Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Hump Day And Other News


Had another personal training session yesterday. Even though I'm exercising (at least as much as I can), I really enjoy the one-on-one training. The trainer is increasing the weight that she is putting on my legs. I think at the next session, I'll try 2 pounds. (In my head, I'm thinking - you go girl)!! I might as well be my own cheerleader. 

Did some work in the spare room - ugh. Since the project seems, and is, overwhelming, I'm just stuffing clothes in black bags. I'll store the bags in the spare bathroom. We don't have regular overnight guests, so my "stuff" won't get in the way. 

After a few months, I'll probably once again tackle the problem of clothes. Too big, too small (but only for a moment), too old, etc. Women you know what I'm talking about. If my math is correct, I've lost around 31 pounds - so proud of me. And, I'm absolutely delighted to put on clothes, that had been destined for donations.

I don't know (actually I can't remember) if I wrote about the tree in our front yard. After 32 years, the tree has been pronounced dead by the tree expert. In order to take down a tree of this size, will require us to jump through the HOA hoops - get signatures, estimates for removal, etc. Unlike, the smaller trees we took out in the backyard, cutting down this big tree, would obviously be noticed. And, it's probably not financially possible to put a new tree, of the same size, without putting down some serious money. We'll have to start with a smaller tree, and keep our fingers crossed, that a little tree survives. The arborist gave us several reasons why the tree has died. We appreciated all the information, but in the end, the only real word we heard was dead. I tear up just thinking about the loss that we'll soon have to deal with.

Ada is coming today, and that means I "tidy" up the kitchen beforehand. Jeff thinks this is silly, but I don't need for Ada to come into the kitchen and deal with dirty dishes.

Today, is National Sea Serpent Day! So, if you have one of these in your backyard, for instance, give him a hug (kidding). 


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