Friday, August 30, 2019

A long weekend Ahead


Summer is slipping away, and it seems to happening earlier every year, but that's just me I think.

When I was working, I always dreaded the start of school. There were numerous buses that you had to drive behind, or come to a complete stop. This is particularly madding if you are running late for work. It will take a few days for everyone to get settled into their fall/winter routine.

On a Friday before a long weekend, we worker bees were normally sent out sometime in the afternoon. And, we of course, looked forward to that. Reminds me of the last day of school, and you show up to watch a movie, or some other form of entertainment. 

These days all my days run into one another. I can't seem to keep track of the actual date and sometimes forget which day of the week. Gotta love that short term memory issue!

I went online (doesn't everybody) and looked up training for a service dog. Jeff has done a beautiful job with Bella. All the sites say that a service dog must know how to sit, lay down, not to act up and/or worse have an accident, while in public. When Bella has her vest on, she is literally all business. She doesn't get distracted, even when tempted by food from a complete stranger. In one word, Bella is awesome. Oh, and she's beautiful too. And, everybody wants to pet her. We make very few exceptions about petting her. We say a very handicapped child while at Hopkins, and we took Bella to her, so that she could pet her. Bella would be a good dog to take to senior centers or even a hospital.

While I filled up three large bags of shredding yesterday, I know there is more shredding to be done in Jeff's office. Jeff mentioned that I was putting paper inside a plastic bag. I could of course, put the shredded paper in the recycle bin, but I know that some if not most of those little bits of paper would end up all over the street. I'll stick to the plastic bags.

I had training last night and Melissa put 4 pound weights on my ankles, and even with added weight, could still exercise by stepping in place and things like that. Progress is being made.

Happy Labor Day everyone.


Image result for picture of labor day


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