Tuesday, December 31, 2019

End of One Year, the Start of Another!


Last day of the year. Jeff and I gave staying up until midnight several years ago. It may have something to do with the fact that with very few exceptions, we don't even know who the performers are! Ah, let's bring back the music from the 60's! Music that good (only my opinion), should not become elevator music.

I'm trying to figure out, and actually pretty much don't care, but will the music of today, ever become elevator music? I have my doubts.

Ladies, tonight is the time to bring out those gold "Lamaze" dresses, high heel shoes and evening make-up. Guys, well I actually don't have any dress tips for you. I guess it depends on where the party is. I have faith that you'll figure it out.

With the beauty of Tivo, we can record the events in New York tonight, and watch is tomorrow. And, even more important, we can watch it in a fast forward mode. 

Perhaps, we'll do some binge watching of a television show or movies. The girls don't get a vote - it is what it is.

Big step for Bella. Jeff and part owner of our plane, needed to put fuel in the plane. Jeff managed to get Bella into the plane. She wasn't particularly happy, but she behaved as she normally does, quiet and controlled. There is a lot of noise inside the cabin, so if this becomes a regular thing, she'll need dog ear muffs. There is a wide selection of these ear muffs, depends on how much you want to spend.

One of my things to do today, is flatten all the cardboard, and put our container on the curb on Thursday. And, boy do we have a lot of cardboard! Some neighbors have already put out their recycling items. I guess they don't look at the county recycling calendar.

I wish all the best for you and your family in the New Year!


Image result for picture of new year party in new york


Just another crappy day in the neighborhood!


Not much to say about today. It's not particularly cold outside, but it's raining and there is some fog. Unfortunately, I have two doctor appointments today, and this will definitely bite into my reading time! I have ordered several books from Amazon, so I will have to wait a few days until they arrive. At the moment, I'm rummaging around in my various baskets, looking for something I want to actually read. Problem is, once I've got my nose in a book, I don't wish to be bothered! And, this book concentration started when I was a teenager. I drove my Mother crazy, when I would respond to doing a chore, that I just needed one more minute. This, obviously didn't win me any favors.

Another shooting? This time at a Rabbi's home, where five people were injured. Are we safe anywhere these days? Doesn't seem like it. Just checking the facts: 41 mass shootings and 210 people died. Are you safe in a store? Church? School? Paranoia is beginning to set in. As Dorothy said, in "Wizard of Oz", Toto we're not in Kansas anymore". 

And, are some of the shooters living with some kind of mental disease? Could be. But, I'm mental, and have absolutely no desire to kill anyone. Years ago, Jeff owned a rifle, (I think owned by his grandfather?) and when our home was burglarized, one of the things that was taken was that rifle, which we never replaced. Jeff isn't a hunter, so about the only thing the rifle was used for, was shooting down cans. 

Some of you, will remember the Bay of Pig missile crisis in 1961 (had to look up the year). We students, were told, that if necessary, we were to get under our desks. Many years later, I know and you do as well, that going beneath our desks, wouldn't help one bit.

During this turmoils time,my Father was stationed at Vandenberg AFB. You could drive by and see the missiles out of their silos. I don't believe those missiles were ever used, except for trial launches.

I remember my Father telling my Mother, that if an air raid went out, Mother was to get us children, and as much stuff as she could put in the trunk, and then leave the base. I, do think, that for several months, the trunk of the car had some necessities inside.

Some statistics: the base was only 5,777 miles from Korea; from China 7,268 miles. Scary, when you think about it. But, with all the shootings here at home, nobody, or at least most of us, even think about a missile attack. 


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Fa La La


I know you won't believe it, but I tackled our "formal" dining room yesterday. For many years, a toy box for Benjamin was put in a corner. And, also for years, when he came to visit, Benjamin had a lot of fun rummaging around in the chest (actually a big storage bag). He was always looking for treasures. Old things, that were new again to play with. Today, I'm taking his toys upstairs. I'm not going to get rid of them, just store them in one of the bedrooms. I still have a fold and go race track that, when you're finished playing, it folds up like a suitcase. Just checked out the prices on Ebay, and it looks like this toy is going, at the moment, for around $80.00. Imagine the price in, let's say in ten years.

The boys are always after me to put a "sticky" dot underneath my many pieces of glass. What they really want, is my estimate selling price. I know this would be of big help to them, but for me, right now, is not something I want to do. In the future, I know that if I did this for the boys, it would make things easier for them.

When people come to visit, they always say that my house looks like a "vintage" granny's house. And, I'm okay with that. I have, for many years, surrounded myself, with "treasures" (at least to me), and I like it this way.

For Christmas this year, Scott gave me two new pieces of glass. One is a colorful clown with a removable head. To be used, I assume, to hold liquid of some sort. And, I'm not thinking water!  The other piece of glass is a colorful bird, with vibrant colors. I don't exactly know what kind of a bird it is, and I'm okay with that.

I was given a gift certificate for a visit to a hypnotist, as well as a meditation session. What do I tell the hypnotist? I guess a good place to start would (if possible) to help me beat down my desire for sugar. Obviously, what I would want, and it's probably not something a hypnotist can do, is to "see" "old" Wendy. And, or, perhaps relive my memories with her.  

Right now, I am making memories with Scott's wife, who is also named Wendy. I love Wendy very much. She is taking very good care of Scott, and in just doing that, makes Jeff and I very happy.

Yesterday, I took myself and my rollator to do "laps", if you will around the circle in front of the house. I actually went around 12 times, but not all at once. I was going to go out again today, but it's raining, and I, for sure don't need to fall down again!


Friday, December 27, 2019

Professional Writing


Christmas came, and now Christmas is done. Now, there is a countdown (small one) for New Year's Eve. Jeff and I have the best intentions to stay up until midnight, but seldom accomplish this.

Oh, forgot, my topic for today was professional signatures. There is a company who will digitally put your signature on cards or letters. Boy, are we getting lazy now. The machine can make the signatures imprecise. They will even smudge your signature, if that's what you want. 

The company (Handwrytten - and, yes that's how spell it. The company has 80 robots and has added more, to keep up with the demand! Who knew this would/could be a business! They have more robots, as needed, to keep up with the demand. The demand is for 100,000 pieces that go out monthly. The company, in December, buys pens in packs of 1,452, for forever stamps in rolls of 10,000.

Other such companies have put their hates in the ring. The cost of these personalized cards, cost between $4.00 and $5.00.

Statistics show that an average household receives one personal letter every ten weeks. Apparently, I'm doing something wrong. It seems that actual letters are received at Christmas, and cards on my birthday. I suppose, if I were a company, who had hundreds or thousands of cards to write, then robot writing could probably (nah, would) be helpful.

Because, my handwriting is now awful, I have to type out our "yearly" news. I hate having to do this, but at some point reality sets in.

I don't know if they teach cursive writing in schools anymore. And, likely very little time is spent on writing. This is a shame. I used to have what I thought (ego trip here) was very nice. Now, not so much. My writing is shaky at best, and sometimes even hard to read. I, actually don't know when my handwriting became difficult for me.

Since Christmas wasn't at our house, the only thing that needed pick-up was the empty boxes. I saved the boxes in case. Also, for the first time, I put everybody's gift receipts in an envelope. This way if somebody doesn't like their gift, they can return it back to Amazon.

Happy Friday.

 Image result for picture of gift returns

Thursday, December 26, 2019

I'm Back!!


Officially, Christmas is over. But it's not quite over yet. What? Don't forget that just because Christmas is over, the stores now are pitching heavily discounted items. People are clambering over discounted wrapping paper, cards, etc. An artificial tree now sells for $19.50. It was originally priced at $39.00. It's probably a great deal - but then you have to store the tree for a year. Nope, not interested. 

The stores, at least those that are still in business, want to move out the winter things - because it's time to bring out the spring things. I like new clothes, but at the moment, can't even begin to think about warmer weather clothes. 

One year, Jeff and I went to Target the day after Christmas. We weren't there to buy anything - merely to watch. I know that sounds mean, but it's a sight, you will never forget - I promise you! We have seen people drape themselves over really big televisions. I suppose, but haven't seen it, there might be a scuffle over one item or another. Remember the Cabbage Patch Dolls? Or the Beanie babies? A few years ago, I bought a used Cabbage Patch doll. She sits in a chair in the living room, which has a large gate covering the wall opening! 

We spent Christmas Eve at Scott's house. Wendy's mother and brother were there as was "computer Ken". Also, the group from Lovettsville. We decided to keep both dogs at home. 

There was plenty of good food, yummy desserts and more importantly family. I'm happy to say that after eating Christmas food, I haven't even gained a pound. So proud of myself.

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to the movies. Apparently, at some point I fell asleep - and that means only one thing - I was snoring. Horrors. Jeff has now met his one movie a year obligation. So in 2020, the one movie count begins!

I hope that all of you and your family, had a wonderful Christmas. Now looking forward to New Years!



Saturday, December 21, 2019

Going Off Blogging Duty


I probably won't blog for the next few days. The days before Christmas has found me with my final chore. And, you know what that is - wrapping! To make things easier for me, I will likely just use packing tape and a marker for the boys. That's easy - even I can handle that.

But the ladies as well as Benjamin and Elly, do need to be wrapped. When I wrap, which l thankfully only have to do basically just once a year, I always start with way toooo much paper. Then there's the cutting. I always cut way too much paper, which leaves me with remnants of paper that I generally can't use! And, forget about ribbon and bows - that's above my pay grade.

Closing now, so that I can make a shopping list for Jeff when he bravely ventures out.But, first I must think of which dessert I'm (actually Jeff is going to make) going to bring.I have two family favorites, now all I have to do is pick one.

Enjoy the next few days.

Merry Christmas to all.



Friday, December 20, 2019

What I Want for Christmas!


This morning, I went to the laundry room to take my clean clothes and put them in the dryer, Surprise - the washer was full of water, and no amount of screwing around with different settings, could turn the washer back on.

Jeff came to the rescue, and apparently the only thing wrong was "user error" - um, that would be me! This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who knows me well! So, all is good in laundry land. Now I can finish the laundry that needs doing.

Not trying to be a "Debbie Downer", but there are only 5 days left before Christmas. I think that if you order something now, you will have to: (a) pay for expedited shipping; and (b) expect your package to arrive after Christmas. Gifts that arrive after Christmas, is okay, but leaves the gifter person a bit unhappy. I have two such presents that might not get here by Christmas. But, know that I did try.

Before Ada comes today, I need to take out all the boxes and gifts out of my office and start putting them in the living room. Then I have to, at some point, wrap said presents. You can tell how bad a wrapper I am, by the amount of tape (regular or packing) tape I use. But, only for the boys, because truthfully, they don't give a hoot for paper and bows. And, more good news, since we're celebrating at Scott's house, Jeff and I don't have to deal with empty boxes and wrapping paper. A win-win situation for us.

Have to do some tidying up before Ada comes. Jeff doesn't understand this, but I know you ladies do!



Thursday, December 19, 2019

Birthday Celebration!


I've decided that turning 70 (i.e., getting older) is not so bad.Okay, as far as body aches and spots where there should be none, is a "bit" (okay more than that) annoying. My birthday gift from Andrew et al, was a variety of chocolate cupcakes (yum) and a weighted blanket. Daisy and I are loving the blanket. 

Wendy knitted a unicorn cozy for my coffee cup, It's gorgeous, and I have already put it on one of my cups! A unicorn nightlight and an oil I can put inside. 

With all this attention, turning 71 next year, looks like it won't be a bad thing.

Stacey and Wendy took me out to lunch yesterday to a diner (I love the variety of food you can have). In keeping with my ongoing diet, which has morphed into now just a life style, I ate some of the food. But, certainly not everything that was on my plate. I am, a year later, trying to maintain and/or lose more weight. Emphasis on lose more. I am only 7 pounds away from my first goal. If I want to get down to my lowest weight since having bariatric (spelling) surgery, I need to lose 21 more pounds.

Since exercising is not something that I can really do, hip pain gets in the way, in order to lose 21 more pounds, I'm going to have to do it using willpower! Wish me luck.

I would have blogged earlier, but I was trying to read the "A" section of the paper, and it takes a long time to do so.

I've ordered something for Jeff, and apparently isn't going to arrive before Christmas. Bummer. I guess it will have to count as a New Year's gift.

We're celebrating Christmas on the 24th at Scott and Wendy's house. The meal will be a buffet style meal, which is okay with me. Jeff and I are supposed to bring coleslaw and a dessert. I think there is something else we're supposed to bring, but I've already forgotten what it is/was! Oh, how I love short term memory!



Wednesday, December 18, 2019



My birthday is over for another year. I'll be honest with you, there is something about being 70 that bothers me a bit. Or, perhaps more than a bit.

People tell me I don't look 70. I always say thank you, but I wonder if they're just being kind. Or, I actually don't look my age. No gray hair to speak of, and luckily wrinkles are minimal. I'll let you know when I turn 80, if the same compliments will be given to me!

We went to Benjamin's variety show at his school. Hollywood is waiting for him! When he sang, he projected his voice, so that everybody could hear him. And he sings well (not that I'm prejudiced in anyway)!!

The variety show with children's ages from 3 and 4 to 8th grade, was all very enjoyable. Auntie Kim was there with us, and she gave Benjamin a bouquet of flowers. I know that after a girl/woman performs, flowers are the "go to" thing to bring. I'm pretty sure that Stacey and Benjamin will love the flowers.

Once the performance was over, Andrew, Stacey and Benjamin gave me my birthday gift. Actually, there was two presents: red velvet cupcakes - yummy! And, a weighted blanket, which Daisy and I haven't used just yet. 

Wendy and Stacey are taking me out to lunch today, and then will likely go to Target. Target is such a great store, and you actually find things that you didn't know you needed!

Since Stacey is coming to pick me up, I have to go into the living room and cover everything up with a blanket. Yes, I know I could actually wrap up everything - but, wrapping isn't my forte, and I prefer just closing the boxes with packing tape!  Stacey, on the other hand, wraps presents beautifully, and even includes ribbons and bows. 

It's blue sky weather, with a "nip" in the air. Jeff says nip, and I say cold. 

If you haven't already, get your gifts ordered and/or bought. Because, frankly we are running out of days!



Tuesday, December 17, 2019



Today, I have the "privilege" I guess of turning 70! Woo-hoo. Half the year, I'm the younger woman, since Jeff was born in April. Now, we're both the same age, at least for a little while.

Tomorrow, Wendy and Stacey are taking me out to lunch, and that will be fun. And, time permitting a trip through Target.

Tonight, we're going to see the variety show at Benjamin's school. That will be fun. Though we would like to take Bella, Stacey told me that it's better if we don't. Bella believes that every time Jeff, in particular, gets in the car, she thinks she should go too.

I have my last training session for this year. I am bringing Melissa a small present. She has had a huge impact on me physically. And, I'm now stronger, and if I unfortunately fall down, I now know how to get up without assistance.

We have had really sucky weather the last few days. A bit of snow, but for sure rain every day. For once, I'm glad I'm not made of sugar - because then I would melt, much like the Wicked Witch of the East! Or, maybe it was west, I'm not sure. Either way, you get the idea!

I have my Excel spreadsheet (of course I do). Every person gets their own column, with gifts bought and received. If that happens, they get a little "r" next to the gift. If I'm still waiting, then I have to watch for my shipments coming from Amazon.

I also know, and so do you, that there are limited days to order anything, to have it arrive by Christmas. Or, pay for expedited shipping - which is big bucks.

I have bought something for Jeff that appears that it won't be here by Christmas. Guess I could take a picture of what I'm giving him, and put it in a box!

It may be my birthday, but I still have to tidy up the kitchen (ugh).

Only 8 days left before Christmas. But, I had to see how many days until Christmas 2020. There are 374 days left! 



Monday, December 16, 2019

White Stuff


While there isn't much of the white stuff, but even though it's only the yard and trees, it still qualifies for our first snow. It's not enough snow that will cause schools or businesses to close. When I was working, I absolutely dreaded when schools were closed. When that happened, you had to call the office, to tell them that you couldn't come in. Oh, how I didn't like to make calls like that. 

One good thing about being retired (and now, it's not the money), is that you don't have to check with anybody, work or school, you are already at home. Jeff's commute to his office is a bit complicated - because both girls want to be the first one up the stairs! Because, if you're the first dog up the stairs, then you can "posture" and "grumble" at the other dog. 

I still have one or two things that hasn't arrived yet. I'm not particularly worried, because I did order them timely. And, even they don't arrive on time, trust me, there are enough presents already here! Once a year (like right now), I spend my "gift budget". The rest of the year, I only buy birthday presents for Benjamin and Elly.

Sunday, when we went to do the weekly "shop", I had two different lists for WalMart. I gave Jeff the one for groceries. I went and browsed around and found a set of three food storage containers, two cards, and then just browsed. I did go to the clothes, but I'm so unsure of my size these days, it's hard to know what size. Generally, depends on the manufacturer. I remember when buying clothes wasn't all that difficult - I bought the biggest size I could find, and, at the point, didn't much care how I looked in clothes. I mean when you're wearing a "tent", nothing looks good on you.

After losing 40+ pounds, now I don't know what size to buy. I keep leaning towards a bigger size than I really need - a habit I guess, I'll just have to come to terms with.

But, great news - I was able to walk at both Costco and WalMart. I was in considerable pain in my hip after all that walking, but I was so proud of me. And my trainer will be too.

I have boxes to seal with packing tape (the boys). After all these years, they don't give a hoot about wrapping paper and certainly not bows!

Jeff just told me that it was lunch time, so I'm signing off. Have a great Monday.



Friday, December 13, 2019

Dreary Friday


Not only is Christmas looming around the corner, but we have to throw in a Friday the 13th also. Oh, and because it's not bad enough, but it is also positively dreary outside. This is the kind of weather that definitely brings down my mood.

While eating my breakfast - and I know all of you want to know that (!), I watched a Hallmark Christmas movie. These movies are downright "smultzy" (I don't know how to write that word, but you get the idea). Even though after all these years, and can easily predict the outcome, I like them all the same. The actors are all either handsome or very pretty, and most of the time both. There is always a "small" dilemma, that rights itself just before the movie ends. 

This year, among all the Hallmark movies, there is one person missing - Lori Loughlin! Over the years, she has been the lead actress movies for Hallmark. I suspect it was a really good gig. Currently, her net income is 20 MILLION dollars, so she will never, at least I think so, have to pinch pennies or dollars. But, oh what a fall from grace. I guess the uber rich people feel that they are above the law. Even if they do something wrong, they likely won't have to suffer for their actions. This is, completely different from us regular folk, who would be in jail already! Just saying.

I have finally finished my Christmas cards. While I'm late doing the cards, I know they will be sent out before the end of the year. Um, at at least I think they will be. Fingers crossed.

Not all of my purchases have arrived. Every day, I look for the UPS truck to stop at the house, so that this "Santa" can have more gifts delivered. I hope I have ordered everything to be received "hopefully" before Christmas. 

You know me - I love to look up things - and share them with you. On average UPS handles 15.8 MILLION packages each day. And each driver delivers approximately 120 packages each day. The drivers receive between 16 to 38 dollars an hour, and also receive bonuses. These guys and some gals definitely deserve a bonus each year.

Image result for ups driver picture 

Happy Friday and have a great weekend.



Thursday, December 12, 2019



Soap box time again - sorry. Every time I pick up the paper or watch the local news, it seems as if another shooter has, for one reason or another, gone off the deep end. I know that these people must want to be making some kind of statement. But, in my opinion, if you're unhappy, depressed or just plain "mental", I believe that doesn't give a person the right to take somebody else's life. 

I'm "mental", and have been for a very long time. But, there is no place in my brain or heart for hurting someone.

You know me, I had to do some research. This is exceptionally important when I'm on my soap box.

So far this year, we have had 409 massive shootings, the killing of 4 or more people. 1,466 have been injured and 441 people have died. Statistics say that means an average of 1.22 shootings per day. And, people that's a lot of shooting.

For me, I actually don't know where I can be that's safe, or safe enough. Stores, military bases, schools, churches and synagogues have all been targets. It's a scary world we live in now.

The AR-15, apparently the gun of choice, 8.5 million were built between 1990 and 2012. Only 1 in 10 of guns produced and sold are sporting rifles.  

Numbers and people to think about.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Tis The Season


As far as my Christmas shopping goes, I believe I'm done. At least my Excel spreadsheet says I am. You can take the gal out of the office, but you can't take away the things I've learned over the past 51 years! 

Now, I wait for the UPS man to come and deliver my presents. I believe I've gotten my orders in to Amazon, etc., with enough time for shipping. Starting next week, I'm pretty sure you're going to have to pay expedited shipping charges. I have had to do that in the past, but I try to stay away from having to do so.

Now, I must turn my attention to our Christmas cards. Over the years, my Christmas card list has dwindled done, from the list I started when we moved here in 1986. Distance isn't always good for people, who would like to keep in touch.

Not that you will particularly care, but my new CPAP machine arrived yesterday. What an improvement over my old machine. Once you have the mask on, the machine starts, and when you take the mask off, it stops. Can't get much easier than that. My old CPAP machine, is going next to my recliner, so if I nap during the day, and I do, I will have the benefit of a better rest.

We had a little snow event last night. The snow is mostly on the grass, and already this morning, has begun to dissipate. This is what you would call a pretty now, particularly since no shoveling will be required.

I need to get started on our Christmas cards. And, for some reason, I have failed to get them sent out. No real excuse, just have a lot of things going on.

Not to scare you, but there is only 14 days until Christmas. Since the family et al is getting together on Christmas Eve, that means I have only 13 days for UPS to deliver my packages. Fingers crossed!

Lots to do today. I'll let you know tomorrow how well I did!



Tuesday, December 10, 2019

"Santa's Workshop"


Ho, Ho, Ho! My "Santa" workshop or probably better yet "My Amazon Cart", is now empty. I have scoured both my imagination as well as helpful family lists, and believe I'm now done.

Now, the questions are: (a) will the things I've bought arrive in time; and (b) somebody has to wrap all this stuff up! Since Jeff and I only had sons, they didn't actually care about wrapping and bows. Nope, just close the box up with packing tape, and all was good. And, yes even with my limited ability to wrap and some of that has to do with my why bother, especially for the boys. The boys groaned whenever they got a shirt-sized box. That only meant one thing - CLOTHES, and they hated getting clothes. But, sometimes Mom has to do what a Mom needs to do! Women, on the other hand, rather like receiving a shirt box. I know I do.

Last year, I decided to buy some clothes for Stacey, Wendy and the boys. Well, that was a bust for sure. Nothing fit anybody, and almost everything had to be returned. I'm not making that mistake again, with a few exceptions, Scott and Jeff. 

This year I bought several family games that should be enjoyable for everyone. And, did pay attention to those lists, and then I go rouge. Who doesn't like to receive a "surprise" gift? I know I do.  While some people in the family, think I'm hard to buy for, I disagree. I like pretty much anything, and I don't need a gift that is practical.

With the exception of giving birthday presents to Benjamin and Elly, my Christmas shopping is my "big shop" for the year. And, while I probably shouldn't, I try to have close to or exactly the same amount of presents for the children. For me, there is something painful when one of the children, still have packages to open, and the other child, is finished. I know I shouldn't feel that way, but I do, and I make no apologies.

ONLY 15 DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS. At this moment, receiving your packages on time, could become a problem, OR you pay for expedited shipping (which costs a lot).

Image result for picture of mess after opening christmas presents


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...