Thursday, December 21, 2017

Here We Are


Beginning of the final count down to Christmas.  Luckily, my orders from Amazon, are all here.  I'm trying to be creative with a couple of presents.  Yesterday, I was able to wrap one present uniquely, but afterwards, my creative juices were gone.  I hope I have better luck today, with another present, that I think should have more than just wrapping paper.  

We've received a few Christmas cards, and I sent out fewer cards this year.  We're getting some Christmas letters, because we enjoy hearing about our friends' review of their year.  

Watched the finale of Survivor last night, so there goes an hour of television watching on Wednesday down the tubes.  I'll have to find a replacement show, otherwise Jeff and I might have to talk to each other (horrors - just kidding) 😉!

This time next week, I can safely throw out all the Amazon boxes that I'm currently keeping just in case I need/want a box.  The unused wrapping paper can go back to it's spot in the basement, and my tiny little artificial tree goes back in it's box.  The little tree and a wreath are my only decorations.  We used to, seems like a long time ago, had lights outside, a real tree, garland on the mantel and things like that.  And, during those days, the boys were home and Christmas was spent here in the house.  Since both boys are now adults, most years, we don't actually have anyone here on Christmas day.  This year will be an exception, as Andrew et al and Jeff and I are heading to Scott's house for the day.

Jeff and I are bringing two dishes for Christmas.  The hash brown casserole, we'll make at Scott's house.  I assume we'll be bringing one of our very large bowls to prepare the dish, as well as our large baking dish.  We're bringing pretzel salad, but we can prepare that dish here at home, because once it's made, only needs to be refrigerated.

Ada (cleaning lady) was here yesterday.  I bought Ada and the woman who comes with her to clean the house, each a lightweight variegated pink and gray scarf.  The scarves are very pretty, but if you need a scarf for warmth, these guys aren't going to do the job.

Jeff had yesterday off, and not only did he get to sleep in, a bit, but was able to stretch out in his recliner during the day and "watch" television with his eyes closed!  I really wish he could have more relaxing days, and less hectic ones.

Time for me to sign off.  While I don't have to clean the house, there are things need doing, folding laundry (blah) for one!


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