Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Great Day


It's "official" summers over. By Tuesday, all of the children in this area will be back in school. And, there will be a new traffic pattern. First, you have to get out of the neighborhood, before the buses if you can. Otherwise, you'll be behind a bus that makes frequent stops. Necessary stops, but if you're running late to work, it can be maddening!

Since summer is over, look for all those heavily discounted things, like swimming suits, foam noodles, and perhaps even sleeveless tops. Luckily for me, I am not in need of any of those things. Or, school supplies for that matter. 

I actually started this blog earlier in the day, spun around in my chair twice, and "lost" my way. Oh, it's just so much fun being me. 😉

Yesterday, Jeff and I had a meeting in the morning, and that just might be, why my unfinished blog stayed unfinished!

Later in the day, the newlyweds (Scott and Wendy) came by for a visit. The guys talked about computer computer things (boring). Wendy and I carried on a different conversation. The guys all talked at once as well as loudly. Wendy and I should have just gone into the living room.

Finally, later in the visit, I suggested that we go to our favorite restaurant for dinner. Ah, everybody got on board. Scott even called "Computer Ken" to join us. We had a nice dinner, and for me, a piece of tres de leche (however you spell it). 

While we were out to dinner, we left both girls inside the house. Nothing appeared to have been torn up, or taken outside. I can't actually verify that last part, since I hate going into the basement. I'm afraid (not really) that some basement monster is going to swallow me up!

Today, was a "veg" day. I got up late, and then somehow it was afternoon, and now it's evening. I guess better late than never.

I wanted to share a picture of Scott and Wendy on their wedding day. They made a beautiful couple.


Image may contain: Wendy Barnes Bassett and Scott Bassett, people smiling, outdoor

Friday, August 30, 2019

A long weekend Ahead


Summer is slipping away, and it seems to happening earlier every year, but that's just me I think.

When I was working, I always dreaded the start of school. There were numerous buses that you had to drive behind, or come to a complete stop. This is particularly madding if you are running late for work. It will take a few days for everyone to get settled into their fall/winter routine.

On a Friday before a long weekend, we worker bees were normally sent out sometime in the afternoon. And, we of course, looked forward to that. Reminds me of the last day of school, and you show up to watch a movie, or some other form of entertainment. 

These days all my days run into one another. I can't seem to keep track of the actual date and sometimes forget which day of the week. Gotta love that short term memory issue!

I went online (doesn't everybody) and looked up training for a service dog. Jeff has done a beautiful job with Bella. All the sites say that a service dog must know how to sit, lay down, not to act up and/or worse have an accident, while in public. When Bella has her vest on, she is literally all business. She doesn't get distracted, even when tempted by food from a complete stranger. In one word, Bella is awesome. Oh, and she's beautiful too. And, everybody wants to pet her. We make very few exceptions about petting her. We say a very handicapped child while at Hopkins, and we took Bella to her, so that she could pet her. Bella would be a good dog to take to senior centers or even a hospital.

While I filled up three large bags of shredding yesterday, I know there is more shredding to be done in Jeff's office. Jeff mentioned that I was putting paper inside a plastic bag. I could of course, put the shredded paper in the recycle bin, but I know that some if not most of those little bits of paper would end up all over the street. I'll stick to the plastic bags.

I had training last night and Melissa put 4 pound weights on my ankles, and even with added weight, could still exercise by stepping in place and things like that. Progress is being made.

Happy Labor Day everyone.


Image result for picture of labor day


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Shredding and Donating


Remember yesterday, when I said that my "to do" chore for the day was shredding. I'm happy to report that I did indeed shred documents. I filled up three large plastic bags! Currently, patting myself on the back. 

However, there are still a couple of boxes in Jeff's office that also need to be shredded. Oh, how I long for the dump everything in the trash can! I try and shred on Tuesdays because Ada comes on Wednesday. See how well I've thought things through. 

Unfortunately, in the basement are two filing cabinets that hold the paperwork of batteries sold. Obviously, can't toss out that paperwork, because there are names and more importantly, credit card numbers. When we get down to working on those documents, I think we have two choices: (1) take all of the paper and let a commercial shredder so what they do best; and/or (2) start taking paper out to Andrew's house to burn in the fire pit. My inclination is to just take everything to a company to handle paper - a lot of paper!

For years, I have kept bills that have been paid. And, now I wonder why. Believe me if you have missed paying the electric company, as an example, they'll let you know. So all of that paperwork is in a box just waiting for me! I will keep indefinitely documents relating to the two companies: the computer business (Scott) and any bills relating to the plane. Everything else is going, going, gone!  

I also have two of those large plastic bags with clothes that I intend to donate. When I do this, then I will have dispensed with 5 bags - in case you're counting. My theory about the clothes is simple - if they are now too big, then I should get them out of the house. I've been working on my "diet" if you can call it that, since last year. While it was hard work in the beginning, now it's just the way I live. I still drink the high protein drinks, which are super filling. But, for all the high protein foods (bars, for example), are now seldom needed. If Jeff and I are going out, I will throw a bar into my purse, just in case I get peckish (love that word). A rough count of how much weight I've lost is 32 pounds. I would have even greater success, if I was physically able to exercise. Rolling around the circle in the street using my rollator doesn't seem much like exercising. But, it's the best I can do, at the moment. The personal trainer that I see twice a week has made a significant impact on my body. I can now walk up the stairs like a normal person. I can now get up from a chair with ease. Small steps I know, but you have to start somewhere!

Talk to you tomorrow.



Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Dentist


I spent two hours (which I'm never going to get back, by the way), holding my mouth open and open for what seemed like hours. Actually, it was hours, two to be exact, but who's counting, when you're having a good time! Since I knew the appointment was going to be long, I told Jeff to go home and pick me up later. And, that worked out very well.

The dentist, Jeff and I are going to have a sit-down next Friday to come up with an action plan. The thought at the moment is to replace all of my upper teeth with implants - boy is that going to hurt. Put in temporary dentures for the 5-6 month waiting period. And, finally getting the teeth I have wanted for a long time. Of course, all of this comes with a price - definitely a comma in there somewhere. But, even though Jeff points out that I'm nearly 70, so why bother with all of this now. Answer: because I want to. I want good looking teeth when I smile. Bottom teeth I don't worry about much at all, because you don't smile with your bottom teeth showing.

It was nice enough yesterday to drive with the top down. All of us, including Bella loves riding in the car with the top down. This way, she can watch the cars behind us and the cars beside us. 

I'm in the process of shredding documents. The problem is that when it's time to empty the bucket, you don't always get all the shred in the plastic bag. I've only started to shred, and already have a lot of shredded paper on the floor. Since I don't want to leave all of that mess for Ada to clean up, I'm using packing tape to get the majority of the mess off the floor. So, for now, I'm not taking on another project, UNTIL I've finished this one. I need to stop jumping from task to task. Start a task, finish a task. I'll let you know tomorrow how well that's working for me. (smiley face here).

Closing for now, and continue to shred. Do you remember a time when you just put all of your papers no matter what they were, in the trash? Now, we have to recycle, which is not a bad thing. We also have to protect our identity which is where the shredding comes in.


Image result for picture of shredded paper

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What A Great Day I'm Going To Have! (just kidding)


It's Tuesday, and you know this already. Unfortunately for me, I get to spend some time in the dentist's chair. Argh. First, he has to put new "teeth" on the implant posts. That shouldn't be too painful except for the tamping down and chomping on some blue paper to see how the bite fit is. When I have to use the blue paper and you have to "chew" side to side, I feel like a horse. Don't even both to ask me why this makes me feel "horsey", it just does. I think it feels like champing on a bit, if that makes sense. And, to top things off, the cost for today's visit will, come with a huge price. I'm thinking a number with a comma in it!

We have had two tree companies come out to give an estimate (all the estimates have a comma in the price) to take the old Pin Oak down. She is 32 years old and is now dead. Oh, for the past year or so, we have had companies come out to revive her, but it was to no avail. Jeff and I know she has to come down, but it will be a big loss for us. I will say this, for all of the years, up until this one, the tree has been magnificent. The squirrels have for years scurried up and down the tree and there were many, many acorns on the ground. Now, there are no squirrels visiting this tree.

For years, picking up the leaves was nearly a full time job in the fall.  We scooped up bag after bag of leaves. This year, I think we'll only partially fill one bag, if we're lucky.

I remember a long time ago, we donated an old car to charity. The tow truck arrived in the night. I heard the truck, pulled up the blinds, and then had a really good cry. You may not understand, but it was like saying good-bye to a family member. Even as I write this, there are tears in my eyes, as I remember that day. And, yes, I'm an old softy, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Mission today: shred, shred, and more shred. A lot of people I think toss out their mail, that has their name on it, in the trash. Jeff and I (mostly me) have the task of shredding. Right now, I'm staring at a large box filled to the brim. You can only shred for so long, before the shredder becomes hot, and then you can take a break.

I hope your today is going to be more exciting than mine.


Monday, August 26, 2019

Where I've Been


If you've wondered where I've wandered off to, the simple answer is I forgot (and that's not unique) my log-in password. I tried every password that I had written down (so secure) and none of them worked.

Devin interaction was required - i.e., Scott. I'm now back on line (bet you already figured this out) and I'm once again "live"!

Yesterday, Jeff took Bella and myself to do the weekly shop. Top down, 60+ mph, and my anxieties literally flew out the window. Big news for me. I was actually able to walk through Costco. But, right at the end, my hip said to me "what's wrong with you"?  Used the stupid cart through WalMart. Hate those carts, but it was the only way I was going to get through the store. Curses. I happened to get a car that didn't do sudden stops or sharp turns. Well, guess what, I went and did both of those things. Luckily, there was a WalMart employee, who "fixed" things, so I could go on my way.

Brought home pizza for dinner. Jeff and I aren't in too much of a rut I swear. The girls like pizza because they get "pizza butts" (crust ends). And, it's unsettling to eat your pizza with the girls giving us "dog eyes". Almost, but not quite, puts you off eating. When we eat popcorn, it's even worse. What we should probably do is pop them their own bag!

I have several things I should do today. First, there is shredding. A lot of shredding, which requires downtime to cool off. So this project requires a couple of hours/days to get everything shredded. I like to shred on Tuesdays, because Ada comes on Wednesday. So, if I make a mess on the floor, from shredding bits and pieces that didn't make it into the bag, she will vacuum those little bits up for me.  

I've called several tree companies this morning to give us an estimate for removal of the very large tree in the front yard. Because the tree is so front and center in the yard, we will have to get the HOA's approval to take it down. And, technically that shouldn't be a problem. But, we are talking about an HOA, and they can become prickly at times.

Happy Monday.


Friday, August 23, 2019

More Rain


It has rained so much in the last few days, that I begin to wonder, if we should be lining up animals two by two! Of course, to pull this off, I would need an ark (and I suppose there isn't one available, though I haven't looked on Ebay! Ebay is similar to Amazon, in that you can find just about anything on either of these sites.

It seems like that in the near distance future, "brick and mortar" stores will become extinct. Sort of like an endangered animal. Even though I haven't been in a mall in many years, I used to like to look at the clothes. And, perhaps try something new on! In Jeff's favor, I can't walk very far, so my browsing wouldn't last too long. 

We citizens of the local states, have until 2020 to produce documents to get your new driver's license. I do have a folder that I keep important things in - birth certificates, passports, etc. Since, for some reason, I didn't have my birth certificate, I had to order one from Illinois. Once it arrives, I'll have to gather up the other required documents, to get my "new" driver's license. What a pain in the rear. If, you don't have these documents by the deadline in 2020, you won't be able to fly on a plane, for instance. I'll still be able to fly on our plane - as long as I bring along appropriate snacks. Pretzels not being one of those snacks! Don't need the pilot to choke, because that would mean that I would have to call air traffic control and tell them the pilot is "down", and that I need them to talk me down to earth - and that would be really scary.

One of today's job is to go the folder that houses important documents, passports, birth certificate, stuff like that. I will need to give the appropriate documents to the boys for their new driver's license.  Have no idea why all of this documentation is required. I guess it's just another snag in life!



Thursday, August 22, 2019

It's Thursday


Last night, like the evening before, we had a storm lighting up the sky. Luckily, unlike old Sam, Daisy and Bella aren't bothered by noise and lightening. And, this is a good thing.  

My lunch plans fell apart yesterday, so I had an empty afternoon, where I could do whatever pleased me. Ada came yesterday, so the house has been cleaned. Our house is probably the simplest and quickest house to clean. Ada cleans the bedroom, bathrooms and kitchen. I am not a picky person, so just having those rooms cleaned is enough for me. 

Training today. Though my sessions with the trainer are not done, I already notice the difference. I can get out of a chair without looking ridiculous! Getting out of bed isn't quite so easy, but the trainer and I are working on this. I feel stronger, and with each session, I know I'm getting better.

Ready to get into the plane? Um, not quite yet, but I'm working on that. Baby steps, especially when a trainer is working with an out of shape person (that would be me). 

One of my goals is to be able to get off the floor, if/when I fall. This is a biggie. If I weighed less, and I'm working on that, then Jeff would be able to pull my "sorry ass" off the floor!

Training again today, and I really look forward to my sessions. The time just seems to fly by.


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Going Out to Play!


Today, Stacey, Wendy and her mother, Elly and Benjamin are coming to see me. I always love company, since I'm home 99.9% of the time.

We're going to go have lunch - yum, and enjoy everybody's company. Stacey is leaving for a cruise on Saturday and Benjamin will be going to school starting in September. So, our mid-week jaunts will have to stop. I know this is good for Benjamin, but to be truthful, not so much for me. And, I really really hate being greedy.

The leaves are beginning to turn, and generally, Jeff and I will have lots of leaves to pick up. Not this year. For all practical reasons, the tree is dead and needs to be cut down. The squirrels also know that there are few, if any, acorns in the front yard.

To take down this tree, which is 32 years old, I have to have signatures from 4 neighbors, who might "object" to the removal of three. A report from the arborist (sp) and a sketch of what we're taking out and where it's located in the yard. If this tree was much smaller, Jeff and I might be able to get away, without permission, this tree. But, it's pretty hard to miss a tree of this size.

Happy Wednesday.




Tuesday, August 20, 2019


8/19/2019 and now 8/20/2019

Before the ceremony, Stacey "fixed" all the ladies' faces. Since I'm a lipstick and comb through my hair, I thought I looked pretty good. 
Jeff and I attended a small wedding ceremony for Scott and Wendy. It was near the water, which made for really good photographs.

Wendy looked stunning in her waltz white dress with a silver decoration at her waist. Scott, who  always looks "put together", wore a blue suit and since I can't use the word stunning to describe him, let's go with handsome.

After the ceremony, we went to a very nice restaurant and had a back room all to ourselves. The food was really good, but as I've learned over the months I've been trying to lose weight - less is more. I generally always leave something on the plate. I'm still drinking the protein water, but fewer high protein bars.

Wendy, made her wedding cake - red velvet and cream cheese frosting. Who doesn't love the combo? The cake was delicious, and I even took a slice home - because as you know - I love sugar!

After dinner, we all went back to Andrew's house to visit, and everyone had a chance to change their clothes. I don't remember how long we were at their house, but we could tell from sounds as well as sight, that a really big storm was on it's way.

Jeff and I took the back roads home, and that was genuinely a mistake. Their was a car following us, so when Jeff swerved so did they. There were many trees that had fallen onto the road, as well as bushes. To say that it wasn't a comfy ride home, would be an understatement. Jeff managed to swerve around the big debris, but he still had to drive over small branches, which made me cringe every time he had to. Long story short, we made it home safely. 

Since it was going to be a long day, we left both of the "girls" alone in the house. As we opened the backdoor, I wasn't sure what to expect. With the exception of one pillow that had been taken from a chair and put on the ground - everything was fine. I knew that Daisy would be no problem, because she stays home most of the time. But, we have only left Bella in the house unsupervised just a couple of times, and she did well.

I normally take my evening pills around 9:00, and on Sunday, it was after midnight. This threw my schedule out the window, and I didn't sleep very well. Since I had no appointments on Monday, a long nap was necessary. Today, I'm rested and feeling pretty good. Okay, that's me saying that I'm okay, but not great. 

And since it's nearly 2:00, I'm signing off.


Saturday, August 17, 2019

Typing For A Living


I had a bit of a fog brain this morning, about what I should write about. And, then Jeff sent me an article about the IBM "clicky" keyboard. This is the keyboard that I have used pretty much all of my working life. And, no I don't ever intend to use any other kind of keyboard. I have on occasion, had to use a "soft" keyboard which feels mushy when I use it.

When I was in high school, my business teacher, Mrs. Orr, told us that if we were going to make our living as a typist (probably now called a "keyboarder", then we had better be damn good. I took her message to heart, and I think this many years later, she would be very proud of me. I know I am.

I had my first job in 1968, and all this many years later, until 2013, made my living pounding on a keyboard. At times, I could type as fast as a boss could talk.

I no longer work, but I blog mostly every day, research a whole bunch of nonsense stuff, and to Jeff's dismay, put in orders from Amazon! 

I believe the younger generations (no hate mail please), who predominately use keyboards for gaming purposes, think that the "clicky" keyboard is too slow to use.  And, that's okay with me. That means, that my style of keyboard isn't something younger people want to use.

Sometimes, when we're watching television, I mentally push keys to what is being said. To further confirm how much a "nut" I am, I also sometimes think about shorthand words too.

Myself and my old keyboard, will probably not write again until Monday.


 Image result for picture of an ibm clicky keyboard

Friday, August 16, 2019

I've Got Nothing!


Today, Jeff and I are headed to the barber shop for haircuts, and trimming of his beard. We are going to a "do" on Sunday, and we want to look our very best. 

The "do" is going to be outside, and the prediction is that it will be hot (94) with a humidity level of (59). The temperature alone, would want me to stay inside! And, for me personally, there is no way I'm going to wear a dress. I'm from the generation that says if you are wearing a dress or skirt, you must also wear hose. Oh, that's not what I intend to do. Pants and a nice top, will be definitely cooler - at least I think so. You know that I'm a fragile flower, and consequently wilt! Such are the troubles I have!

This morning (yes, it's still morning, for a minute or two anyway), I decided that my keyboard needed cleaning. I put the keyboard face down on my desk, and wow there was a lot of stuff in there. Even a paperclip, but I have no idea how it got there. What I think I need, is an air thingy that will clean the keyboard in a flash. Since, I still use an IBM clicking keyboard, which I love, so I need to keep it in good shape. Most people today, don't much care for the clicking keyboard. Here's what I love about it, I get the clicking sound, when I type. No "soft" keyboards for me. I know, I'm old school, but I don't mind.

Even though part of my brain isn't working 100%, I can still type very, very fast. Now that I'm not working, I really don't need to type fast, it's just ingrained in me. Because I'm older and more rigid than I used to be, I don't want any other kind of keyboard. Pretty sure that nobody is making the kind of keyboard I use. If you don't get that satisfying click, how do you know, without looking at the screen, that you have pressed on the right key.

I'm still old school when it comes to shorthand. When I watch television, I will most of the time, "draw" the word in shorthand. Jeff knows one thing about shorthand - if there is a double line under a letter, that means it's going to be a capital. You can teach old dogs, new tricks. We also know, from the days when I was working, that an "X" put on a piece of mail, means to either toss it out, or put it in the shred pile.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and hopefully, it's not too hot where you are.



Thursday, August 15, 2019

Spending Time With Stacey and Benjamin


Yesterday, Stacey and I, went to the "salon" for our physical and mental health. Freshly polished nails makes all, or probably most, women feel very good about themselves.

I'm not a risk taker when it comes to the color of polish I use. Since I can no longer reach my toes, I opt for clear or very light pink polish. My theory is that when those colors fade away, nobody, including me, will notice.

But, yesterday I went rogue when it came to my fingers. I had them painted red, and even put acrylic nail tips put on. The result: fantastic.When I have "fake" nails of any kind, I opt for a reasonable length. I want to be able to pick up change, for instance. I don't know women who have claw-like nails are able to do anything.

When Stacey and I got home, she helped (which means she did) color my hair. We used silver and lavender. The result looked really good - but, because my hair is so dark, those colors are a bit of a hit and miss on my head! I am trying semi-permanent dye, so that I can see what I might look like if my hair was completely silver and done by a professional. 

Maybe, because I'm turning 70 this year, I'm like Scarlett O'Hara - frankly I just don't give a damn. If coloring my hair and having red nails makes me happy, then that's reason enough to do so. At least, that's my opinion. And, I'm pretty sure that's the only one that counts!

This week, I also bought mascara and eyeliner! I haven't used either of these products in years. But, I decided what the heck, let's give these products another try. And, my first try wasn't very successful, so I guess it's try, try again. 

Jeff and I stayed up until midnight, so a bit of sleeping in was very nice. Jeff, doesn't really get that option, because it seems that the "girls" know when it's time for breakfast. And, they want it now!

It's a "possibility" that there could be a snooze for me this afternoon. Spanish people take siestas, and and I call it napping. Either way, most of the time Daisy is quite content to just sit in my lap.

Closing for the day. I, of course, have chores to do. Actually, these are the same chores that I say I'm going to do everyday!



Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Birth Certificate


When was the last time you put your hands on your birth certificate? Well, as part of the new identification required to get a replacement driver's license in Maryland, one form of identification is your birth certificate. 

I actually have a folder (of course you do), containing passports, and birth certificates. I went through that folder yesterday, and could find birth certificates for everybody, but me!

I now have to write to the State of Illinois, requesting and paying for a birth certificate. The cost isn't high, but it's just one more little thing that I have to get done. I have time. I have until 2020 to produce the MVA requested documents. And, a birth certificate is one of those documents. It's just something else I have to produce.

Tomorrow, Stacey and Benjamin are coming to the house for a play date. After Stacey and I do the salon thing, we're going to see Spiderman. Wouldn't be my first choice, or even second choice. But, my time with Benjamin is getting smaller now, since he starts "real" school the first week of September. I know that Benjamin will enjoy school and making friends. But, my heart will miss the "field trips", that the three of us have been able to do for years. Benjamin is growing up, way too fast for this MomMom.

Stacey and I are starting our day at the salon for some pampering. Since I've bought two products that will eliminate my need for waxing and pedicures, I'll get a manicure instead. And, who doesn't enjoy a manicure. There are from time to time men also getting a pedicure. 

I've got a list of things that I need to do (or at least start to do) for today.


Monday, August 12, 2019

Taking A Survey!


Have you ever noticed on Facebook, for instance, how many surveys or the like, there are. For tickles this morning I took the survey for "what is this" item.  Stuff like old fashioned washing machine, to older vacuums. Still like that. I scored an 89% on that test.

Then, I took the music test. I didn't score so well, partly because I've never heard of a number of these bands. I only scored 72% right. To be fair, some of the bands you can select, are too new for me. What songs does Duran Duran play? Do I care? Nope. 

I, personally (no hate mail please), believe that the 60's produced amazing songs. Some of those songs are now "elevator" music. But, here's what I think - let's forward to say 10 or 20 years. Will the music being played today become elevator music? Somehow, I doubt it. 

Jeff, loves the station NPR and I don't. Might have to do with that Mars and Venus thing. Lately, though he's been playing the 60's channel. I really appreciate that. I can close my eyes, listen to the songs, and immediately transported to my high school years. Oh, and the bands of that era, "dressed" for their performances. Matching outfits, some cool dance moves, stuff like that. Based on the here and now, I'd go back to the 60's in a heartbeat! Just saying.

We did the store shopping yesterday. We went earlier in the day, bought a Costco pizza, which we can eat on for several days. The girls like it when we eat pizza, because they are given "pizza butts". They wait, sometimes patiently, and other times not, for us to get down to the crust, which we give to the girls. 

Even though I ride those stupid carts, I came home tired. It might have something to do with the start and quick stops when shopping - particularly in WalMart! 

When we get home, sometimes we let Daisy out in the front yard, so she can stretch her legs as she goes on "her walk about"! Based on the temperatures lately, after a few minutes, she is ready to come back into the house. Even though I don't run around, after unloading groceries, etc., I'm ready to go into the house.

I've bought a "beauty" thing, but it's inside one of those plastic blister boxes, which are nearly impossible to get into. I guess I'll use scissors. But, I think a great invention, would be a gizmo or something, to open up these stupid boxes!

Before I go upstairs and do some much needed filing (yawn), I'm determined to get to the product that I ordered!

Have a good day.



Thursday, August 8, 2019

Mother Nature


Yesterday afternoon, our gal, Mother Nature decided to drop in for a visit. And, no it wasn't a shower, but a deluge. We're talking a lot of rain, thunder and hail in some areas. Unlike Sam, our previous dog, neither of the girls seem to be scared of this kind of weather. However, I, find this kind of storms scary. This is perhaps while living in Illinois, and knowing that if there was a tornado warning, I was supposed to get my sister and myself in the crawl space under the house. Luckily, I never had to do this. And, I can only imagine what kinds of creatures lived there.

As an apology I guess, today is beautiful. Blue sky and warm weather. I have training this afternoon, so it will be an excellent day to have the top down. Bella rides in the backseat, and sometimes when we're at a stop light, people will roll down their window, to tell us that she is a beautiful dog. I don't know how exactly, I picked Bella out from the assortment of puppies needing to be adopted. The things taken out through the doggy door, is being reduced. Oh, she will still take out plates, cups and napkins, but seems to no longer be interested in shoes and/or socks! Progress.

Time to move.  Happy Thursday.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Hump Day And Other News


Had another personal training session yesterday. Even though I'm exercising (at least as much as I can), I really enjoy the one-on-one training. The trainer is increasing the weight that she is putting on my legs. I think at the next session, I'll try 2 pounds. (In my head, I'm thinking - you go girl)!! I might as well be my own cheerleader. 

Did some work in the spare room - ugh. Since the project seems, and is, overwhelming, I'm just stuffing clothes in black bags. I'll store the bags in the spare bathroom. We don't have regular overnight guests, so my "stuff" won't get in the way. 

After a few months, I'll probably once again tackle the problem of clothes. Too big, too small (but only for a moment), too old, etc. Women you know what I'm talking about. If my math is correct, I've lost around 31 pounds - so proud of me. And, I'm absolutely delighted to put on clothes, that had been destined for donations.

I don't know (actually I can't remember) if I wrote about the tree in our front yard. After 32 years, the tree has been pronounced dead by the tree expert. In order to take down a tree of this size, will require us to jump through the HOA hoops - get signatures, estimates for removal, etc. Unlike, the smaller trees we took out in the backyard, cutting down this big tree, would obviously be noticed. And, it's probably not financially possible to put a new tree, of the same size, without putting down some serious money. We'll have to start with a smaller tree, and keep our fingers crossed, that a little tree survives. The arborist gave us several reasons why the tree has died. We appreciated all the information, but in the end, the only real word we heard was dead. I tear up just thinking about the loss that we'll soon have to deal with.

Ada is coming today, and that means I "tidy" up the kitchen beforehand. Jeff thinks this is silly, but I don't need for Ada to come into the kitchen and deal with dirty dishes.

Today, is National Sea Serpent Day! So, if you have one of these in your backyard, for instance, give him a hug (kidding). 


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Late, But Not Forgotten!


This morning, I went about ordering a backpack for Benjamin. He is starting 6th grade, and needs a backpack. And, I, Mom Mom wants to get him the backpack that he wants. And, you're saying to yourself "of course you do".

I have spent way too much time trying to personalize the back pack that he wanted. He wanted a monster and his initials. After talking to customer service at Lands End, you can have ONE design or initials, but not both. So, there is 30 minutes I'm not going to get back. But, it's a labor of love, so that makes it okay.  

I, will go upstairs in a moment, not willingly, but going up just the same. I have one spare bedroom, not completely in shambles, but close. The other bedroom is the stuff that nightmares are made of!

I have a donate bag, but I've been very stingy on what I put in that bag. I have an absolute fear about donating my "big girl" clothes, and needing them in the future. I've been "dieting", if you will since November. And, the reward has been very good (i.e., weight loss). While I started out with eating almost only high protein foods and drinks, I have now scaled back to using the old formula - eat less and exercise more. Well, the exercise more doesn't exactly work for me, since I get a lot of pain in my lower body. Hence, the diet, or hence the life style. I have to remember the motto: I eat to live - not I live to eat! Big difference there.

Feeling frustrated going through clothes, I think I'll just take up large plastic bags, and will someday, attempt once again, to sort out the clothes. Or, there is always the possibility that I'll actually forget (and that's not much of a stretch for me) what's in those bags. You can hide a lot of stuff behind closed doors! But, like Pandora's box, at some point, the clothes will come tumbling out! 

Here's the thing about women. We may, and probably do have, all the clothes we really need. I mean how many tops and blouses do you really need? Not too many when retired (but don't tell Jeff that). However, knowing this and seeing my clothes spread out on the floor, awaiting a decision from me, doesn't alter the fact that I always like a new piece of clothing. What woman doesn't! It's a gene thing, I think. (happy face here).

Marie Kondo, who helps people get organized, says that you should only keep clothes that spark joy. Seriously? I'm already mental enough, and I don't want to add talking to my clothes, into the mix.

I really can't think of a piece of clothing that I own, that brings me joy. Thinking about it, there is one piece of clothing that brings me joy. Can you? My wedding dress, which no longer fits, but it's safe in the hope chest.While it means a lot to me, the next generation will toss it out, and that's okay. I know the dress will have no sentimental value to the boys. Problem is, that I'm sentimental about pretty much everything - cards, artwork from Benjamin, sympathy cards, Benjamin's first pair of crocs, that are so tiny. In one of my cabinets in the living room, are a pair of felt baby shoes, that were mine. I have stuffed them with tissue paper so that they will keep their shape. Just think, those little shoes are now 70 years old. 

Have a wonderful day. I'll try and do the same.


Monday, August 5, 2019

Sure Could Use A Little Good News - Right Now


Read the papers, watch the news, and get depressed. You literally can't help yourself. Or, perhaps it's just me, but I don't think so.

Mass killings in both Dayton and El Paso, are the latest tragedies, where people died. We all agree, that to some degree that the shooters are probably mental one way or the other. If you're unhappy with the world, don't take it out on other people, just quietly do away with yourself.

I'd like to think that these mass killings will stop, but I don't think so. Perhaps, the shooters can some kind of "high" from shooting and killing people. I sincerely hope that's not the case.

People are now on heighten alert. Should you worry when you go to a store? Walk in the park? Or, any other things, that people are doing, and were doing, before tragedy strikes. All manner of questions come to mind - do you get on the floor and try to hide. Certainly, you don't want to be a walking target for some nut waving a gun. 

In the Dayton killing, one of the people who died, was the shooter's sister. These killings make people wonder and question why this country is going to hell in a basket. I know I do. Perhaps, it's not bad being a recluse. If, I'm not in public very often, at least in my mind, I'll be okay. We'll probably never know why a shooter chooses this location over that one. It might have something to do with the numbers of people killed, giving the shooter some kind of high. By my rough calculations, 354 people have died at the hands of, what I consider, a mad man.

It's gotten to the point, where I don't want to read the paper or watch the news. But, I'm not an ostrich, that can bury his head in the ground. Which is really too bad.

To "soften" the ugly and traumatic news, I have opted to record some reality "feel good" shows. I'm watching Aquarium episodes right now. It's a pleasure to see dolphins, "friendly" sharks? Jellyfish, turtles etc. For me, pleasant shows such as the Aquarium ground me. For an hour or so, I'm only concentrating on will the sea lions waddle down the ramp to their new pool? Heady stuff like that. Who can resist these sea animals as they "perform" in a natural way? After an hour of watching these animals, does the blood pressure good.

Here's something to chew on - from 1967 to 2012 there were 163 victims of random shooting. Makes me wonder, why the increase of victims. Perhaps, it's due to the powerful guns, like the AK-47.
I know most of you are still working, so watching television shows in the mid-day, isn't possible for you, but hopefully you can find a "feel good" show in the evening.

Funeral Doves

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Another Warm Day


It's summer time, so the weather should be warm, hot and/or humid. I particularly hate humidity. While I don't have curly hair, that gets curlier in this kind of weather, I just don't like sweating and sticking to leather furniture. I know, I know, if this is all I have to worry about, then it's a great life!

Worked in one spare room yesterday. Completing the task seems daunting. There's a pile of clothes here and another pile there.  Okay, so I've got piles of clothes (don't tell Jeff), and after I finish stuffing a hefty trash bag, will put those bags in the spare bathroom. Since the only person who sleeps over is Benjamin, I don't think my idea of "organization" will be a problem. To be sure, someday, I will have to address this problem, but not today. Hmm, perhaps not tomorrow either.

I've watched enough shows about: (a) space and/or (b) sharks. A few shark shows is okay, but I have to stop watching when they flip dolphins in the air. I do have my limit with regard to reality shows. I, prefer reality shows like: Married to Millions. I know the show is scripted, but that doesn't matter to me. Still enjoyable. I don't particularly enjoy a show, where I have to muddle through the characters and plots. A lot of the time, Jeff has to remind me about the who and why. Sometimes, when Jeff tells me something, I can and do, ask the same questions over and over again. Believe me, it's annoying for both of us. Jeff has to repeat, and then my brain has to remember what was said.

For me, it's a stay inside kind of day. Jeff and Bella are going to the airport, to see what's wrong with the golf cart. I assume that after he's done at the airport, he and Bella will make the shopping rounds at Costco and WalMart. Daisy and I will stay home. Somebody has to watch over the castle!



Friday, August 2, 2019

Where've I Been?


In case you're wondering, and I hope you were, you "may" have noticed my absence. Due to "technical issues" (i.e., me), I found myself unable to return to my original blog. I was trying to select a new background, and let's just say that it didn't go well!  You would think by now, that I would know better, when it comes to technologically. It never has been, and as I blog today, been my thing. As a mother of two geek sons and a geek husband, I tend to ignore many of the "how do you do that" type of questions. I'm back to normal, as far as getting back to my blogging goes.   

I've been making progress (alright a little progress), in organizing the spare bedrooms. One of the bedrooms had a number of cleaning machines: vacuum, and carpet cleaner, for instance. Why? Who knows, but it's likely they've been in there for years. Here was my solution: I "marched" all three of these bulky machines into my spare bathroom. I get that's not a perfect solution, but it's a good one for right now. Trouble with organizing, at least for me, is that after I've shuffled things around for awhile, I get bored, and leave the bedroom in much the same way as I had before - minus the cleaning machines!

I should return to my sorting and/or cleaning. But doing this is in a word a drag! It needs to be done, but unfortunately for a person who likes to "put off" unwanted chores, this is not a good solution. 

Perhaps, I'll fill up plastic bags with my "fat" clothes and take them down to the spare bathroom too. Even when Benjamin sleeps over, he uses our bathroom. Other than Benjamin, we rarely don't have people stay over, so for now, makes an excellent storage spot. I know, that by doing this, I'm only putting off something that eventually will have to be dealt with, but just not now. I'm just looking for an excuse, any excuse!

Happy Friday everybody. Have a great weekend.




Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...