Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Tis The Season


As far as my Christmas shopping goes, I believe I'm done. At least my Excel spreadsheet says I am. You can take the gal out of the office, but you can't take away the things I've learned over the past 51 years! 

Now, I wait for the UPS man to come and deliver my presents. I believe I've gotten my orders in to Amazon, etc., with enough time for shipping. Starting next week, I'm pretty sure you're going to have to pay expedited shipping charges. I have had to do that in the past, but I try to stay away from having to do so.

Now, I must turn my attention to our Christmas cards. Over the years, my Christmas card list has dwindled done, from the list I started when we moved here in 1986. Distance isn't always good for people, who would like to keep in touch.

Not that you will particularly care, but my new CPAP machine arrived yesterday. What an improvement over my old machine. Once you have the mask on, the machine starts, and when you take the mask off, it stops. Can't get much easier than that. My old CPAP machine, is going next to my recliner, so if I nap during the day, and I do, I will have the benefit of a better rest.

We had a little snow event last night. The snow is mostly on the grass, and already this morning, has begun to dissipate. This is what you would call a pretty now, particularly since no shoveling will be required.

I need to get started on our Christmas cards. And, for some reason, I have failed to get them sent out. No real excuse, just have a lot of things going on.

Not to scare you, but there is only 14 days until Christmas. Since the family et al is getting together on Christmas Eve, that means I have only 13 days for UPS to deliver my packages. Fingers crossed!

Lots to do today. I'll let you know tomorrow how well I did!



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