Thursday, August 29, 2019

Shredding and Donating


Remember yesterday, when I said that my "to do" chore for the day was shredding. I'm happy to report that I did indeed shred documents. I filled up three large plastic bags! Currently, patting myself on the back. 

However, there are still a couple of boxes in Jeff's office that also need to be shredded. Oh, how I long for the dump everything in the trash can! I try and shred on Tuesdays because Ada comes on Wednesday. See how well I've thought things through. 

Unfortunately, in the basement are two filing cabinets that hold the paperwork of batteries sold. Obviously, can't toss out that paperwork, because there are names and more importantly, credit card numbers. When we get down to working on those documents, I think we have two choices: (1) take all of the paper and let a commercial shredder so what they do best; and/or (2) start taking paper out to Andrew's house to burn in the fire pit. My inclination is to just take everything to a company to handle paper - a lot of paper!

For years, I have kept bills that have been paid. And, now I wonder why. Believe me if you have missed paying the electric company, as an example, they'll let you know. So all of that paperwork is in a box just waiting for me! I will keep indefinitely documents relating to the two companies: the computer business (Scott) and any bills relating to the plane. Everything else is going, going, gone!  

I also have two of those large plastic bags with clothes that I intend to donate. When I do this, then I will have dispensed with 5 bags - in case you're counting. My theory about the clothes is simple - if they are now too big, then I should get them out of the house. I've been working on my "diet" if you can call it that, since last year. While it was hard work in the beginning, now it's just the way I live. I still drink the high protein drinks, which are super filling. But, for all the high protein foods (bars, for example), are now seldom needed. If Jeff and I are going out, I will throw a bar into my purse, just in case I get peckish (love that word). A rough count of how much weight I've lost is 32 pounds. I would have even greater success, if I was physically able to exercise. Rolling around the circle in the street using my rollator doesn't seem much like exercising. But, it's the best I can do, at the moment. The personal trainer that I see twice a week has made a significant impact on my body. I can now walk up the stairs like a normal person. I can now get up from a chair with ease. Small steps I know, but you have to start somewhere!

Talk to you tomorrow.



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