Monday, December 11, 2017

Checking It Twice!


A bright sunshiny day here.  The little bit of snow that fell over the weekend, is almost gone.  Now, if people are smart, this would be a good time to buy some winter tools, like a snow shovel.  It seems as if everybody waits for a snow storm to be predicted, and then they flock to the stores to get those winter essentials - shovels, ice scrapers, etc.

Me?  I stayed inside yesterday.  I was afraid of falling on wet leaves, because what I don't need is to have another fall.  I have an appointment scheduled for today, but that's not until this afternoon.  In the meantime, I'm going to put all the empty boxes, padded envelopes, and packing pieces into the living room.  I need the floor space in my office back!

We have a small two foot or so pre-lit fake Christmas tree.  I came into the kitchen this morning, and Bella was chewing away on a plastic candy cane ornament.  I keep wondering if she's missing something in her diet.  I actually think that she should be taken outside for a long walk, to tire herself out.  I've never walked her on a leash (back to that old falling thing again), nor do I have the stamina to walk long distances.  I sound like a parrot when talking about what Caesar said about a dog's behavior.  I will tell you that the things we've tried, like keeping her out of the kitchen, when we're in there cooking, is beginning to sink in.  Now, an empty kitchen would still be too much for Bella.  There's always lots of things she can get into.

I said that my Christmas shopping was done, but I lied.  The hunt continued over the weekend, and now I really do think my shopping is done.  I've even bought a few things for myself, which I will have Stacey wrap for me.  I know that buying for oneself is not what you're supposed to do, but I view this as merely helping Jeff out.  Note to Jeff - you can still buy me presents that will be a complete surprise for me!

While sitting here typing away, I looked up on one of my shelves, and found a perfect present for Stacey.  Obviously, I can't disclose the item, just in case Stacey reads my blog.  Jeff and I disagree on the giving away of things we own.  My theory is that I've enjoyed "x" for many years and that I know a family member would enjoy "x" now.  I don't think of this as giving away, more like passing "x" on, particularly if I know that, let's suppose we're talking about Stacey here, will love this object.

I think Stacey and Benjamin are coming to see me this week to continue wrapping for me.  Now that I've cleaned out all my summer shoes and sandals from my closet, it would be a big help to me, if Benjamin would match up all the shoes that remain.

While sitting here, I hear something falling to the ground.  And guess what?  Bella has been able to push open one of the gates keeping her from the kitchen, and she got inside enough to grab a spatula.  Luckily, I got there in time to get the spatula before it descended into the circle of hell, known as the basement!

Checking out now.  I've got clothes to put away and spaghetti to make.



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