Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Doctors, Doctors


Yesterday, Jeff took me to Hopkins for my six month "how ya doing" check-up.  Physically, I'm okay, except for the parts of my body that hurt, and that's pretty much everything!  Sucks getting old and sucks even more when multiple aches and pains show up, and also show that they have no intent on leaving!

When we got home, Jeff made a wonderful dinner, by using a bag of this, a can of that, and jalapenos that gave the dish a little heat. Jeff has been making most of the dinners, with a little instruction from me.  

Since I took care of the physical side of me yesterday, today I'll go and see how my head is doing.  I have started back using my "SAD" light because sometimes when I am sitting down to do my blog, it's very dark outside.  Winter has always been my nemesis.  Unfortunately, as we head into winter, my depression normally starts to ramp up, and this is for sure not a good thing.  It doesn't matter that I know what winter does to me mentally.  My depression deepens as if it were a locomotive racing down the track - hard to stop it.   Being empowered with the history of past years, I'm not expecting this year to be any different.  And yes, I know that definitely sounds like Debbie Downer. 

Jeff and I are using some of the "Dog Whisperer" techniques on the dogs.  And, the behaviors we are starting to fix, seem to be working.  On the television show, Caesar constantly reminds people that we as humans are the pack leader, and the dogs need to know that.  Since I'm home with the dogs all day, I'm working a lot harder to get the dogs' attention when they are being less than well behaved.  You know from past blogs, that between the two dogs, one of them is generally acting up and/or destroying things.  Cell phones (mine) don't do well when the dogs take it outside and play with it in the mud!  They actually killed it, and just when I was, after years of not using the phone, relying on it, the phone no longer works.  The phone is not new, but it did everything I wanted it to do.  Let me call people and add things to my calendar.  Taking pictures?  Nope, not needed.  Having the phone last month when Metro Access forgot to pick me up, allowed me to call Jeff to have him come and get me.  An important and useful tool.  If I was staying home 24/7, I could probably live without the phone, but since I'm out, and at the mercy of Metro Access to pick me up, the phone has become vital to me.  Curse those dogs.

There is a television show called "Unexpected" and it's about teenage girls who become pregnant at a very young age.  If memory serves me correct, one of these girls is only 14.  Now, why didn't the parents give the birth control pill to their daughters amazes me.  These young people, are in no position to be a parent, go to school, hold down a job, etc.  I got married at 18, and luckily for me, the marriage was fairly short - 5 years. After starting to date Jeff, I went to my gyn and asked for pills.  His reply was why did I need them, I wasn't married.  Luckily, that old-fashioned thinking is long gone.

But, the amount of maturing I did between 18 and 25 was huge.  You might be, according to the law, an adult, but believe me, when I tell you from personal experience, that getting married at 18 and having a baby when I was 21, didn't work out for me.  Actually, let me restate that: initially after my husband dumped me for another woman, I thought I would be alone forever, but then with the help of my Dad and Jeff's sister, fate came through the door. My prince charming even had a white car!  Apparently, no white horses were available!  😊 Jeff and I have been married for 43 years now, and according to statistics, marriages that go the distance are becoming rarer and rarer.  All sunshine and rainbows, not always.  But, Jeff and I are in our imagined rowboat, with both oars going in the same direction.


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