Monday, August 5, 2019

Sure Could Use A Little Good News - Right Now


Read the papers, watch the news, and get depressed. You literally can't help yourself. Or, perhaps it's just me, but I don't think so.

Mass killings in both Dayton and El Paso, are the latest tragedies, where people died. We all agree, that to some degree that the shooters are probably mental one way or the other. If you're unhappy with the world, don't take it out on other people, just quietly do away with yourself.

I'd like to think that these mass killings will stop, but I don't think so. Perhaps, the shooters can some kind of "high" from shooting and killing people. I sincerely hope that's not the case.

People are now on heighten alert. Should you worry when you go to a store? Walk in the park? Or, any other things, that people are doing, and were doing, before tragedy strikes. All manner of questions come to mind - do you get on the floor and try to hide. Certainly, you don't want to be a walking target for some nut waving a gun. 

In the Dayton killing, one of the people who died, was the shooter's sister. These killings make people wonder and question why this country is going to hell in a basket. I know I do. Perhaps, it's not bad being a recluse. If, I'm not in public very often, at least in my mind, I'll be okay. We'll probably never know why a shooter chooses this location over that one. It might have something to do with the numbers of people killed, giving the shooter some kind of high. By my rough calculations, 354 people have died at the hands of, what I consider, a mad man.

It's gotten to the point, where I don't want to read the paper or watch the news. But, I'm not an ostrich, that can bury his head in the ground. Which is really too bad.

To "soften" the ugly and traumatic news, I have opted to record some reality "feel good" shows. I'm watching Aquarium episodes right now. It's a pleasure to see dolphins, "friendly" sharks? Jellyfish, turtles etc. For me, pleasant shows such as the Aquarium ground me. For an hour or so, I'm only concentrating on will the sea lions waddle down the ramp to their new pool? Heady stuff like that. Who can resist these sea animals as they "perform" in a natural way? After an hour of watching these animals, does the blood pressure good.

Here's something to chew on - from 1967 to 2012 there were 163 victims of random shooting. Makes me wonder, why the increase of victims. Perhaps, it's due to the powerful guns, like the AK-47.
I know most of you are still working, so watching television shows in the mid-day, isn't possible for you, but hopefully you can find a "feel good" show in the evening.

Funeral Doves

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