Saturday, December 9, 2017

It's Snowing!


The snow that is falling is light and only covering barely the grass.  Streets and driveways are clear, and there's no need for shoveling.  But, on the other hand, just this little amount of snow will be a wake-up call to people to buy or find in their basements, shovels.  We already have snow shovels, but I think that Jeff is going to buy a new one.  I said I think, so don't quote me on that!

The good news about any kind of weather, is that I know if the girls have gone outdoors, because their paws are wet.  Wet paws is a good thing. Today, I'm taking on the much dreaded task of wrapping presents.  I will try to make a serious effort to wrap packages that don't need packing tape to hold the paper together!  Although, packing tape is handy if I'm just sealing up a box that isn't going to be wrapped.  

I saw the orthopedic spine surgeon yesterday.  He spent a lot of time with me (shocker) and explained my options.  Apparently, my case is complicated - ya think?  After the first of the year, I'm signing up for back surgery, which may or may not have an impact on my right foot.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  My last spinal fusion surgery was in 1999, and now I'm nearly 20 years older.  The recovery last time was long and slow, and I'm expecting the recovery this time to be much longer and slower.  At least I'm not working so there isn't the push to get back to work quickly.

I think, notice I said think, that Jeff might make chicken soup today.  Jeff does a wonderful job of making soups and stews.  I, on the other hand, don't cut the veggies up to bite size.  Actually, I rather hate cutting up veggies, and I'm always in a hurry to get the stew/soup cooking.  Once the cooking starts, I can retire to my chair, feeling very proud of myself. 

The Christmas Day menu at Scott's house is done.  I'm bringing the hash brown casserole that everybody likes along with Pretzel Salad.  I am so excited about spending the day with everyone.  It will be so much fun.  

This Friday, we're celebrating my birthday.  Stacey is doing a good job of coordinating where we're going, what time we're going, etc.  Apparently, all I have to do is show up.  How neat will that be?  I'll be 68 on my birthday.  And, I wonder where all the years have gone.  Since this year has been filled with medical issues, I'm looking forward to 2018 - um - after the back surgery that is.

Enjoy your Saturday, whether it's sunny or wintry.


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