Sunday, March 22, 2015



I love books and have ever since I was a little girl.  Dad used to read me the Little Golden Books, that were just long enough to constitute a story, but not so long as to make it necessary to read it in chapters.

As a teenager, I was definitely into the handsome, rich man and beautiful, poor woman.  Danielle Steel has like a zillion of these kind of books, and for years I was a faithful reader.  Growing up I always had my nose in a book and sometimes (okay a lot of times) missed Mom calling me to come and do some chore.  When you're "in" a book and it's good, it's really hard to just stop cold turkey, you want to get to the end of the chapter at least!

As an adult, I had a boss that introduced me to murder mystery books and for several years that was my go to genre.  The only mysteries I now read are something called Cozy Murders.  Small town, a small and non-gory crime, generally solved by the owner of the yarn shop!  Stories such as this definitely will not keep you up at night.

What I'm going through now is my growing inability to read small print.  Early last week I went to the library and checked out, stupidly, paperback books.  I got them home, put on my reading glasses and the very small print was just impossible for me to read.  Apparently, my days of reading a paperback are over.

Unfortunately, the library is also a bit short on the large type books, which is frustrating.  You can search the library's catalog and hope that a book you want to read comes in large print, but nine times out of ten, it doesn't.

This is where my Kindle comes in.  With the Kindle (I own the big one), I maximize the size of the words and with the help of my reading glasses, am back in business.  I subscribe to Kindle Unlimited which allows me to have ten free books at one time.  The trouble I'm finding is that when I've read let's say book one in a series for free, the succeeding books have to be bought.  Kindle book prices aren't overly expensive, but when you read as much as I do, the cost certainly adds up.

I don't want to buy any physical books now.  I already own more real books than I want, but haven't gotten around to finding them a new home.  Once I've read a book, I don't go back and read it again.

Jeff would tell you, and he'd be right, that I don't really read - I skim.  Depending on the story, I might read every word, but likely I look at a paragraph, get the jest of the story and move on.

I could be dusting or cleaning bathrooms during the day OR I could be sitting in my recliner reading.  Umm big decision - not - the books will win hands down every time.  So instead of my mother calling me to come and do some kind of housework, the only sound I have rattling in my head now is my own conscience telling me that I should get up and do something about the dust bunnies!


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