Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Hump Day


Recycling day.  There is a part of me longs for the days when you just had trash and everything from paper to plastic was tossed into the trash can.  Now, and I understand why, we have to sort paper from plastic, but someday's it's just downright annoying.

The presents are over taking the house.  Wrapped gifts are in the living room. Unwrapped gifts are both in my office as well as the dining room table.  It is imperative now, more than ever, that Bella not have access to the den, without supervision.  She would have a field day with all that paper, cardboard and gifts at her disposable.  

After I shower and dress, I'll return to the wrapping of presents.  I'll have to make two disclaimers on Christmas Day: (1) sort of apologize for the presents wrapped by me; and (2) that when it came time to picking out clothing sizes, I didn't want to insult someone by buying too big and/or too small.  It was just a judgment call, and I hope I got it right.

Our cleaning lady comes today, and she's going to find parts of the house in complete chaos.  I think, for the most part, that I'm pretty organized, thanks to being OCD, but at the moment, I've absolutely lost control.  

I love presents that come in their own box, because I generally can do a "fairly" good job of wrapping.  My wrapping isn't what you would call pretty, by any stretch of the imagination, but I get 'ur done!  Some would day, and they might be right, that I have bought simply too many presents.  But, I enjoy the hunt looking for what I think will make a great present for everyone.  I do get lists from some people, and I consider the list, and then I go rogue!  What can I say?  I love giving.  I love that when somebody opens up a present, that they didn't know they wanted, and I see all that joy on their face, my day is absolutely complete!  I'll deal with the Visa bill later.  The Amazon charges are on the high end, but when you divide that number by the number of people I'm buying for, it doesn't look so bad.  (Keep that in mind Jeff, when the bill comes - (insert happy face here)!

The good news is that with one exception (Benjamin), I seldom buy gifts the rest of the year.  So, if you take the amount of money I spent on Amazon, divide that by the number of people on my list, and then divide it again by 12, it comes out to a very reasonable number.  "Fake Numbers"!

Jeff went out to Andrew's house last night and he took the girls.  Bella, for sure, needs to burn off some of her energy, and she just can't do that in our backyard very well.  Jeff helped to get heat out to the chicken coop, so that the chickens will stay warm this winter.  And, based on temperatures today, not a moment too soon.

I'm really looking forward to my birthday dinner on Friday, as well as Christmas Day.  Everyone will be at Scott's house to exchange presents, eat great food and enjoy each other's company.  Can't wait.

Time to run and get something done!


P.S.:  I bet you can't tell from these two pictures, which one closely resembles my time of wrapping, versus Stacey's wrapping!  

Image result for picture of presents needed to be wrapped

Image result for picture of presents needed to be wrapped

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