Thursday, November 30, 2017

It's Hallmark's Movie Month!


With some help from Stacey and Benjamin, I actually do have some Christmas decorations up in the house.  For years, since the boys went elsewhere on Christmas day, it seemed like it was too much trouble to get the decorations down and then put them away again.  I will admit that the few decorations that have been put up, make the house feel a bit more "Christmasy" (I know that's not a word, but you know what I mean.

And, since it's December, the Hallmark channel on television, has one after another feel good movie.  The plots would be considered, by some, as too sugary, but there just right for me.  I watch these movies when Jeff isn't around.  These movies, would be just too much for him to tolerate, and I understand that.

As far as I know right now, I don't think Bella has taken anything inappropriate this morning.  The Q-tips that she scattered all over our bathroom yesterday, are still in the jar, where I put them yesterday.  My feet are in my slippers, so she can't run off with them.  All things considered, I would say, that at the moment, I'm having a good day.

The house was cleaned yesterday, so pretty much folding laundry is my chore/job for today.  One of the chairs in the living room, has been my "Santa's Workshop" - where I'm storing presents.  I take my time picking out gifts, and I really don't want to wait until Christmas to give them out.  I would say that I love giving presents to our family, but having said that, enjoy unwrapping presents too!  I've been told that it's a lot of trouble buying for me, but I disagree.  I pretty much like everything.  Problem is that the things that I have put on my lists, and yes I said lists.  I gave Stacey, Wendy and Jeff a list of wants.  Truthfully, with the exception of a self threading needle, because I can no longer see the hole in a regular needle, I don't need anything.  And. the things that I do want are simple: potholders, kitchen towels, and stuff like that. Actually, it's really difficult to buy gifts for Jeff, even for me!

I've asked Stacey to come to the house to wrap presents with me.  Um, I think I'll just be watching!  My presents will look prettier if Stacey does the wrapping!  Unfortunately, because of the girls, the presents have to remain in the living room, behind a gate.  Every time I take a gate down, and I have several gates, Bella proves to me that she really can't be trusted to not take things outside to destroy.  I'm hoping that this "phase", and I hope it's just that, will eventually ease up or stop entirely.  I'm hoping for entirely!

Can't stay and chat, the laundry doth call me.


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