Friday, December 1, 2017

It's Friday and December!


For most people, the beginning of December causes a bit of a panic as the reality hits that Christmas is coming again this year.  My shopping is basically over, except for a few little things I might find in a store.  The chair in the living room looks like Santa's workshop!  Everyone knows I love the hunt for the perfect gifts, but abhor wrapping.  I also have to contain myself because I'd like to give the presents to the family like right now.  But, I know I have to wait.

Scott, Wendy and Elly (Wendy's daughter) are coming tomorrow for brunch.  This will be the first time Jeff and I meet Elly and I hope she likes the "girls".  So, today I must move packages from the chair into the dining room and cover with a blanket or something. Jeff and I are going to do our Costco/WalMart run later today.  I want to buy the cinnamon rolls that you put in the oven and then ice.  A family favorite for years.

Unless I'm missing something, and that's entirely possible, I don't think the girls have destroyed anything today.  Is their, meaning Bella, level of destruction mellowing out?  I can only hope.  It's painful for me to walk, and going up and down stairs is an activity I avoid.  I come down for breakfast, up to dress and then back down.  No other trips until bedtime.

Our neighbor has left to go to Florida for the winter.  While he's gone, Jeff will park my car in the neighbor's driveway.  This means that if it snows, Jeff will have to shovel the entire driveway, instead of shoveling in and around my car.  We might as well park my car, since it's not being used on a regular basis.

I have more packages to arrive from Amazon. I try to put the packages in the house as soon as they arrive.  This is the time of the year, when people (i.e., bad guys), take boxes, etc. from the front of people's houses.  How fun would it be if the bad guys took a box from someone's house and it was filled with feminine products?  Do you suppose they would return the box?

It's a beautiful day here.  Lots of sunshine and virtually no wind.  Our homeowner's association will do it's yearly leaf pick-up starting on the 11th.  There are a whole lot of people in the neighborhood who have already started to blow/rake their leaves into the street.  Really?  Can they not stand to clear their yard of leaves and then stiff said leaves into a lawn bag?  If you don't pick-up your leaves, and if we get a windy day, somebody on our street is going to get extra leaves from the houses at the top of the small hill.  Jeff and I live at the top of this hill and we try to be a good neighbor and pick up the leaves.

Happy Friday to everyone.


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