Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Hump Day


Wednesday is recycling day here at the house.  All the unneeded cardboard and plastic stuff get put out on the curb.  And, believe me with my "Santa" orders, I'm generating a lot of cardboard!  At the moment, I'm saving the cardboard until I have all the gifts in boxes. I don't want to need a box for a present, and I don't have one.

Went to see the knee doctor yesterday.  He took fluid off my knee and gave me a shot of cortisone.  The cortisone is supposed to work in a day or two.  No improvement today, maybe tomorrow.

Stacey and Benjamin are coming to see me tomorrow.  Stacey and I will enjoy our pedicures and perhaps do our nails as well.  Benjamin, will be content as long as he has his tablet.  Since Scott, Wendy and Elly came to the house on Saturday, I took all of their gifts and put them on the dining room table and covered them with a tablecloth.  Today, I'm putting Scott et al's presents on the sofa, and putting Andrew et al's presents on the table covered with the tablecloth.

After Stacey and I are "beautiful" once again - who doesn't love a pedicure, she's coming to the house and will beautifully wrap presents, and even adorn the packages with ribbon!  I think for the men in my life, we can forego the ribbon.  When my mother-in-law was alive, she saved all the ribbons and bows from opened presents, to use the next year, after she ironed said ribbons.  Will I be doing that? Hmm, let me think, ah - no.

My cleaning lady comes this afternoon.  I'm going to tell her not to clean the office, because it's cluttered with empty boxes and padded envelopes, Christmas cards and items that need shredding. I think I'll give her a pass on the living room as well.  Nobody, but yours truly, has gone into the living room, since last Wednesday.  I only went into the living room, to put presents in a chair.  Any dust in there can certainly wait until next week, which by that time, all the presents will have been wrapped.

Since I slipped off of a small stool yesterday, and yes hit the floor with my right knee, I'm going to ask Benjamin to help me with my shoes in the closet.  I want him to put all my sandals, flip flops, etc., in a box that we'll put in one of the spare bedrooms.  This will be helpful to me.  I'm also going to ask him to pick up all the toys in the spare room, and put them in the toy bin.

After all of that is done, it will be time for Stacey, Benjamin and myself to sit down and enjoy each other's company.  I have some cherry pastries that will be delicious with coffee or milk.

My birthday is next week, if you count the 17th, which is a Sunday.  Stacey is planning my birthday, not Christmas, dinner.  She's making the reservations and picking a time for dinner.  I told Stacey that if I get a present from anybody, I would like it wrapped in birthday paper.  That sounds childish I know, but just because my birthday is close to Christmas, doesn't mean that I have to have a birthday present wrapped in Christmas paper.

Okay, time for me to get busy - or get a little busy.  Enjoy your day.


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