Sunday, December 10, 2017

Overcast Sunday


The snow yesterday was beautiful.  Not enough snow fell to require shoveling, and that's a good thing.  So today, the bushes and trees look like they have been covered in icing, really beautiful.

Jeff and I stayed in for most of yesterday, but today there are things to be done.  Laundry for one - blah.  And, I guess I'll clear the kitchen table and begin wrapping presents.  I think the reason I don't like to wrap is because I'm absolutely no good at it. They invented packing tape for a reason - to hold boxes shut, requiring no wrapping at all!  That sounds lazy I know, but just stating the facts.  After watching Stacey wrap a few presents, I was in absolute awe of how beautiful the presents looked.  My "office" is currently overrun by boxes, those little puffy pillows that come in most Amazon packages, as well as padded envelopes, oh, and last but certainly not least, presents. Once I find the right box or package for each gift, and the wrapping is done, the OCD side of me will feel much better.

This week, I'm sliding down toward my birthday.  Sixty-eight!  Where have the years gone?  Here's what I know for sure - I am no longer "carded" when I go to the movies and ask for the senior discount.  My hair is mostly only gray in the front.  There maybe gray hair on the back of my head, but I can't see back there, so that doesn't count!

I think Jeff is going to make spaghetti for dinner tonight.  I'm grateful that he has taken over this chore/job, or whatever you want to call it.  My ability to stand and/or walk is measured in mere minutes, before I have to sit down.  And, you're not very productive if you have to continue to rest.  

Jeff and I watched "The Dog Whisperer" this morning.  We are learning so much from these television shows, and are gathering pointers on better ways to get the girls to do what we want them to do.  We're making some progress, the girls are no longer chewing on sofas and chairs.  When it comes to sell or give away said pieces of furniture, they'll have to be marked as "slightly damaged"!  I don't feel comfortable allowing Bella to have access to rooms, without supervision.  She is dynamite quick and before you can turn around, she's heading to the backyard with one "treasure" or another.  

Yesterday, I went to my closet, and loaded up a big box of spring and summer shoes - flip flops and sandals.  When Benjamin visits next, I'll ask him to organize the shoes by pairs that are left.  In the spare room, I had at one time or another, cleaned out a folder/file and threw those papers on the floor.  And there they sat.  I have sense gone in, gathered up all the papers and shredded them.  Benjamin has a number of toys on the floor in that bedroom, and I'm going to ask him to pick them up and put them in his toy box.  You know that if you almost never go into a spare room, it can quickly become a dumping ground of everything that you don't want to deal with right now!  And, I'm guilty as charged. But, when those rooms become a trip hazard for me, I know it's past time to get stuff off of the floor.

Jeff is making his weekly run to Costco and WalMart.  Yours truly is staying home.  I don't want to walk in wet leaves, because they are slippery.

The washing machine awaits.


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