Monday, December 2, 2019

Christmas Shopping


I know you're wondering how did we get to the end of the year so quickly. I am as well. I don't know (actually I do) what it's like to shop at a mall now. 

Between Amazon, Target and WalMart, brick and mortar stores are closing up right and left. Our local mall is now dealing with the loss or pending loss of Penny's, Sears as well as some anchor stores. Make no mistake, I would like to go to a department store - and no WalMart doesn't count, to just look and feel the clothes. And, at this time of the year, all the pretty decorations. But, even when I would go into a store, I stayed away from the perfume section. I only wear one perfume, and I've remained loyal to the brand for 30 years or so. In fact, they have stopped selling it, so I search on Ebay. I don't care if the bottle has a lot of perfume, or hardly any, I want this perfume that much.

Weather wise, yesterday was miserable. But, since was Sunday, the day that Jeff does his shopping, I went along - raincoat with hood! The stores weren't too "zooy" (not a word I know, but you get the general idea.

In my down time, I search the internet (really just Amazon), in hopes of finding the right gift for the right person. Stacey's out of town now, but perhaps when she gets back, she will "help" wrap my presents. When the gift is for the boys, and it's a "shirt" box, I just seal it with packing tape. They don't seem to mind one bit. After all, in their minds, it's the contents that matter, and they're hoping it's not clothes. 

I have created my "wish list" on Amazon. The list has some odd things on it. For instance, someone is selling a bunch of old books. I would like to have them. The actual book doesn't matter. For me, it's the smell of an old book, and who read it before me. I don't know if there are any other people out there, that feels the same as I do.

Over the weekend, I stuffed all of the 2020 Christmas cards for Scott. The problem is that when you're sealing up 100 envelopes, your tongue gets really dry! I asked Bella is she wanted to help me out, but she just walked away. Seems she doesn't want to lick envelopes either. I think next year I will buy envelopes that have a strip or something to close up the envelopes. What a brilliant idea!

Now Jeff has to go the post office and weigh one envelop. Once he knows the right amount of postage, he'll just stick 'em on, and send them on their way.

Yesterday, Jeff was looking for his winter coat. I found the coat in the hall closet. But gad zooks what a mess. There were really BIG dust bunnies on the floor. I emptied out the floor of the closet, and during that time, fully expected to find a mouse. Happily, I didn't. Tomorrow, I will have Ada vacuum the closet floor. I may not get much done around the house (lazy I suppose), but I did tackle this one chore and I'm glad that I did.

Image result for pucture of dust bunnies



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