Friday, August 16, 2019

I've Got Nothing!


Today, Jeff and I are headed to the barber shop for haircuts, and trimming of his beard. We are going to a "do" on Sunday, and we want to look our very best. 

The "do" is going to be outside, and the prediction is that it will be hot (94) with a humidity level of (59). The temperature alone, would want me to stay inside! And, for me personally, there is no way I'm going to wear a dress. I'm from the generation that says if you are wearing a dress or skirt, you must also wear hose. Oh, that's not what I intend to do. Pants and a nice top, will be definitely cooler - at least I think so. You know that I'm a fragile flower, and consequently wilt! Such are the troubles I have!

This morning (yes, it's still morning, for a minute or two anyway), I decided that my keyboard needed cleaning. I put the keyboard face down on my desk, and wow there was a lot of stuff in there. Even a paperclip, but I have no idea how it got there. What I think I need, is an air thingy that will clean the keyboard in a flash. Since, I still use an IBM clicking keyboard, which I love, so I need to keep it in good shape. Most people today, don't much care for the clicking keyboard. Here's what I love about it, I get the clicking sound, when I type. No "soft" keyboards for me. I know, I'm old school, but I don't mind.

Even though part of my brain isn't working 100%, I can still type very, very fast. Now that I'm not working, I really don't need to type fast, it's just ingrained in me. Because I'm older and more rigid than I used to be, I don't want any other kind of keyboard. Pretty sure that nobody is making the kind of keyboard I use. If you don't get that satisfying click, how do you know, without looking at the screen, that you have pressed on the right key.

I'm still old school when it comes to shorthand. When I watch television, I will most of the time, "draw" the word in shorthand. Jeff knows one thing about shorthand - if there is a double line under a letter, that means it's going to be a capital. You can teach old dogs, new tricks. We also know, from the days when I was working, that an "X" put on a piece of mail, means to either toss it out, or put it in the shred pile.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and hopefully, it's not too hot where you are.



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