Monday, August 26, 2019

Where I've Been


If you've wondered where I've wandered off to, the simple answer is I forgot (and that's not unique) my log-in password. I tried every password that I had written down (so secure) and none of them worked.

Devin interaction was required - i.e., Scott. I'm now back on line (bet you already figured this out) and I'm once again "live"!

Yesterday, Jeff took Bella and myself to do the weekly shop. Top down, 60+ mph, and my anxieties literally flew out the window. Big news for me. I was actually able to walk through Costco. But, right at the end, my hip said to me "what's wrong with you"?  Used the stupid cart through WalMart. Hate those carts, but it was the only way I was going to get through the store. Curses. I happened to get a car that didn't do sudden stops or sharp turns. Well, guess what, I went and did both of those things. Luckily, there was a WalMart employee, who "fixed" things, so I could go on my way.

Brought home pizza for dinner. Jeff and I aren't in too much of a rut I swear. The girls like pizza because they get "pizza butts" (crust ends). And, it's unsettling to eat your pizza with the girls giving us "dog eyes". Almost, but not quite, puts you off eating. When we eat popcorn, it's even worse. What we should probably do is pop them their own bag!

I have several things I should do today. First, there is shredding. A lot of shredding, which requires downtime to cool off. So this project requires a couple of hours/days to get everything shredded. I like to shred on Tuesdays, because Ada comes on Wednesday. So, if I make a mess on the floor, from shredding bits and pieces that didn't make it into the bag, she will vacuum those little bits up for me.  

I've called several tree companies this morning to give us an estimate for removal of the very large tree in the front yard. Because the tree is so front and center in the yard, we will have to get the HOA's approval to take it down. And, technically that shouldn't be a problem. But, we are talking about an HOA, and they can become prickly at times.

Happy Monday.


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