Monday, December 9, 2019

Getting Behind


Anybody who knows me well, also knows that I jump into action on my cards and presents. To date, the only thing I've managed to do, is find presents. I'm hoping that Stacey will be able to come to the house before Christmas (duh) and help (actually do for me), by wrapping presents. the presents.

It's the 9th of December, and I haven't even finished (actually not even started), our Christmas cards. As the years (32) have gone by, some people who we knew in California, have for the most part, drifted apart. And, after all this years, I'm not surprised.

It's the same as when you leave a job, for many years, there are promises to keep in touch, get together, etc. And, that only works for a little bit, and soon you don't have anything in common. I don't work, so I obviously don't have work "gossip" to share. I haven't worked since 2013, so some of the players (actually most) have moved around to different departments, or have left the company.

And, just doing the math, by the time my friends are ready to retire, I'll be "older than dirt"!! 

Every day, I say I'm finished with buying, but then I think of just one more thing that I believe someone will like. With gift receipts, the gift can be returned, and nobody's feelings will be hurt. This year I've, for the most part, stayed away from clothes, with the exception for Scott.

There are only 16 days left before Christmas. And, for our family, it's actually 15 days, because we're all getting together on Christmas Eve. Another bonus is, that we personally, won't have the "Christmas" mess at our house. Of course, we'll help Scott and Wendy put their house in "order". 

Next week, I'll turn 70, and I wonder where all of my time has gone. In reflection, I believe I was a good and fair mother. I'm a fantastic, if I say so myself, a great Mom Mom. I've worked full-time since 1968, other than time off for having the boys. And, again when Benjamin was born. Many of my co-workers at that time, "donated" some of their vacation days to me. That was really special, and I wrote to Mr. Marriott to let him know the generosity of his employees.


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