oak tree is 30 years old, and she's got a lot of leaves still hanging on limbs, so our pickup work will occur probably 3 of 4 more times.

After Jeff and I did our grocery shopping, Stacey sent me an email with two food requests from Andrew.  So, it's back to the store before Wednesday to pick up the ingredients.  I'll make the food here, and for the corn casserole, which takes a long time to bake, I'll cook it here.  Because we're going to Andrew's house, we can bring the girls along for a perpetual romp in the backyard.

I made a suggestion to Stacey and Wendy, that we have a Christmas wrapping party at the house.  I'll have the presents, but I'll watch while the wrapping is done.  Obviously, they can't wrap their own presents, so I guess somebody will be in the dining room and the other one in the kitchen dining area.  I abhor wrapping presents of any kind.  I tend to forget, perhaps on purpose, to tuck in the corners so that the package looks nicer.

What I want to do, is find the right presents for the right people.  The "hunt" for gifts is very exciting for me, but after that, I'd just as soon the packages could wrap themselves!

More packages from Amazon have been ordered.  Gotta love Amazon.  You can search for, and find, pretty much anything you want to buy and/or give.  Walking is definitely not my thing at the moment, so going around in a mall is out of the question, unless somebody is pushing me in a wheelchair.  I haven't been in a mall in a very long time, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not missing much, but there is something to be said for looking at pretty clothes.

Many things to do this week.  Laundry today (ugh), make pumpkin bread from scratch (that's okay) and on Wednesday make and bake food for Thursday.  I have already sealed up all of the 4A Christmas cards. All that's left to do, is to put labels on, take them to the post office, before the Christmas rush and put stamps on.

Because my handwriting has gotten so bad, I'm going to give Jeff names and addresses for our Christmas cards.  We don't send out nearly as much as we used to, which I think is the case for a lot of our friends.

Gotta run, duty calls.


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