Friday, August 23, 2019

More Rain


It has rained so much in the last few days, that I begin to wonder, if we should be lining up animals two by two! Of course, to pull this off, I would need an ark (and I suppose there isn't one available, though I haven't looked on Ebay! Ebay is similar to Amazon, in that you can find just about anything on either of these sites.

It seems like that in the near distance future, "brick and mortar" stores will become extinct. Sort of like an endangered animal. Even though I haven't been in a mall in many years, I used to like to look at the clothes. And, perhaps try something new on! In Jeff's favor, I can't walk very far, so my browsing wouldn't last too long. 

We citizens of the local states, have until 2020 to produce documents to get your new driver's license. I do have a folder that I keep important things in - birth certificates, passports, etc. Since, for some reason, I didn't have my birth certificate, I had to order one from Illinois. Once it arrives, I'll have to gather up the other required documents, to get my "new" driver's license. What a pain in the rear. If, you don't have these documents by the deadline in 2020, you won't be able to fly on a plane, for instance. I'll still be able to fly on our plane - as long as I bring along appropriate snacks. Pretzels not being one of those snacks! Don't need the pilot to choke, because that would mean that I would have to call air traffic control and tell them the pilot is "down", and that I need them to talk me down to earth - and that would be really scary.

One of today's job is to go the folder that houses important documents, passports, birth certificate, stuff like that. I will need to give the appropriate documents to the boys for their new driver's license.  Have no idea why all of this documentation is required. I guess it's just another snag in life!



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